☉ 11355851:The dynamic neuron
☉ 11355852:In brief
☉ 11355853:Behavioral neurology, 4th edition
☉ 11355854:Health experts warn of disease as worst flooding in years hits Bangladesh
☉ 11355855:Synesthesia—a union of the senses
☉ 11355856:Neurological complications of critical illness, 2nd edition
☉ 11355857:Scandals have eroded US public's confidence in drug industry
☉ 11355858:Cécile and Oskar Vogt: the visionaries of modern neuroscience
☉ 11355859:The handbook of memory disorders, 2nd edition
☉ 11355860:Acute pain (vol 1), Practical applications and procedures (vol 2), Cancer pain (vol 3), Chronic pain (vol 4)
☉ 11355861:A time to live or a time to die?
☉ 11355862:Intracranial hypertension and giant arachnoid granulations
☉ 11355863:A time to live or a time to die?
☉ 11355864:Lack of association between interleukin-1? polymorphism (-511) and ischaemic stroke
☉ 11355865:A time to live or a time to die?
☉ 11355866:Hand weakness onset Guillain–Barré syndrome
☉ 11355867:Responsibility for ancillary care in clinical trials
☉ 11355868:Vestibular stimulation in mania: a case report
☉ 11355869:Responsibility for ancillary care in clinical trials
☉ 11355870:LBP-1c/CP2/LSF gene polymorphism and risk of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
☉ 11355871:Testosterone deficiency in a Parkinson’s disease clinic: results of a survey
☉ 11355872:Monitoring procalcitonin is of value in acute pancreatitis
☉ 11355873:Low back pain
☉ 11355874:Subthalamic nucleus stimulation in a parkinsonian patient with previous bilateral thalamotomy
☉ 11355875:The androgen receptor CAG repeat and serum testosterone in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in men
☉ 11355876:Low back pain
☉ 11355877:Predictive value of Glasgow coma scale after brain trauma: change in trend over the past ten years
☉ 11355878:Bone scanning in lung cancer
☉ 11355879:The breathing hand: obstetric brachial plexopathy reinnervation from thoracic roots?
☉ 11355880:Sequence analysis of tau 3'untranslated region and saitohin gene in sporadic progressive supranuclear palsy
☉ 11355881:Bone scanning in lung cancer
☉ 11355882:Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection of the central nervous system in patients with multiple sclerosis
☉ 11355883:Bone scanning in lung cancer
☉ 11355884:Aphasia after hemispherectomy in an adult with early onset epilepsy and hemiplegia
☉ 11355885:Firm foundation for senior house officers
☉ 11355886:Dementia associated mental and behavioural disturbances in elderly people in the community: findings from the first Nakayama study
☉ 11355887:Distinctive cognitive profiles in Alzheimer’s disease and subcortical vascular dementia
☉ 11355888:Firm foundation for senior house officers
☉ 11355889:Firm foundation for senior house officers
☉ 11355890:Firm foundation for senior house officers
☉ 11355891:Challenges for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence
☉ 11355892:National Institute for Clinical Excellence and its value judgments
☉ 11355893:Intensive care management and control of infection
☉ 11355894:DJ-1 mutations in Parkinson’s disease
☉ 11355895:Duration of amantadine benefit on dyskinesia of severe Parkinson’s disease
☉ 11355896:Founders of neurology:
☉ 11355897:Diagnostic value of MHC class I staining in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
☉ 11355898:Acute visual loss and pituitary apoplexy after surgery
☉ 11355899:Modulation of the transmission in group II heteronymous pathways by tizanidine in spastic hemiplegic patients
☉ 11355900:Depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in a community population of older persons

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