☉ 11409351:无痛胃镜检查的不良反应与对策
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☉ 11409353:中药治疗抗痨药物胃肠道副作用163例临床观察
☉ 11409354:消除胆红素对肌酐测定的干扰
☉ 11409355:周围神经损伤综合康复治疗疗效观察
☉ 11409356:小儿静脉穿刺成功技巧
☉ 11409357:心理干预对晚期胃癌患者伴发焦虑抑郁的影响
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☉ 11409359:血清钙邻甲酚酞络合酮测定中试剂加入方法的评价
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☉ 11409361:椎体间内固定钉在胸腰椎前路手术中的应用
☉ 11409362:Use of a Rainbow Trout Oligonucleotide Microarray to Determine Transcr
☉ 11409363:Tsc2 Expression Increases the Susceptibility of Renal Tumor Cells to A
☉ 11409364:血液透析急性并发症的观察及护理
☉ 11409365:循证护理在中重度妊娠高血压综合征患者护理中的价值
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☉ 11409367:Azoxymethane Is a Genetic Background-Dependent Colorectal Tumor Initia
☉ 11409368:眼外伤致眼球破裂34例临床分析
☉ 11409369:一次性注射器在小儿骨髓穿刺术中的应用
☉ 11409370:以中医基础理论促进循证护理的发展
☉ 11409371:Involvement of the Integrin-Linked Kinase Pathway in Hexachlorobenzene
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☉ 11409373:Long-Term Effects of a Standardized Complex Mixture of Urban Dust Part
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☉ 11409375:Detection of Thyroid System–Disrupting Chemicals Using in Vitro and in
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☉ 11409377:Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs): Changes in Thyroid
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☉ 11409380:Induction of Cytochrome P450 1A5 mRNA, Protein and Enzymatic Activitie
☉ 11409381:Formulation and Characterization of an Experimental PCB Mixture Design
☉ 11409382:综合护理在治疗消化性溃疡中的应用体会
☉ 11409383:In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles in Mammalian Germline Stem Cell
☉ 11409384:Arginase Activity Differs with Allergen in the Effector Phase of Ovalb
☉ 11409385:A Study of the Relationship between Cornea Permeability and Eye Irrita
☉ 11409386:Inhibition and Induction of Aromatase (CYP19) Activity by Brominated F
☉ 11409387:Behavioral and Pathological Effects in the Rat Define Two Groups of Ne
☉ 11409388:D-Optimal Experimental Designs to Test for Departure from Additivity i
☉ 11409389:Neurobiological Effects of Bisphenol A May Be Mediated by Somatostatin
☉ 11409390:Effect of Chronic Exposure to Aluminium on Isoform Expression and Acti
☉ 11409391:Methoxychlor Inhibits Brain Mitochondrial Respiration and Increases Hy
☉ 11409392:Low-Level Subchronic Exposure to Wood Smoke Exacerbates Inflammatory R
☉ 11409393:Comparative Pulmonary Toxicity Inhalation and Instillation Studies wit
☉ 11409394:Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Intra-uterine
☉ 11409395:In Utero and Lactational Exposure to TCDD; Steroidogenic Outcomes Diff
☉ 11409396:Protective Effect of Quercetin on Aroclor 1254–Induced Oxidative Damag
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☉ 11409398:Pharmacologic and Toxicologic Evaluation of C. novyi-NT Spores
☉ 11409399:Modulating the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response with trans-4,5-Di
☉ 11409400:Chemical Effects in Biological Systems—Data Dictionary (CEBS-DD): A Co

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