☉ 11327851:Physician Reimbursement Levels and Adherence to American Academy of Pediatrics Well-Visit and Immunization Recommendations
☉ 11327852:Primary Erythromelalgia in a Child Responding to Intravenous Lidocaine and Oral Mexiletine Treatment
☉ 11327853:Homeostasis Model Assessment Is More Reliable Than the Fasting Glucose/Insulin Ratio and Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index for As
☉ 11327854:Hypospadias in Washington State: Maternal Risk Factors and Prevalence Trends
☉ 11327855:The Rate of Serious Bacterial Infections Among HIV-Infected Children With Immune Reconstitution Who Have Discontinued Opportunistic Infectio
☉ 11327856:Ensuring Accurate Knowledge of Prematurity Outcomes for Prenatal Counseling
☉ 11327857:Preventing Abusive Head Trauma Among Infants and Young Children: A Hospital-Based, Parent Education Program
☉ 11327858:Pancreatitis Among Patients With Cystic Fibrosis: Correlation With Pancreatic Status and Genotype
☉ 11327859:Growth Hormone Therapy for Children Born Small for Gestational Age: Height Gain Is Less Dose Dependent Over the Long Term Than Over the Shor
☉ 11327860:A Pulmonary Score for Assessing the Severity of Neonatal Chronic Lung Disease
☉ 11327861:Short- and Long-Term Beneficial Effects of a Combined Dietary–Behavioral–Physical Activity Intervention for the Treatment of Childhood Obesi
☉ 11327862:Have There Been Changes in Children's Psychosomatic Symptoms A 10-Year Comparison From Finland
☉ 11327863:Delayed Diagnosis of Kawasaki Syndrome: An Analysis of the Problem
☉ 11327864:The Utility of Safety Counseling in a Pediatric Emergency Department
☉ 11327865:Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a Connective Tissue Disorder A Cross-Sectional Study in Adolescents
☉ 11327866:Safety and Efficacy of the Nicotine Patch and Gum for the Treatment of Adolescent Tobacco Addiction
☉ 11327867:Correlates of Stress Fractures Among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls
☉ 11327868:Rapid, Needle-Free Delivery of Lidocaine for Reducing the Pain of Venipuncture Among Pediatric Subjects
☉ 11327869:Infection Control Policies and Hospital-Associated Infections Among Surgical Patients: Variability and Associations in a Multicenter Pediatr
☉ 11327870:A National Survey of Pediatric Critical Care Resources in the United States
☉ 11327871:The Essential Role of Research in Community Pediatrics
☉ 11327872:Integrating Pediatrics and Public Health
☉ 11327873:Eyelid Mass as the Presenting Finding in a Child With Down Syndrome and Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia
☉ 11327874:Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis During Suppressive Therapy With Acyclovir in a Premature Infant
☉ 11327875:Evaluation and Management of Pain in Patients with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome: A Review
☉ 11327876:Calcium, Dairy Products, and Bone Health in Children and Young Adults: A Reevaluation of the Evidence
☉ 11327877:Association Between Fetal Lymphedema and Congenital Cardiovascular Defects in Turner Syndrome
☉ 11327878:Asthma Phenotypes, Risk Factors, and Measures of Severity in a National Sample of US Children
☉ 11327879:Physician and Dentist Tobacco Use Counseling and Adolescent Smoking Behavior: Results From the 2000 National Youth Tobacco Survey
☉ 11327880:Retrospective Review of Serious Bacterial Infections in Infants Who Are 0 to 36 Months of Age and Have Influenza A Infection
☉ 11327881:No License Required: Severe Pediatric Motorbike-Related Injuries in Ohio
☉ 11327882:Neurodevelopmental and Growth Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants After Necrotizing Enterocolitis
☉ 11327883:Late Gestation Cerebellar Growth Is Rapid and Impeded by Premature Birth
☉ 11327884:Follow-up at 15 Years of Preterm Infants From a Controlled Trial of Moderately Early Dexamethasone for the Prevention of Chronic Lung Diseas
☉ 11327885:Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants With a Normal Head Ultrasound: Prevalence and Antecedents
☉ 11327886:A Rose by Any Other Name Objective Knowledge, Perceived Knowledge, and Adolescent Male Condom Use
☉ 11327887:Home Use of the GlucoWatch G2 Biographer in Children With Diabetes
☉ 11327888:Impact of Postnatal Systemic Corticosteroids on Mortality and Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infants: Effect Modification by Risk for Chronic Lun
☉ 11327889:Does Melanoma Behave Differently in Younger Children Than in Adults A Retrospective Study of 33 Cases of Childhood Melanoma From a Single In
☉ 11327890:Severe Staphylococcal Sepsis in Adolescents in the Era of Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
☉ 11327891:Provider and Practice Characteristics Associated With Antibiotic Use in Children With Presumed Viral Respiratory Tract Infections
☉ 11327892:Complementary Therapies in Pediatrics: A Legal Perspective
☉ 11327893:Training Young Pediatricians as Leaders for the 21st Century
☉ 11327894:Scientifically Unsupported and Supported Interventions for Childhood Psychopathology: A Summary
☉ 11327895:State-of-the-Art Interventions for Office-Based Parental Tobacco Control
☉ 11327896:Annual Summary of Vital Statistics—2003
☉ 11327897:Chronic Abdominal Pain in Children
☉ 11327898:"Binkie Flutter," an Apparently Voluntary Behavior of Infants, Possibly Related to Vibratory Jaw Movements in Dogs: Report of 4 Cases
☉ 11327899:Changing Conclusions on Secondhand Smoke in a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Review Funded by the Tobacco Industry
☉ 11327900:Pediatric Fabry Disease

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