☉ 11354401:Proposed Mental Health Bill may breach human rights, says Law Society
☉ 11354402:NHS agrees 7% price reduction for prescription drugs for next five years
☉ 11354403:Bangladesh group has trained 30 000 community health workers
☉ 11354404:NHS agrees discount with Microsoft to save £330m on software over nine years
☉ 11354405:More surveillance of drugs is needed to protect public
☉ 11354406:Government will not bail out trusts in difficulty, minister says
☉ 11354407:Heart disease in diabetic patients is undertreated
☉ 11354408:From looking at cells to looking at systems
☉ 11354409:Demystifying health care
☉ 11354410:An extra dollar can go a long way
☉ 11354411:Supporting surgery for obstetric fistula
☉ 11354412:Old drugs for heart failure nearly halve deaths in black people
☉ 11354413:Will Bush's insurance scheme help the uninsured?
☉ 11354414:MP criticises government response on open access publishing
☉ 11354415:In brief
☉ 11354416:European Union may relax rules on marketing baby milk
☉ 11354417:European Union may relax rules on marketing baby milk
☉ 11354418:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11354419:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11354420:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11354421:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11354422:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11354423:Medical education should include human rights component
☉ 11354424:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354425:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354426:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354427:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354428:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354429:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354430:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11354431:Monitoring global health: time for new solutions
☉ 11354432:Users' guide to detecting misleading claims in clinical research reports
☉ 11354433:Should interventions to reduce respirable pollutants be linked to tuberculosis control programmes?
☉ 11354434:Care in the early newborn period
☉ 11354435:Preventing and treating hepatitis B infection
☉ 11354436:UK legislation on analgesic packs: before and after study of long term effect on poisonings
☉ 11354437:QT interval increased after single dose of lofexidine
☉ 11354438:Impact of congenital colour vision deficiency on education and unintentional injuries: findings from the 1958 British birth cohort
☉ 11354439:Paternal age and schizophrenia: a population based cohort study
☉ 11354440:The Lambeth Early Onset (LEO) Team: randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of specialised care for early psychosis
☉ 11354441:Doctors who offered "magic potions" found guilty of serious professional misconduct
☉ 11354442:Numbers starting treatment for drug misuse increase by 20% over two years
☉ 11354443:Independent prescribing advice affects doctors' behaviour
☉ 11354444:BMA calls for continuted restrictions on use of IVF
☉ 11354445:Manifesto opposes introduction of market forces into Dutch health care
☉ 11354446:Bush's plan to screen for mental health meets opposition in Illinois
☉ 11354447:Mass dose of antibiotic reduced prevalence of trachoma for two years
☉ 11354448:Global spending on health research still skewed towards wealthy nations
☉ 11354449:Draft EU legislation threatens patient safety, says BMA
☉ 11354450:After the French paradox comes the Italian enigma

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