☉ 11372201:Breathing down the neck of Unc104
☉ 11372202:Immune cells take in unknown enemies
☉ 11372203:Fusion gets in the groove
☉ 11372204:A J-protein is an essential subunit of the presequence translocase–ass
☉ 11372205:Cdk5 and the mystery of synaptic vesicle endocytosis
☉ 11372206:乳腺癌改良根治术后胸大肌功能的肌电评估
☉ 11372207:Pds5p regulates the maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion and is su
☉ 11372208:Dynamics and calcium sensitivity of the Ca2+/myristoyl switch protein
☉ 11372209:The Drosophila nucleoporin DNup88 localizes DNup214 and CRM1 on the nu
☉ 11372210:Critical function of endogenous XIAP in regulating caspase activation
☉ 11372211:Distinct conformations of the kinesin Unc104 neck regulate a monomer t
☉ 11372212:Cross-talk between the Notch and TGF-? signaling pathways mediated by
☉ 11372213:S100C/A11 is a key mediator of Ca2+-induced growth inhibition of human
☉ 11372214:Loss of m-AAA protease in mitochondria causes complex I deficiency and
☉ 11372215:Inhibition of a constitutive translation initiation factor 2 phosphata
☉ 11372216:Spatio-temporal propagation of Ca2+ signals by cyclic ADP-ribose in 3T
☉ 11372217:Smn, the spinal muscular atrophy–determining gene product, modulates a
☉ 11372218:Cophosphorylation of amphiphysin I and dynamin I by Cdk5 regulates cla
☉ 11372219:Nucleolin expressed at the cell surface is a marker of endothelial cel
☉ 11372220:Autoregulation of E-cadherin expression by cadherin–cadherin interacti
☉ 11372221:Mammalian GGAs act together to sort mannose 6-phosphate receptors
☉ 11372222:Differently anchored influenza hemagglutinin mutants display distinct
☉ 11372223:Laminin 1 is critical for Schwann cell differentiation, axon myelinati
☉ 11372224:Differently anchored influenza hemagglutinin mutants display distinct
☉ 11372225:同种异体犬单肺移植的实验研究
☉ 11372226:Nucleolin expressed at the cell surface is a marker of endothelial cel
☉ 11372227:The stromal cell–derived factor-1/CXCR4 ligand–receptor axis is critic
☉ 11372228:下肢股静脉瓣膜戴戒术治疗原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全148例疗效分析
☉ 11372229:甲状腺手术切口改进
☉ 11372230:慢性硬膜下血肿的外科治疗及其失败因素的分析研究
☉ 11372231:十二指肠脂肪肉瘤1例
☉ 11372232:会阴部肿物切除后暴露创面的手术治疗
☉ 11372233:鲁登巴赫综合征12例外科治疗分析
☉ 11372234:儿童肱骨髁上骨折的治疗
☉ 11372235:游离背阔肌肌皮瓣加植皮修复全足皮肤缺损
☉ 11372236:鞍麻镇痛用于肛肠科手术的临床观察
☉ 11372237:腹部闭合伤致小肠破裂的诊治体会
☉ 11372238:自体腹外斜肌腱膜平片移植修补术在成人腹股沟复发疝中的应用(附47例报告)
☉ 11372239:复杂性膀胱-阴道瘘临床诊疗的研究
☉ 11372240:老年胃十二指肠急性穿孔28例临床分析
☉ 11372241:梗阻性黄疸手术前后胃动力的临床研究
☉ 11372242:腹股沟疝的治疗进展
☉ 11372243:胆管癌的诊断与术前评估
☉ 11372244:EWI-2 regulates 3?1 integrin–dependent cell functions on laminin-5
☉ 11372245:Fewer phosphates but fatter axons
☉ 11372246:儿童幽门螺杆菌感染及胃癌关系探讨
☉ 11372247:Fusion fuels killing
☉ 11372248:Neurons die one way or another
☉ 11372249:The APC–tumor connection
☉ 11372250:Civil war in the immune system
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