☉ 11374401:Isoenzyme-specific Interaction of Muscle-type Creatine Kinase with the
☉ 11374402:An Essential Role for a Membrane Lipid in Cytokinesis: Regulation of C
☉ 11374403:Signaling by Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGF) and Fibroblast Growth Fac
☉ 11374404:Normal Fertilization Occurs with Eggs Lacking the Integrin 6?1 and Is
☉ 11374405:50例中年男性急性心肌梗死的护理体会
☉ 11374406:Coordinate Regulation of Cadherin and Integrin Function by the Chondro
☉ 11374407:The Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinase Fer Mediates Cross-talk between N-Cadh
☉ 11374408:54例肝昏迷前期的观察与护理
☉ 11374409:488株铜绿假单胞菌的耐药性分析
☉ 11374410:173例女性盆腔包块二维超声诊断与病理对照分析
☉ 11374411:262例小儿睡眠脑电图加声频刺激分析
☉ 11374412:In Brief
☉ 11374413:Regulation of Cell Invasion and Morphogenesis in a Three-dimensional T
☉ 11374414:62例肠结核诊疗分析
☉ 11374415:AF脊柱内固定系统治疗胸椎腰椎骨折的体会
☉ 11374416:CT扫描在肝脏钝伤诊疗中的指导价值
☉ 11374417:Inhibitors of COPI and COPII Do Not Block PEX3-mediated Peroxisome Syn
☉ 11374418:The Plant Vacuolar Sorting Receptor AtELP Is Involved in Transport of
☉ 11374419:74例鼻出血患者的护理体会
☉ 11374420:Activity-dependent Neuronal Control of Gap-junctional Communication in
☉ 11374421:Coupling of Gab1 to c-Met, Grb2, and Shp2 Mediates Biological Response
☉ 11374422:TPX2, A Novel Xenopus MAP Involved in Spindle Pole Organization
☉ 11374423:CYK-4: A Rho Family GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) Required for Centr
☉ 11374424:FCC—8000C型钴—60治疗机机架旋转控制电路的维修
☉ 11374425:Phosphorylation by Cdc28 Activates the Cdc20-dependent Activity of the
☉ 11374426:Cdc28 Activates Exit from Mitosis in Budding Yeast
☉ 11374427:δ氨基酮戊酸光动力学疗法治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣的临床研究
☉ 11374428:α细辛脑注射液佐治小儿喘息性支气管肺炎疗效观察
☉ 11374429:GAP43, MARCKS, and CAP23 Modulate PI(4,5)P2 at Plasmalemmal Rafts, and
☉ 11374430:Shared and Unique Roles of CAP23 and GAP43 in Actin Regulation, Neurit
☉ 11374431:Nycocard READERⅡ金标定量仪检测C反应蛋白应用评价
☉ 11374432:Colocalization and Redistribution of Dishevelled and Actin during Wnt-
☉ 11374433:鲍曼不动杆菌耐药性结果分析
☉ 11374434:百草枯中毒行血液灌流的疗效观察及护理体会
☉ 11374435:膀胱癌术后卡介苗灌注预防复发的探讨
☉ 11374436:艾滋病合并结核病54例临床分析
☉ 11374437:安达芬栓联合微波治疗宫颈糜烂疗效观察
☉ 11374438:Plasmin-sensitive Dibasic Sequences in the Third Fibronectin-like Doma
☉ 11374439:Phosphorylation of Connexin43 on Serine368 by Protein Kinase C Regulat
☉ 11374440:In Brief
☉ 11374441:冰黄肤乐软膏治疗激素依赖性皮炎50例疗效观察
☉ 11374442:不育症夫妇血清抗精子抗体分布与精液系列检测的关系
☉ 11374443:鼻窦内窥镜围手术期护理体会
☉ 11374444:辨证治疗中风后假性球麻痹24例
☉ 11374445:被动凝集法检测肺炎支原体抗体的实验室评价
☉ 11374446:The UNC-112 Gene in Caenorhabditis elegans Encodes a Novel Component o
☉ 11374447:AAA Proteins: Lords of the Ring
☉ 11374448:Evidence that Dynamin-2 Functions as a Signal-transducing GTPase
☉ 11374449:UNC112: A New Regulator of Cell–Extracellular Matrix Adhesions
☉ 11374450:Apoptosis and Sphingomyelin Hydrolysis: The Flip Side

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