☉ 11411001:A cyanobacterial LPS antagonist prevents endotoxin shock and blocks su
☉ 11411002:Impaired degranulation but enhanced cytokine production after FcRI sti
☉ 11411003:Autoimmune arthritis associated with mutated interleukin (IL)-6 recept
☉ 11411004:Vascular endothelial growth factor is an important determinant of seps
☉ 11411005:Type 2 immunity is controlled by IL-4/IL-13 expression in hematopoieti
☉ 11411006:Malaria infection changes the ability of splenic dendritic cell popula
☉ 11411007:Collagens are functional, high affinity ligands for the inhibitory imm
☉ 11411008:Forced usage of positively charged amino acids in immunoglobulin CDR-H
☉ 11411009:SAP regulates T cell–mediated help for humoral immunity by a mechanism
☉ 11411010:The E enhancer controls the generation of CD4–CD8– TCR-expressing T ce
☉ 11411011:Vaccination preserves CD4 memory T cells during acute simian immunodef
☉ 11411012:Venular basement membranes contain specific matrix protein low express
☉ 11411013:An Ixodes scapularis protein required for survival of Anaplasma phagoc
☉ 11411014:T helper type 1–specific Brg1 recruitment and remodeling of nucleosome
☉ 11411015:Splenectomy inactivates the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway durin
☉ 11411016:Role of HMGB1 in apoptosis-mediated sepsis lethality
☉ 11411017:Plasmacytoid dendritic cells of melanoma patients present exogenous pr
☉ 11411018:Nepmucin, a novel HEV sialomucin, mediates L-selectin–dependent lympho
☉ 11411019:Yersinia pseudotuberculosis disseminates directly from a replicating b
☉ 11411020:Differential synergy of Notch and T cell receptor signaling determines
☉ 11411021:An autosomal dominant major gene confers predisposition to pulmonary t
☉ 11411022:ESAM supports neutrophil extravasation, activation of Rho, and VEGF-in
☉ 11411023:Regulation of the energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase by antige
☉ 11411024:FOXO3a-dependent regulation of Puma in response to cytokine/growth fac
☉ 11411025:The BRAF–MAPK signaling pathway is essential for cancer-immune evasion
☉ 11411026:The clone size of peripheral CD8 T cells is regulated by TCR promiscui
☉ 11411027:Splenectomy inactivates the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway durin
☉ 11411028:X-linked susceptibility to mycobacteria is caused by mutations in NEMO
☉ 11411029:Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 targets protein kinase A in a path
☉ 11411030:Critical roles of the immunoglobulin intronic enhancers in maintaining
☉ 11411031:Massive and destructive T cell response to homeostatic cue in CD24-def
☉ 11411032:CD127 expression inversely correlates with FoxP3 and suppressive funct
☉ 11411033:Expression of interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-7 receptors discriminates betw
☉ 11411034:A crucial role for interleukin (IL)-1 in the induction of IL-17–produc
☉ 11411035:A major histocompatibility complex class I–dependent subset of memory
☉ 11411036:Interleukin 12p40 is required for dendritic cell migration and T cell
☉ 11411037:Essential role of IPS-1 in innate immune responses against RNA viruses
☉ 11411038:Essential role of membrane cholesterol in accelerated BCR internalizat
☉ 11411039:Ig tyrosine residues contribute to the control of B cell receptor sign
☉ 11411040:Light chain editing generates polyreactive antibodies in chronic graft
☉ 11411041:QuixFil光固化树脂和螺纹钉修复后牙残冠临床观察
☉ 11411042:CDFI引导并实时监视下心包注药治愈癌性心包积液
☉ 11411043:106例毒蕈中毒临床分析
☉ 11411044:25例男性不育细胞染色体分析
☉ 11411045:2型糖尿病与代谢综合征并发痛风11例临床浅析
☉ 11411046:康复教育在经皮椎体成形术患者中的应用
☉ 11411047:健康教育对糖尿病治疗的影响
☉ 11411048:低氯血症的临床研究
☉ 11411049:大口吞咽温开水治疗恶心和呕吐
☉ 11411050:超早期锁孔手术治疗高血压脑出血
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