☉ 11328501:The role of herpesvirus entry mediator as a negative regulator of T cell–mediated responses
☉ 11328502:Leptin action in the forebrain regulates the hindbrain response to satiety signals
☉ 11328503:Toll-like receptor 9–induced type I IFN protects mice from experimental colitis
☉ 11328504:Rapid and strong human CD8+ T cell responses to vaccination with peptide, IFA, and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 7909
☉ 11328505:Rap1b is required for normal platelet function and hemostasis in mice
☉ 11328506:Spinal inflammatory hyperalgesia is mediated by prostaglandin E receptors of the EP2 subtype
☉ 11328507:Essential role of RSK2 in c-Fos–dependent osteosarcoma development
☉ 11328508:Neurotrophins promote revascularization by local recruitment of TrkB+ endothelial cells and systemic mobilization of hematopoietic progenito
☉ 11328509:Glycyrrhizic acid alters Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus latency, triggering p53-mediated apoptosis in transformed B lymphocytes
☉ 11328510:The DEAD-box RNA helicase Vad1 regulates multiple virulence-associated genes in Cryptococcus neoformans
☉ 11328511:Key role of poly--dl-glutamic acid in immune evasion and virulence of Staphylococcus epidermidis
☉ 11328512:The secreted glycoprotein lubricin protects cartilage surfaces and inhibits synovial cell overgrowth
☉ 11328513:Endocytic delivery of lipocalin-siderophore-iron complex rescues the kidney from ischemia-reperfusion injury
☉ 11328514:Targeted deletion or pharmacological inhibition of MMP-2 prevents cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction in mice
☉ 11328515:Pleiotropy of tissue-specific growth factors: from neurons to vessels via the bone marrow
☉ 11328516:Unlocking the DEAD-box: a key to cryptococcal virulence?
☉ 11328517:Licking latency with licorice
☉ 11328518:Vascular remodeling and the kallikrein-kinin system
☉ 11328519:Illuminating the role of type I IFNs in colitis
☉ 11328520:Genetic mouse models of essential tremor: are they essential?
☉ 11328521:Unchain my heart: the scientific foundations of cardiac repair
☉ 11328522:Protein kinase cascades in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy
☉ 11328523:Protein kinase cascades in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy
☉ 11328524:Death begets failure in the heart
☉ 11328525:Altered intracellular Ca2+ handling in heart failure
☉ 11328526:Mitochondrial energy metabolism in heart failure: a question of balance
☉ 11328527:Toward transcriptional therapies for the failing heart: chemical screens to modulate genes
☉ 11328528:Genetic causes of human heart failure
☉ 11328529:NO/redox disequilibrium in the failing heart and cardiovascular system
☉ 11328530:Oxygen, oxidative stress, hypoxia, and heart failure
☉ 11328531:Learning from failure: congestive heart failure in the postgenomic age
☉ 11328532:Gestational diabetes mellitus
☉ 11328533:Consumed in the city Observing tuberculosis at century‘s end
☉ 11328534:Sick to death and not going to take it anymore! Reforming health care for the last years of life
☉ 11328535:Weighing in on obesity's nature-versus-nurture debate
☉ 11328536:The good, the bad, the mad cow
☉ 11328537:NIH consulting ban a matter of ethics
☉ 11328538:Tsunami threats: the long and short of it
☉ 11328539:Desperately seeking diversity
☉ 11328540:In this issue
☉ 11328541:Folate pathway gene expression differs in subtypes of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and influences methotrexate pharmacodynamics
☉ 11328542:IB and IB?possess injury context–specific functions that uniquely influence hepatic NF-B induction and inflammation
☉ 11328543:Plague: the mysterious past and terrifying future of the world's most dangerous disease
☉ 11328544:c-Cbl-deficient mice have reduced adiposity, higher energy expenditure, and improved peripheral insulin action
☉ 11328545:Anti-A? antibody treatment promotes the rapid recovery of amyloid-associated neuritic dystrophy in PDAPP transgenic mice
☉ 11328546:Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein links innate immune cell activation with adaptive immunity via a Toll-like receptor-4–dependent mechanism
☉ 11328547:Macrophage inflammatory protein–1 as a costimulatory signal for mast cell–mediated immediate hypersensitivity reactions
☉ 11328548:5' CArG degeneracy in smooth muscle -actin is required for injury-induced gene suppression in vivo
☉ 11328549:Human lupus autoantibody–DNA complexes activate DCs through cooperation of CD32 and TLR9
☉ 11328550:SOCS2 negatively regulates growth hormone action in vitro and in vivo

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