☉ 11373151:Sequential SNARE disassembly and GATE-16–GOS-28 complex assembly media
☉ 11373152:Transmission of cell stress from endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria
☉ 11373153:The roles of Fzy/Cdc20 and Fzr/Cdh1 in regulating the destruction of c
☉ 11373154:Modulation of receptor cycling by neuron-enriched endosomal protein of
☉ 11373155:MAP2 and tau bind longitudinally along the outer ridges of microtubule
☉ 11373156:PRC1 is a microtubule binding and bundling protein essential to mainta
☉ 11373157:Dynamic interaction of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 with moesin and ezrin in a no
☉ 11373158:L1 endocytosis is controlled by a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cy
☉ 11373159:Differential PI 3-kinase dependence of early and late phases of recycl
☉ 11373160:Dominant regulation of interendothelial cell gap formation by calcium-
☉ 11373161:Proximal location of mouse prostate epithelial stem cells : a model of
☉ 11373162:Retention of a cell adhesion complex at the paranodal junction require
☉ 11373163:A cryptic fragment from fibronectin's III1 module localizes to lipid r
☉ 11373164:The needs of the pore
☉ 11373165:Matrix assembly, regulation, and survival functions of laminin and its
☉ 11373166:Coordinating myosin with mitosis
☉ 11373167:Topoisomerase gets around
☉ 11373168:Another way to break down
☉ 11373169:Ubiquitin receptor found
☉ 11373170:Stable globin needs a partner
☉ 11373171:Arteries play follow the leader
☉ 11373172:VirA disrupts microtubules (green) and causes membrane ruffling.
☉ 11373173:Tiny dancers : the integrin–growth factor nexus in angiogenic signalin
☉ 11373174:Regulation and Functional Insights in Cellular Polarity Madrid, Spain
☉ 11373175:Securin correct separation
☉ 11373176:Interference with the cytoplasmic tail of gp210 disrupts "close apposi
☉ 11373177:Dual-wavelength fluorescent speckle microscopy reveals coupling of mic
☉ 11373178:Rapid exchange of mammalian topoisomerase II at kinetochores and chrom
☉ 11373179:An HRD/DER-independent ER quality control mechanism involves Rsp5p-dep
☉ 11373180:The cytoplasmic filaments of the nuclear pore complex are dispensable
☉ 11373181:A novel mechanism for the regulation of amyloid precursor protein meta
☉ 11373182:Requirement for RAR-mediated gene repression in skeletal progenitor di
☉ 11373183:Cortical recruitment of nonmuscle myosin II in early syncytial Drosoph
☉ 11373184:Dok-related protein negatively regulates T cell development via its Ra
☉ 11373185:Calreticulin reveals a critical Ca2+ checkpoint in cardiac myofibrillo
☉ 11373186:Filopodia and actin arcs guide the assembly and transport of two popul
☉ 11373187:Effects of cell tension on the small GTPase Rac
☉ 11373188:A developmental conundrum : a stabilized form of ?-catenin lacking the
☉ 11373189:A role for regulated binding of p150Glued to microtubule plus ends in
☉ 11373190:Cytoplasmic p21Cip1/WAF1 regulates neurite remodeling by inhibiting Rh
☉ 11373191:Getting trapped in a rough neighborhood
☉ 11373192:CAST into the synapse
☉ 11373193:A new path for endostatin
☉ 11373194:BAF goes nuclear
☉ 11373195:Two channels, one program
☉ 11373196:A molecule with a sense of timing
☉ 11373197:Lysosomes and the plasma membrane : trypanosomes reveal a secret relat
☉ 11373198:The cell biology of microbial infections : coming of age
☉ 11373199:Decoding Ca2+ signals through cAMP
☉ 11373200:The ER contributes to engulfment

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