☉ 11371451:Structure–function correlations derived from faster variants of a RNA
☉ 11371452:Cut protein to boost fibers
☉ 11371453:Assembly of the replication initiation complex on SV40 origin DNA
☉ 11371454:A thymine tetrad in d(TGGGGT) quadruplexes stabilized with Tl+/Na+ ion
☉ 11371455:Getting a handle on centrosomes
☉ 11371456:The neutrophil as firefighter
☉ 11371457:Breaking down barriers
☉ 11371458:The inhibition of the human cholesterol 7-hydroxylase gene (CYP7A1) pr
☉ 11371459:Math connects vascular network to the universe
☉ 11371460:MicroRNAs make big splash in apoptosis
☉ 11371461:Shared amyloid oligomer structure proves toxic
☉ 11371462:Amyloid as a natural product
☉ 11371463:Holey barrier : claudins and the regulation of brain endothelial perme
☉ 11371464:Crm1 locks up replication factors
☉ 11371465:Modeling network dynamics : the lac operon, a case study
☉ 11371466:Inventories to insights
☉ 11371467:Translesion synthesis of acetylaminofluorene-dG adducts by DNA polymer
☉ 11371468:Computational cell biology
☉ 11371469:Spindle orientation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on the transpo
☉ 11371470:Turning RacGAP into a RhoGAP
☉ 11371471:Computational imaging in cell biology
☉ 11371472:Oscillatory nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the general stress response
☉ 11371473:Analysis and recognition of 5' UTR intron splice sites in human pre-mR
☉ 11371474:Neurofilament heavy chain side arm phosphorylation regulates axonal tr
☉ 11371475:-Adducin dissociates from F-actin and spectrin during platelet activat
☉ 11371476:Mitochondria to nucleus stress signaling : a distinctive mechanism of
☉ 11371477:Proprotein convertase cleavage liberates a fibrillogenic fragment of a
☉ 11371478:PMN transendothelial migration decreases nuclear NFB in IL-1?–activate
☉ 11371479:Essential functions of p21-activated kinase 1 in morphogenesis and dif
☉ 11371480:Psoralen interstrand cross-link repair is specifically altered by an a
☉ 11371481:Androgen-stimulated DNA synthesis and cytoskeletal changes in fibrobla
☉ 11371482:Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) association with PKC?2 via ?I spe
☉ 11371483:Size-selective loosening of the blood-brain barrier in claudin-5–defic
☉ 11371484:Role of Drosophila Rab5 during endosomal trafficking at the synapse an
☉ 11371485:Enhanced gene silencing of HIV-1 specific siRNA using microRNA designe
☉ 11371486:A novel human protein of the maternal centriole is required for the fi
☉ 11371487:deep-orange and carnation define distinct stages in late endosomal bio
☉ 11371488:Identification of NH...N hydrogen bonds by magic angle spinning solid
☉ 11371489:Relevance of UP elements for three strong Bacillus subtilis phage 29 p
☉ 11371490:Overexpression of phage-type RNA polymerase RpoTp in tobacco demonstra
☉ 11371491:Delineation of the mechanisms of aberrant splicing caused by two unusu
☉ 11371492:A gene-specific DNA sequencing chip for exploring molecular evolutiona
☉ 11371493:A novel strategy to engineer DNA polymerases for enhanced processivity
☉ 11371494:Gene repeat expansion and contraction by spontaneous intrachromosomal
☉ 11371495:Mer1p is a modular splicing factor whose function depends on the conse
☉ 11371496:ETR-3 and CELF4 protein domains required for RNA binding and splicing
☉ 11371497:Length-dependent structure formation in Friedreich ataxia (GAA)n·(TTC)
☉ 11371498:Sequence saturation mutagenesis (SeSaM): a novel method for directed e
☉ 11371499:Nuclear localization signal and cell synchrony enhance gene targeting
☉ 11371500:Determination of detection and quantification limits for SNP allele fr

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