☉ 11340701:Mitochondrial tRNA gene translocations in highly eusocial bees
☉ 11340702:A modified simple RFLP-PCR method for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing
☉ 11340703:Phylogenetic relationships in the Drosophila fasciola species subgroup (Diptera, Drosophilidae) inferred from partial sequences of the mitoc
☉ 11340704:Low doses of gamma ionizing radiation increase hprt mutant frequencies of TK6 cells without triggering the mutator phenotype pathway
☉ 11340705:The 3' terminal sequence of the inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase gene encodes an active domain in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
☉ 11340706:Molecular manipulation and modification of the genes encoding the G2 and G4 glycinin subunits
☉ 11340707:Transferability and use of microsatellite markers for the genetic analysis of the germplasm of some Arachis section species of the genus Ara
☉ 11340708:Effects of Pterocaulon polystachyum DC. (Asteraceae) on onion (Allium cepa) root-tip cells
☉ 11340709:Ethylene and fruit ripening: From illumination gas to the control of gene expression, more than a century of discoveries
☉ 11340710:Esterase-D and chromosome patterns in Central Amazon piranha (Serrasalmus rhombeus Linnaeus, 1766) from Lake Catalo
☉ 11340711:Analysis of the population structure of Uruguayan Creole cattle as inferred from milk major gene polymorphisms
☉ 11340712:Assessment of the myostatin Q204X allele using an allelic discrimination assay
☉ 11340713:Genetic variability of 10 microsatellite markers in the characterization of Brazilian Nellore cattle (Bos indicus)
☉ 11340714:Structure and genetic variability in Nellore (Bos indicus) cattle by pedigree analysis
☉ 11340715:Karyotype characterization, constitutive heterochromatin and nucleolus organizer regions of Paranaita opima (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alti
☉ 11340716:Phylogenetic relationships and karyotype evolution in the sigmodontine rodent Akodon (2n = 10 and 2n = 16) from Brazil
☉ 11340717:Mapping of the 18S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes in Astyanax altiparanae Garutti & Britski, 2000 (Teleostei, Characidae) from the upper Parana
☉ 11340718:Cytogenetic divergence between two sympatric species of Characidium (Teleostei, Characiformes, Crenuchidae) from the Machado River, Minas Ge
☉ 11340719:Intra- and inter-individual chromosome variation in Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Pisces, Erythrinidae). A population from the Brazilian So F
☉ 11340720:Chromosomal distribution of the As51 satellite DNA in two species complexes of the genus Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae)
☉ 11340721:A proposal of a standardised nomenclature for terminal minute sister chromatid exchanges
☉ 11340722:A novel G21R mutation of the GJB2 gene causes autosomal dominant non-syndromic congenital deafness in a Cuban family
☉ 11340723:Transmission analysis of candidate genes for nonsyndromic oral clefts in Brazilian parent-child triads with recurrence
☉ 11340724:Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: Clinical and biochemical findings in Brazilian patients
☉ 11340725:The FMR1 premutation as a cause of premature ovarian failure in Brazilian women
☉ 11340726:Epigenetic alterations in human brain tumors in a Brazilian population
☉ 11340727:Estimating the effects of population size and type on the accuracy of genetic maps
☉ 11340728:Allozymic variation and differentiation in the chilean blue mussel, Mytilus chilensis, along its natural distribution
☉ 11340729:Effect of growth hormone on fatty acid synthase gene expression in porcine adipose tissue cultures
☉ 11340730:A critical evaluation of the effect of population size and phenotypic measurement on QTL detection and localization using a large F2 murine
☉ 11340731:Absence of mutagenicity in somatic and germ cells of mice submitted to subchronic treatment with an extract of Croton cajucara Benth. (Eupho
☉ 11340732:Genotoxicity and mutagenicity of water contaminated with tannery effluents, as evaluated by the micronucleus test and comet assay using the
☉ 11340733:Individual sensitivity to cytogenetic effects of benzo[a]pyrene in cultured human lymphocytes: influence of glutathione S-transferase M1 gen
☉ 11340734:Specific amplification of iron receptor genes in Xylella fastidiosa strains from different hosts
☉ 11340735:Identification and taxonomy of some entomopathogenic Paecilomyces spp. (Ascomycota) isolates using rDNA-ITS Sequences
☉ 11340736:The pgm locus and pigmentation phenotype in Yersinia pestis
☉ 11340737:Abnormal spindle orientation during microsporogenesis in an interspecific Brachiaria (Gramineae) hybrid
☉ 11340738:Cytogenetic study of the genus Cousinia (Asteraceae, section Serratuloideae) in Iran
☉ 11340739:Minimum number and best combinations of harvests to evaluate accessions of tomato plants from germplasm banks
☉ 11340740:Identification of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) duplicates using agromorphological and molecular data
☉ 11340741:Karyotype differentiation of four Cestrum species (Solanaceae) based on the physical mapping of repetitive DNA
☉ 11340742:Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck)
☉ 11340743:A recombination point is conserved in the mitochondrial genome of higher plant species and located downstream from the cox2 pseudogene in So
☉ 11340744:Sequence characterization of coding regions of the myostatin gene (GDF8) from Brazilian Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and comparison wi
☉ 11340745:Cross-species microsatellite amplification in South American Caimans (Caiman spp and Paleosuchus palpebrosus)
☉ 11340746:Genetic diversity between herds of Alpine and Saanen dairy goats and the naturalized Brazilian Moxoto breed
☉ 11340747:Karyological characterization of four Neotropical fish species of the genus Hisonotus (Teleostei, Loricariidae, Hypoptopomatinae) from disti
☉ 11340748:Growth and carcass traits associated with GH1/Alu I and POU1F1/Hinf I gene polymorphisms in Zebu and crossbred beef cattle
☉ 11340749:Chromosome complement and meiosis in three species of the Neotropical bug genus Antiteuchus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae)
☉ 11340750:X monosomy and balanced Robertsonian translocation in a girl with Turner Syndrome

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