☉ 11369701:NMR studies of the structure and Mg2+ binding properties of a conserve
☉ 11369702:RACE: Remote Analysis Computation for gene Expression data
☉ 11369703:PathwayExplorer: web service for visualizing high-throughput expressio
☉ 11369704:MIDAW: a web tool for statistical analysis of microarray data
☉ 11369705:Gene co-regulation is highly conserved in the evolution of eukaryotes
☉ 11369706:Functional interaction between peroxisome proliferator-activated recep
☉ 11369707:ASIAN: a web server for inferring a regulatory network framework from
☉ 11369708:T-STAG: resource and web-interface for tissue-specific transcripts and
☉ 11369709:The FOLDALIGN web server for pairwise structural RNA alignment and mut
☉ 11369710:Migration on rafts
☉ 11369711:The glioma-amplified sequence 41 gene (GAS41) is a direct Myb target g
☉ 11369712:Polyadenylation-dependent screening assay for respiratory syncytial vi
☉ 11369713:AntiHunter 2.0: increased speed and sensitivity in searching BLAST out
☉ 11369714:GBA server: EST-based digital gene expression profiling
☉ 11369715:TargetIdentifier: a webserver for identifying full-length cDNAs from E
☉ 11369716:RibEx: a web server for locating riboswitches and other conserved bact
☉ 11369717:The tRNAscan-SE, snoscan and snoGPS web servers for the detection of t
☉ 11369718:ASePCR: alternative splicing electronic RT–PCR in multiple tissues and
☉ 11369719:OrfPredictor: predicting protein-coding regions in EST-derived sequenc
☉ 11369720:miRU: an automated plant miRNA target prediction server
☉ 11369721:MicroInspector: a web tool for detection of miRNA binding sites in an
☉ 11369722:WEBSAGE: a web tool for visual analysis of differentially expressed hu
☉ 11369723:GFINDer: genetic disease and phenotype location statistical analysis a
☉ 11369724:BRIGEP—the BRIDGE-based genome–transcriptome–proteome browser
☉ 11369725:AISMIG—an interactive server-side molecule image generator
☉ 11369726:Both KH and non-KH domain sequences are required for polyribosome asso
☉ 11369727:The multilocus sequence typing network:
☉ 11369728:Structural requirements for pre-microRNA binding and nuclear export by
☉ 11369729:Lumens laid out by PAR-1
☉ 11369730:The interactome as a tree—an attempt to visualize the protein–protein
☉ 11369731:The bioinformatics resource for oral pathogens
☉ 11369732:Muscle loves company
☉ 11369733:Antigens make a pit stop
☉ 11369734:Over 20% of human transcripts might form sense–antisense pairs
☉ 11369735:WebGestalt: an integrated system for exploring gene sets in various bi
☉ 11369736:Backward waves move cells forward
☉ 11369737:Data mining tools for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphological datab
☉ 11369738:GenePath: from mutations to genetic networks and back
☉ 11369739:Portrait of transcriptional responses to ultraviolet and ionizing radi
☉ 11369740:Solo polarization
☉ 11369741:GeneSeeker: extraction and integration of human disease-related inform
☉ 11369742:The nucleus shuns MAPK
☉ 11369743:Pulling out gene silencers
☉ 11369744:Flipping the fusion switch
☉ 11369745:Biochemical characterization of Cdc6/Orc1 binding to the replication o
☉ 11369746:Die—but not just yet
☉ 11369747:Recent additions and improvements to the Onto-Tools
☉ 11369748:Die—but not just yet
☉ 11369749:Die—but not just yet
☉ 11369750:Abstract shapes of RNA

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