☉ 11357351:Pseudotumor cerebri with transient oculomotor palsy
☉ 11357352:Anorectal malformations and their impact on survival
☉ 11357353:Scoring system for empyema thoracis and help in management
☉ 11357354:Cognition in specific learning disability
☉ 11357355:Congenital nephrotic syndrome with adrenal calcification and cardiac malformation
☉ 11357356:Diagnostic value of in situ polymerase chain reaction in leprosy
☉ 11357357:Larsen syndrome - lethal variety
☉ 11357358:Laparoscopy vs inguinal exploration for nonpalpable undescended testis
☉ 11357359:Pharmacologic treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
☉ 11357360:Engineered antibodies act as targeted therapies in cancer treatment
☉ 11357361:Complementary and alternative medicine in developmental disabilities
☉ 11357362:Impulsivity among adolescents with ADHD and bronchial asthma
☉ 11357363:Efficacy of tyndalized lactobacillus acidophilus in acute diarrhea
☉ 11357364:Maternal estimates of mental age in developmental assessment
☉ 11357365:Pediatric HIV infection
☉ 11357366:Neonatal pneumoperitoneum - The surgeon could wait awhile
☉ 11357367:Uncommon recognizable malformations at a secondary level hospital
☉ 11357368:Pseudotumor cerebri following oral betamethasone for common cold
☉ 11357369:Consumption of tobacco, alcohol and betel leaf amongst school children in Delhi
☉ 11357370:Familial combined hyperlipidemia in a North Indian kindred
☉ 11357371:Recent advances in management of cerebral palsy
☉ 11357372:Prevention of developmental disabilities
☉ 11357373:Therapeutic interventions in cerebral palsy
☉ 11357374:The 2001 dengue epidemic in Chennai
☉ 11357375:Poor school performance
☉ 11357376:Syndromes and disorders associated with mental retardation
☉ 11357377:Kawasaki disease: Are we missing the diagnosis
☉ 11357378:Cerebral palsy-definition, classification, etiology and early diagnosis
☉ 11357379:Neuroplasticity in children
☉ 11357380:Shunt revision in hydrocephalus
☉ 11357381:Infantile tremor syndrome in Iraqi Kurdistan
☉ 11357382:Neonatal screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
☉ 11357383:Maternal acute renal failure and non-immune hydrops
☉ 11357384:Measles outbreak in a migrant population
☉ 11357385:Menkes' kinky hair syndrome
☉ 11357386:Tumoral calcinosis with hyperphosphatemia
☉ 11357387:Congenital chylothorax treated with octreotide
☉ 11357388:Scurvy in infantile tremor syndrome
☉ 11357389:Keratomalacia in a neonate secondary to maternal vitamin a deficiency
☉ 11357390:Factors affecting antibiotic prescribing pattern in pediatric practice
☉ 11357391:Benefits of maternal participation in newborn nurseries
☉ 11357392:Pharmacologic interventions for reducing spasticity in cerebral palsy
☉ 11357393:Genetics of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
☉ 11357394:Approach to renal tubular disorders
☉ 11357395:Treatment of steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome
☉ 11357396:Tuberculous meningitis and HIV
☉ 11357397:Pain response of neonates to venipuncture
☉ 11357398:Complement components (C3, C4) in childhood asthma
☉ 11357399:Oral midazolam and oral butorphanol premedication
☉ 11357400:Mayer-rokitansky syndrome and anorectal malformation

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