☉ 11340151:Of Interest in the JCB
☉ 11340152:CORRECTION
☉ 11340153:CORRECTION
☉ 11340154:TRAIL-expressing T cells induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells in the atherosclerotic plaque
☉ 11340155:Activation of the Flt3 signal transduction cascade rescues and enhances type I interferon–producing and dendritic cell development
☉ 11340156:Use of hospitals, physician visits, and hospice care during last six months of life among cohorts loyal to highly respected hospitals in the
☉ 11340157:AID-dependent histone acetylation is detected in immunoglobulin S regions
☉ 11340158:Nod1 acts as an intracellular receptor to stimulate chemokine production and neutrophil recruitment in vivo
☉ 11340159:Uptake of Leishmania major by dendritic cells is mediated by Fc receptors and facilitates acquisition of protective immunity
☉ 11340160:Uptake of Leishmania major by dendritic cells is mediated by Fc receptors and facilitates acquisition of protective immunity
☉ 11340161:Cytokine signal transduction is suppressed in preselection double-positive thymocytes and restored by positive selection
☉ 11340162:Functional disruption of 4 integrin mobilizes bone marrow–derived endothelial progenitors and augments ischemic neovascularization
☉ 11340163:Identification of the target self-antigens in reperfusion injury
☉ 11340164:MAP kinase phosphatase 1 controls innate immune responses and suppresses endotoxic shock
☉ 11340165:LAT-mediated signaling in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell development
☉ 11340166:Antiidiotypic DNA vaccination induces serum bactericidal activity and protection against group B meningococci
☉ 11340167:US-Australia trade deal strengthens power of Australian drugs industry
☉ 11340168:Disparate roles of ATR and ATM in immunoglobulin class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation
☉ 11340169:NHS attracts German doctors
☉ 11340170:US stroke legislation is revised after BMJ airs controversy
☉ 11340171:Heart surgery halted because of staff exhaustion
☉ 11340172:Poor attitude among staff is undermining NHS successes, says chief executive
☉ 11340173:Regulatory body proposed for acupuncturists and herbalists
☉ 11340174:Developing countries could derail global anti-obesity plan
☉ 11340175:GMC strikes off proponent of temporary brittle bone disease
☉ 11340176:Primary care trusts need to tackle disparities in general practice
☉ 11340177:G-CSF/SCF reduces inducible arrhythmias in the infarcted heart potentially via increased connexin43 expression and arteriogenesis
☉ 11340178:Purified hematopoietic stem cell engraftment of rare niches corrects severe lymphoid deficiencies without host conditioning
☉ 11340179:UN warns of dangers of drugs sold on internet
☉ 11340180:Regulation of the germinal center gene program by interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 8/IFN consensus sequence-binding protein
☉ 11340181:Federal funding for comparative drug studies not in US budget
☉ 11340182:An essential role for complement C5a in the pathogenesis of septic cardiac dysfunction
☉ 11340183:Stoichiometry of the murine T cell receptor
☉ 11340184:WMA calls for retired academics to teach in developing world
☉ 11340185:Induction of APOBEC3 family proteins, a defensive maneuver underlying interferon-induced anti–HIV-1 activity
☉ 11340186:CCR5 deficiency increases risk of symptomatic West Nile virus infection
☉ 11340187:Authors reject interpretation linking autism and MMR vaccine
☉ 11340188:The fate of human Langerhans cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
☉ 11340189:Responses of black patients and white patients to antihypertensive drugs are similar, study shows
☉ 11340190:Innate secretory antibodies protect against natural Salmonella typhimurium infection
☉ 11340191:Dual specificity phosphatase 1 (DUSP1) regulates a subset of LPS-induced genes and protects mice from lethal endotoxin shock
☉ 11340192:GM foods should be submitted to further studies, says BMA
☉ 11340193:Histone deacetylase 2–mediated deacetylation of the glucocorticoid receptor enables NF-B suppression
☉ 11340194:Michael Heidelberger and the demystification of antibodies
☉ 11340195:Oestrogen only arm of women's health initiative trial is stopped
☉ 11340196:CCR5 thwarts West Nile virus
☉ 11340197:Polishing the tarnished image of academic medicine
☉ 11340198:Disruptive T cells
☉ 11340199:Ignoring steroids
☉ 11340200:Editing HIV to death

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