☉ 11324901:bilayers
☉ 11324902:The 58th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Society of General Physiologists Lipid Signaling in Physiology
☉ 11324903:Increased Excitability of Acidified Skeletal Muscle
☉ 11324904:Cysteine Modification Alters Voltage- and Ca2+-dependent Gating of Large Conductance (BK) Potassium Channels
☉ 11324905:Hysteresis in the Voltage Dependence of HCN Channels
☉ 11324906:Divalent Cation Sensitivity of BK Channel Activation Supports the Existence of Three Distinct Binding Sites
☉ 11324907:Photoreceptors of Nrl –/– Mice Coexpress Functional S- and M-cone Opsins Having Distinct Inactivation Mechanisms
☉ 11324908:Phosphorylation of Titin Modulates Passive Stiffness of Cardiac Muscle in a Titin Isoform-dependent Manner
☉ 11324909:The BKCa Channel's Ca2+-binding Sites, Multiple Sites, Multiple Ions
☉ 11324910:Modulation of Cardiac Function
☉ 11324911:Functional Interactions Between A' Helices in the C-linker of Open CNG Channels
☉ 11324912:PKC-induced Sensitization of Ca2+-dependent Exocytosis Is Mediated by Reducing the Ca2+ Cooperativity in Pituitary Gonadotropes
☉ 11324913:Differential Effects of 1 and 2 Subunits on BK Channel Activity
☉ 11324914:Effects of Nucleotide Binding on the Stability of Open States
☉ 11324915:Characterization of the ATP-dependent Gating of a Phosphorylation-independent CFTR Channel (R-CFTR)
☉ 11324916:Secondary Structure and Gating Rearrangements of Transmembrane Segments in Rat P2X4 Receptor Channels
☉ 11324917:Type-3 Ryanodine Receptors Mediate Hypoxia-, but Not Neurotransmitter-induced Calcium Release and Contraction in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Mus
☉ 11324918:Mechanism of the Voltage Sensitivity of IRK1 Inward-rectifier K+ Channel Block by the Polyamine Spermine
☉ 11324919:Cell–cell Interaction Underlies Formation of Fluid in the Male Reproductive Tract of the Rat
☉ 11324920:Conduction through the Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel, Kir2.1, Is Increased by Negatively Charged Extracellular Residues
☉ 11324921:The Subunit of the Na+/K+-ATPase Follows the Conformational State of the Holoenzyme
☉ 11324922:An Inactivation Stabilizer of the Na+ Channel Acts as an Opportunistic Pore Blocker Modulated by External Na+
☉ 11324923:AKT2/3 Subunits Render Guard Cell K+ Channels Ca2+ Sensitive
☉ 11324924:Cysteine Accessibility in ClC-0 Supports Conservation of the ClC Intracellular Vestibule
☉ 11324925:Ethanol Modulates the VR-1 Variant Amiloride-insensitive Salt Taste Receptor. II. Effect on Chorda Tympani Salt Responses
☉ 11324926:Ethanol Modulates the VR-1 Variant Amiloride-insensitive Salt Taste Receptor. I. Effect on TRC Volume and Na+ Flux
☉ 11324927:The Contraction of Smooth Muscle Cells of Intrapulmonary Arterioles Is Determined by the Frequency of Ca2+ Oscillations Induced by 5-HT and
☉ 11324928:The Salty and Burning Taste of Capsaicin
☉ 11324929:The Frequency of Calcium Oscillations Induced by 5-HT, ACH, and KCl Determine the Contraction of Smooth Muscle Cells of Intrapulmonary Bronc
☉ 11324930:Microbial K+ Channels
☉ 11324931:Imaging Dynamic Cellular Events in the Lung
☉ 11324932:The Limit of Photoreceptor Sensitivity
☉ 11324933:The Amino Terminus of Slob, Slowpoke Channel Binding Protein, Critically Influences Its Modulation of the Channel
☉ 11324934:Two Stable, Conducting Conformations of the Selectivity Filter in Shaker K+ Channels
☉ 11324935:Heme Regulates Allosteric Activation of the Slo1 BK Channel
☉ 11324936:Functionally Active T1-T1 Interfaces Revealed by the Accessibility of Intracellular Thiolate Groups in Kv4 Channels
☉ 11324937:Multiple Facets of Maxi-K+ Channels
☉ 11324938:The Tarantula Toxin Psalmotoxin 1 Inhibits Acid-sensing Ion Channel (ASIC) 1a by Increasing Its Apparent H+ Affinity
☉ 11324939:An Electrostatic Engine Model for Autoinhibition and Activation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR/ErbB) Family
☉ 11324940:Initial Coupling of Binding to Gating Mediated by Conserved Residues in the Muscle Nicotinic Receptor
☉ 11324941:Initial Coupling of Binding to Gating Mediated by Conserved Residues in the Muscle Nicotinic Receptor
☉ 11324942:Potentiation of TRPM7 Inward Currents by Protons
☉ 11324943:Evidence for Sequential Ion-binding Loci along the Inner Pore of the IRK1 Inward-rectifier K+ Channel
☉ 11324944:Probing the Geometry of the Inner Vestibule of BK Channels with Sugars
☉ 11324945:K Channel Subconductance Levels Result from Heteromeric Pore Conformations
☉ 11324946:The Origin of Subconductance Levels in Voltage-gated K+ Channels
☉ 11324947:Skeletal Muscle HIF-1 Expression Is Dependent on Muscle Fiber Type
☉ 11324948:Resting Potential–dependent Regulation of the Voltage Sensitivity of Sodium Channel Gating in Rat Skeletal Muscle In Vivo
☉ 11324949:Rapid Increase in Plasma Membrane Chloride Permeability during Wound Resealing in Starfish Oocytes
☉ 11324950:The NH2 Terminus of RCK1 Domain Regulates Ca2+-dependent BKCa Channel Gating

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