☉ 11356001:Developing economies shrink as AIDS reduces workforce
☉ 11356002:WHO insists it can meet its target for antiretrovirals by 2005
☉ 11356003:BMJ group appoints acting editor and acting chief executive
☉ 11356004:Brown confirms a 7.1% rise in NHS spending next year
☉ 11356005:In brief
☉ 11356006:Education programme reduces STDs in African-American girls
☉ 11356007:Thailand ignores HIV epidemic in drug users
☉ 11356008:Should reviewers of papers have their names published?
☉ 11356009:Should reviewers of papers have their names published?
☉ 11356010:Should reviewers of papers have their names published?
☉ 11356011:Should reviewers of papers have their names published?
☉ 11356012:Patient organisations in ME and CFS seek only understanding
☉ 11356013:Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
☉ 11356014:Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
☉ 11356015:Brief lifestyle interventions for hypertension
☉ 11356016:Brief lifestyle interventions for hypertension
☉ 11356017:Raised cardiac troponins
☉ 11356018:Raised cardiac troponins
☉ 11356019:Representation of authors and editors from poor countries
☉ 11356020:Representation of authors and editors from poor countries
☉ 11356021:Representation of authors and editors from poor countries
☉ 11356022:Performance assessment is here to stay
☉ 11356023:Star wars, NHS style
☉ 11356024:British American Tobacco and Formula One motor racing
☉ 11356025:Initial management of a major burn: II—assessment and resuscitation
☉ 11356026:Avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity in adolescents—an easily missed diagnosis
☉ 11356027:Common skin infections in children
☉ 11356028:Reform of undergraduate medical teaching in the United Kingdom: a triumph of evangelism over common sense
☉ 11356029:Feasibility of integrating early stimulation into primary care for undernourished Jamaican children: cluster randomised controlled trial
☉ 11356030:What's new this month in BMJ Journals
☉ 11356031:CHI ratings and HSMRs: is there a relation?
☉ 11356032:Comparison of reporting of ethnicity in US and European randomised controlled trials
☉ 11356033:Methodological reasons for not gaining prior informed consent are sometimes justified
☉ 11356034:Patients' evaluation of informed consent to postponed information: cohort study
☉ 11356035:Severe acute respiratory syndrome and its impact on professionalism: qualitative study of physicians' behaviour during an emerging healthcar
☉ 11356036:Prospective cohort study of retinal vessel diameters and risk of hypertension
☉ 11356037:Atypical antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: systematic review
☉ 11356038:BMA annual representative meeting: BMA ethics committee exonerated
☉ 11356039:BMA annual representative meeting: Sperm donors should be guaranteed anonymity
☉ 11356040:BMA annual representative meeting: Debate needed on balance between patient confidentiality and needs of research
☉ 11356041:BMA annual representative meeting: Wishes of patients who have lost mental capacity must be respected
☉ 11356042:BMA annual representative meeting: Aborted babies born alive should receive full care
☉ 11356043:BMA annual representative meeting: BMA to hold special conference to discuss privatisation of NHS
☉ 11356044:GPs asked not to demand payments from drug company representatives
☉ 11356045:German union threatens strike over doctors' long hours
☉ 11356046:Minister counters royal college claims about NHS allergy services
☉ 11356047:Nigerian state of Kano resumes polio vaccination
☉ 11356048:Researcher objects to drinks industry representative sitting on alcohol research body
☉ 11356049:Annual tobacco deaths in poor countries to reach 7 million by 2030
☉ 11356050:GP deputising service cases are "cause for concern," says ombudsman

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