☉ 11409601:Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae Proactively Modulate 2 Integrin Adhe
☉ 11409602:High-Affinity Interaction between Fibronectin and the Group B Streptoc
☉ 11409603:Neutralization or Absence of the Interleukin-23 Pathway Does Not Compr
☉ 11409604:Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and NADPH Oxidase in Early Con
☉ 11409605:Comparison of the Serological Responses to Moraxella catarrhalis Immun
☉ 11409606:Use of Protein Microarrays To Define the Humoral Immune Response in Le
☉ 11409607:Comparison of the Inflammatory Responses of Human Meningeal Cells foll
☉ 11409608:Cryptococcus neoformans Cells in Biofilms Are Less Susceptible than Pl
☉ 11409609:Role of Host Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase SHP-1 in Leishmania donovani
☉ 11409610:The Innate Immune Responses of Colonic Epithelial Cells to Trichuris m
☉ 11409611:Sensitized CD8+ T Cells Fail To Control Organism Burden but Accelerate
☉ 11409612:Disparate Immunoregulatory Potentials for Double-Negative (CD4– CD8–)
☉ 11409613:Tsetse Fly Saliva Accelerates the Onset of Trypanosoma brucei Infectio
☉ 11409614:Schistosoma japonicum Reinfection after Praziquantel Treatment Causes
☉ 11409615:Early Gamma Interferon and Interleukin-2 Responses to Vaccination Pred
☉ 11409616:Human Monoclonal Antibodies Directed against Toxins A and B Prevent Cl
☉ 11409617:Immunization with Live Neisseria lactamica Protects Mice against Menin
☉ 11409618:Cytosolic Entry Controls CD8+-T-Cell Potency during Bacterial Infectio
☉ 11409619:Protection Elicited by Two Glutamine Auxotrophs of Mycobacterium tuber
☉ 11409620:Expression of Constitutively Active Angiotensin Receptors in the Rostr
☉ 11409621:Angiotensin II Decreases the Renal MRI Blood Oxygenation Level–Depende
☉ 11409622:Angiotensinogen Modulates Renal Vasculature Growth
☉ 11409623:Long-Term Administration of Rho-Kinase Inhibitor Ameliorates Renal Dam
☉ 11409624:Podocyte Injury Underlies the Glomerulopathy of Dahl Salt-Hypertensive
☉ 11409625:Hyperhomocysteinemia Associated With Decreased Renal Transsulfuration
☉ 11409626:Extrarenal Na+ Balance, Volume, and Blood Pressure Homeostasis in Inta
☉ 11409627:Adiponectin Replenishment Ameliorates Obesity-Related Hypertension
☉ 11409628:Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor Agonist Directly Inhibits Proximal Tubu
☉ 11409629:Effect of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol on Angiotensin II Sensit
☉ 11409630:Amelioration of Genetic Hypertension by Suppression of Renal G Protein
☉ 11409631:Do Allelic Variants in 2A and 2C Adrenergic Receptors Predispose to Hy
☉ 11409632:Association Study With 33 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in 11 Candid
☉ 11409633:Angiotensin Type-1 Receptor A1166C Gene Polymorphism Correlates With O
☉ 11409634:Acute Cardiovascular and Sympathetic Effects of Nicotine Replacement T
☉ 11409635:Surgical Menopause Increases Salt Sensitivity of Blood Pressure
☉ 11409636:Cardiovascular Function in Mice During Normal Pregnancy and in the Abs
☉ 11409637:Metformin Inhibits Cytokine-Induced Nuclear Factor B Activation Via AM
☉ 11409638:Hypoxia-Induced Endothelial NO Synthase Gene Transcriptional Activatio
☉ 11409639:Transposition of Great Arteries Is Associated With Increased Carotid A
☉ 11409640:Validation of a Generalized Transfer Function to Noninvasively Derive
☉ 11409641:Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate Lowers Blood Pressure and Maintains Ce
☉ 11409642:Changes in Metabolic Syndrome Variables Since Childhood in Prehyperten
☉ 11409643:Effects of Childhood Primary Hypertension on Carotid Intima Media Thic
☉ 11409644:Changes in Metabolic Syndrome Variables Since Childhood in Prehyperten
☉ 11409645:Effects of Low Birth Weight in 8- to 13-Year-Old Children
☉ 11409646:Telmisartan Prevents Obesity and Increases the Expression of Uncouplin
☉ 11409647:Melanocortin-4 Receptor Mediates Chronic Cardiovascular and Metabolic
☉ 11409648:Cardiovascular Function in a Rat Model of Diet-Induced Obesity
☉ 11409649:Valsartan, Blood Pressure Reduction, and C-Reactive Protein
☉ 11409650:Brachial Pressure–Independent Reduction in Carotid Stiffness After Lon

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