☉ 11367101:Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas ( hyperlinking the nuc
☉ 11367102:The PMDB Protein Model Database
☉ 11367103:The RCSB PDB information portal for structural genomics
☉ 11367104:The Database of Macromolecular Motions: new features added at the deca
☉ 11367105:PANDIT: an evolution-centric database of protein and associated nucleo
☉ 11367106:The SWISS-MODEL Repository: new features and functionalities
☉ 11367107:The Gene Ontology (GO) project in 2006
☉ 11367108:xBASE, a collection of online databases for bacterial comparative geno
☉ 11367109:ICDS database: interrupted CoDing sequences in prokaryotic genomes
☉ 11367110:The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) v.2: a monitor of genome projects
☉ 11367111:SCOPPI: a structural classification of protein–protein interfaces
☉ 11367112:The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Database, 2006 updates
☉ 11367113:Flexible Structural Neighborhood—a database of protein structural simi
☉ 11367114:From genomics to chemical genomics: new developments in KEGG
☉ 11367115:INVHOGEN: a database of homologous invertebrate genes
☉ 11367116:The integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system
☉ 11367117:SAGA-associated Sgf73p facilitates formation of the preinitiation comp
☉ 11367118:Rapid quantitative profiling of complex microbial populations
☉ 11367119:Chromosomal integration of LTR-flanked DNA in yeast expressing HIV-1 i
☉ 11367120:Four plant Dicers mediate viral small RNA biogenesis and DNA virus ind
☉ 11367121:A systematic approach to infer biological relevance and biases of gene
☉ 11367122:Four-base codon mediated mRNA display to construct peptide libraries t
☉ 11367123:Proteolysis restricts localization of CID, the centromere-specific his
☉ 11367124:Potentiation of Smad-mediated transcriptional activation by the RNA-bi
☉ 11367125:DAXX interacts with phage C31 integrase and inhibits recombination
☉ 11367126:Inhibition of CBF/NF-Y mediated transcription activation arrests cells
☉ 11367127:Replication in mammalian cells recapitulates the locus-specific differ
☉ 11367128:NHEJ-deficient DT40 cells have increased levels of immunoglobulin gene
☉ 11367129:The telomerase-recruitment domain of the telomere binding protein Cdc1
☉ 11367130:‘LeishMan’ topoisomerase I: an ideal chimera for unraveling the role o
☉ 11367131:Role of metal ions in catalysis by HIV integrase analyzed using a quan
☉ 11367132:The oligomeric Rep protein of Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMI
☉ 11367133:A single tRNA base pair mediates bacterial tRNA-dependent biosynthesis
☉ 11367134:Sequence-specific recognition of colicin E5, a tRNA-targeting ribonucl
☉ 11367135:Stimulation of MCM helicase activity by a Cdc6 protein in the archaeon
☉ 11367136:Knock-down of 25 kDa subunit of cleavage factor Im in Hela cells alter
☉ 11367137:Concentration dependent selection of targets by an SR splicing regulat
☉ 11367138:Both introns and long 3'-UTRs operate as cis-acting elements to trigge
☉ 11367139:Keeping signals straight in transcription regulation: specificity dete
☉ 11367140:A microfluidic-FCS platform for investigation on the dissociation of S
☉ 11367141:Gene expression profiling of single cells on large-scale oligonucleoti
☉ 11367142:Structural basis for sequence-dependent recognition of colicin E5 tRNa
☉ 11367143:BAC to the future! or oligonucleotides: a perspective for micro array
☉ 11367144:A comparative analysis of genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation da
☉ 11367145:Eliminating helper phage from phage display
☉ 11367146:p66 and p66? of the Mi-2/NuRD complex mediate MBD2 and histone interac
☉ 11367147:Post-transcriptional nucleotide modification and alternative folding o
☉ 11367148:Degradation of RNA in bacteria: comparison of mRNA and stable RNA
☉ 11367149:Experimental approaches to identify non-coding RNAs
☉ 11367150:Pol, Pol and Rev1 together are required for G to T transversion mutati

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