☉ 11328051:低分子肝素钠治疗脑梗死疗效观察
☉ 11328052:倍他乐克治疗老年心力衰竭42例疗效分析
☉ 11328053:2型糖尿病患者血清碱性磷酸酶的临床意义
☉ 11328054:The LIM protein Ajuba influences p130Cas localization and Rac1 activity during cell migration
☉ 11328055:Regulation of the interaction between PIPKI and talin by proline-directed protein kinases
☉ 11328056:A Sec14p-nodulin domain phosphatidylinositol transfer protein polarizes membrane growth of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs
☉ 11328057:Sunday Driver links axonal transport to damage signaling
☉ 11328058:Dynamic ergosterol- and ceramide-rich domains in the peroxisomal membrane serve as an organizing platform for peroxisome fusion
☉ 11328059:N-myristoylation determines dual targeting of mammalian NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase to ER and mitochondrial outer membranes by a mechanis
☉ 11328060:Cog3p depletion blocks vesicle-mediated Golgi retrograde trafficking in HeLa cells
☉ 11328061:Bcl-XL specifically activates Bak to induce swelling and restructuring of the endoplasmic reticulum
☉ 11328062:The de novo centriole assembly pathway in HeLa cells : cell cycle progression and centriole assembly/maturation
☉ 11328063:PATJ regulates tight junction formation and polarity in mammalian epithelial cells
☉ 11328064:Role of cytoplasmic dynein in the axonal transport of microtubules and neurofilaments
☉ 11328065:Long-range cooperative binding of kinesin to a microtubule in the presence of ATP
☉ 11328066:Crossing over is coupled to late meiotic prophase bivalent differentiation through asymmetric disassembly of the SC
☉ 11328067:Conservation of boundary extension mechanisms between plants and animals
☉ 11328068:Coordinate control of axon defasciculation and myelination by laminin-2 and -8
☉ 11328069:Inhibition of endothelial cell migration by thrombospondin-1 type-1 repeats is mediated by 1 integrins
☉ 11328070:L1, a novel target of -catenin signaling, transforms cells and is expressed at the invasive front of colon cancers
☉ 11328071:Cell migration without a lamellipodium : translation of actin dynamics into cell movement mediated by tropomyosin
☉ 11328072:Botulinum neurotoxin C initiates two different programs for neurite degeneration and neuronal apoptosis
☉ 11328073:Linking axonal degeneration to microtubule remodeling by Spastin-mediated microtubule severing
☉ 11328074:DRhoGEF2 regulates actin organization and contractility in the Drosophila blastoderm embryo
☉ 11328075:Structural determinants for EB1-mediated recruitment of APC and spectraplakins to the microtubule plus end
☉ 11328076:Live imaging of wound inflammation in Drosophila embryos reveals key roles for small GTPases during in vivo cell migration
☉ 11328077:CDK4 regulation by TNFR1 and JNK is required for NF-B–mediated epidermal growth control
☉ 11328078:Reduction of total E2F/DP activity induces senescence-like cell cycle arrest in cancer cells lacking functional pRB and p53
☉ 11328079:Temporal separation of replication and recombination requires the intra-S checkpoint
☉ 11328080:Protein synthesis persists during necrotic cell death
☉ 11328081:organization by self-organization : mechanisms and models for Min protein dynamics
☉ 11328082:Catalytically inactive human cathepsin D triggers fibroblast invasive growth
☉ 11328083:Ultrastructural identification of uncoated caveolin-independent early endocytic vehicles
☉ 11328084:Clathrin- and caveolin-1–independent endocytosis : entry of simian virus 40 into cells devoid of caveolae
☉ 11328085:Receptor tyrosine phosphatase–dependent cytoskeletal remodeling by the hedgehog-responsive gene MIM/BEG4
☉ 11328086:Concentric zones of active RhoA and Cdc42 around single cell wounds
☉ 11328087:Molecular mechanisms of invadopodium formation : the role of the N-WASP–Arp2/3 complex pathway and cofilin
☉ 11328088:New GABAergic interneurons in the adult neocortex and striatum are generated from different precursors
☉ 11328089:The vacuolar kinase Yck3 maintains organelle fragmentation by regulating the HOPS tethering complex
☉ 11328090:The molecular mechanisms underlying BiP-mediated gating of the Sec61 translocon of the endoplasmic reticulum
☉ 11328091:Chromosome looping in yeast : telomere pairing and coordinated movement reflect anchoring efficiency and territorial organization
☉ 11328092:X chromosome choice occurs independently of asynchronous replication timing
☉ 11328093:Myosin V attachment to cargo requires the tight association of two functional subdomains
☉ 11328094:Viral killer toxins induce caspase-mediated apoptosis in yeast
☉ 11328095:A role for myosin VI in postsynaptic structure and glutamate receptor endocytosis
☉ 11328096:Gp135/podocalyxin and NHERF-2 participate in the formation of a preapical domain during polarization of MDCK cells
☉ 11328097:Effects of Arp2 and Arp3 nucleotide-binding pocket mutations on Arp2/3 complex function
☉ 11328098:ARFGAP1 plays a central role in coupling COPI cargo sorting with vesicle formation
☉ 11328099:BACE overexpression alters the subcellular processing of APP and inhibits A deposition in vivo
☉ 11328100:Generation of nonidentical compartments in vesicular transport systems

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