☉ 11373901:Essential control of an endothelial cell ISOC by the spectrin membrane
☉ 11373902:The actin-binding protein Hip1R associates with clathrin during early
☉ 11373903:An evolutionarily conserved NPC subcomplex, which redistributes in par
☉ 11373904:Vps34p differentially regulates endocytosis from the apical and basola
☉ 11373905:E-cadherin regulates cell growth by modulating proliferation-dependent
☉ 11373906:Distinct regions in the 3' untranslated region are responsible for tar
☉ 11373907:Muscle cells experience a nuclear buildup
☉ 11373908:Saying NO to muscular dystrophy
☉ 11373909:Overexpression of Cbfa1 in osteoblasts inhibits osteoblast maturation
☉ 11373910:The erbB2 gene is required for the development of terminally different
☉ 11373911:Histamine treatment induces rearrangements of orthogonal arrays of par
☉ 11373912:Actin's origins
☉ 11373913:Cold-induced dwarfism
☉ 11373914:Wingless and the argosomes
☉ 11373915:Disgorging the MVB
☉ 11373916:Knock twice before invading
☉ 11373917:Apical transport gets motorized
☉ 11373918:Bone breakage
☉ 11373919:Dense core secretory vesicles revealed as a dynamic Ca2+ store in neur
☉ 11373920:Activity-dependent nuclear translocation and intranuclear distribution
☉ 11373921:Distinct roles of class I and class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases
☉ 11373922:Phosphoinositides and phagocytosis
☉ 11373923:Remaking the heart
☉ 11373924:Beware the Borg
☉ 11373925:In vivo requirement of the -syntrophin PDZ domain for the sarcolemmal
☉ 11373926:A role for cofilin and LIM kinase in Listeria-induced phagocytosis
☉ 11373927:Pivotal role of VASP in Arp2/3 complex–mediated actin nucleation, acti
☉ 11373928:KIFC3, a microtubule minus end–directed motor for the apical transport
☉ 11373929:Synergistic effects of MAP2 and MAP1B knockout in neuronal migration,
☉ 11373930:Reorganization of multivesicular bodies regulates MHC class II antigen
☉ 11373931:Virus one; laminin nil
☉ 11373932:An extended release for surfactant
☉ 11373933:Molecular analysis of the interaction of LCMV with its cellular recept
☉ 11373934:Cytoplasmic anchorage of L-selectin controls leukocyte capture and rol
☉ 11373935:Activation of ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase supports invasion of endo
☉ 11373936:nitric oxide synthase transgene ameliorates muscular dystrophy in mdx
☉ 11373937:Leaf starter
☉ 11373938:Sizing up cell division
☉ 11373939:A mobile transcription factor
☉ 11373940:Exchanging clathrin
☉ 11373941:p115 untethered
☉ 11373942:Bind and bend
☉ 11373943:The plasmamembrane calmodulin–dependent calcium pump : a major regulat
☉ 11373944:Generation of high curvature membranes mediated by direct endophilin b
☉ 11373945:Regulation of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking by cell adhesion receptors
☉ 11373946:The concept of self-organization in cellular architecture
☉ 11373947:Stayin' alive, without antigen
☉ 11373948:Death by mistake
☉ 11373949:Rapid nitric oxide–induced desensitization of the cGMP response is cau
☉ 11373950:A two-tiered mechanism by which Cdc42 controls the localization and ac

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