☉ 11328351:In this issue
☉ 11328352:Liver fibrosis
☉ 11328353:Toll-like receptor 9–induced type I IFN protects mice from experimental colitis
☉ 11328354:Griscelli syndrome restricted to hypopigmentation results from a melanophilin defect (GS3) or a MYO5A F-exon deletion (GS1)
☉ 11328355:Antiinflammatory profiles during primary SIV infection in African green monkeys are associated with protection against AIDS
☉ 11328356:The RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF linear signaling cascade mediates the motile and mitogenic phenotype of thyroid cancer cells
☉ 11328357:Role of osteopontin in amplification and perpetuation of rheumatoid synovitis
☉ 11328358:Synergy between a plasminogen cascade and MMP-9 in autoimmune disease
☉ 11328359:Impaired humoral immunity in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease is associated with defective IL-10 production by CD4+ T cells
☉ 11328360:Distinct roles for the kidney and systemic tissues in blood pressure regulation by the renin-angiotensin system
☉ 11328361:Bcl-2–related protein A1 is an endogenous and cytokine-stimulated mediator of cytoprotection in hyperoxic acute lung injury
☉ 11328362:Prevention of obesity in mice by antisense oligonucleotide inhibitors of stearoyl-CoA desaturase–1
☉ 11328363:Ikaros integrates endocrine and immune system development
☉ 11328364:Lack of MEF2A mutations in coronary artery disease
☉ 11328365:The MODY1 gene HNF-4 regulates selected genes involved in insulin secretion
☉ 11328366:Systemic lupus erythematosus serum IgG increases CREM binding to the IL-2 promoter and suppresses IL-2 production through CaMKIV
☉ 11328367:Differential impact of prostaglandin H synthase 1 knockdown on platelets and parturition
☉ 11328368:Intravesical administration of small interfering RNA targeting PLK-1 successfully prevents the growth of bladder cancer
☉ 11328369:Cholesterol binding, efflux, and a PDZ-interacting domain of scavenger receptor–BI mediate HDL-initiated signaling
☉ 11328370:Cholesterol targeting alters lipid raft composition and cell survival in prostate cancer cells and xenografts
☉ 11328371:Dimerization of MLL fusion proteins and FLT3 activation synergize to induce multiple-lineage leukemogenesis
☉ 11328372:PI3K integrates the action of insulin and leptin on hypothalamic neurons
☉ 11328373:The role of insulin receptor substrate 2 in hypothalamic and ? cell function
☉ 11328374:Age-dependent incidence, time course, and consequences of thymic renewal in adults
☉ 11328375:Pkd1 regulates immortalized proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells through p53 induction and JNK activation
☉ 11328376:Genetic and functional characterization of human pemphigus vulgaris monoclonal autoantibodies isolated by phage display
☉ 11328377:An inversion involving the mouse Shh locus results in brachydactyly through dysregulation of Shh expression
☉ 11328378:半夏泻心汤治疗口腔舌溃疡的疗效观察及护理
☉ 11328379:产妇乳房护理的指导与促进母乳喂养实践
☉ 11328380:心理护理在输血中的应用
☉ 11328381:产程图在临床的应用与体会
☉ 11328382:正确处理护患关系的体会
☉ 11328383:异形消毒贴的设计与临床应用
☉ 11328384:以人为本实施人性化护理管理
☉ 11328385:清洁剂对氧气湿化瓶的作用
☉ 11328386:胃癌根治术患者的术后护理
☉ 11328387:合理安排药物过敏试验时间
☉ 11328388:抗血栓泵在术后预防下肢静脉血栓的应用及体会
☉ 11328389:32例导尿失误的原因及分析
☉ 11328390:怎样做好癌症患者的家庭护理
☉ 11328391:在采血中提高静脉穿刺成功率的体会
☉ 11328392:静脉输液中应注意的技巧问题
☉ 11328393:静脉输液渗漏性损伤的防治
☉ 11328394:长期输液者静脉血管保护方法的探讨
☉ 11328395:Induction of dermal-epidermal separation in mice by passive transfer of antibodies specific to type VII collagen
☉ 11328396:Deletion of IKK2 in hepatocytes does not sensitize these cells to TNF-induced apoptosis but protects from ischemia/reperfusion injury
☉ 11328397:Ikaros transcription factors: flying between stress and inflammation
☉ 11328398:In hypertension, the kidney is not always the heart of the matter
☉ 11328399:Altered regulation of IL-2 production in systemic lupus erythematosus: an evolving paradigm
☉ 11328400:The fickle finger of fate

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