☉ 11417201:Intracellular activity of cortical and thalamic neurones during high-voltage rhythmic spike discharge in Long-Evans rats in vivo
☉ 11417202:Angiotensin II: a major regulator of subcutaneous adipose tissue blood flow in humans
☉ 11417203:Generation of a physiological sympathetic motor rhythm in the rat following spinal application of 5-HT
☉ 11417204:Effect of inspiratory muscle work on peripheral fatigue of locomotor muscles in healthy humans
☉ 11417205:Muscarinic receptor activation tunes mouse stratum oriens interneurones to amplify spike reliability
☉ 11417206:T-type Ca2+ channels encode prior neuronal activity as modulated recovery rates
☉ 11417207:Src family kinases play multiple roles in differentiation of trophoblasts from human term placenta
☉ 11417208:Fundamental importance of Na+–Ca2+ exchange for the pacemaking mechanism in guinea-pig sino-atrial node
☉ 11417209:Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellum of the cat encode visual events and target motion during visually guided reaching
☉ 11417210:Cyclothiazide induces robust epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal neurons both in vitro and in vivo
☉ 11417211:Temporal facilitation of spastic stretch reflexes following human spinal cord injury
☉ 11417212:Dopamine-dependent non-linear correlation between subthalamic rhythms in Parkinson's disease
☉ 11417213:Neonatal programming of the rat neuroimmune response: stimulus specific changes elicited by bacterial and viral mimetics
☉ 11417214:Evaluation of plateau-potential-mediated ‘warm up’ in human motor units
☉ 11417215:Cycling efficiency in humans is related to low UCP3 content and to type I fibres but not to mitochondrial efficiency
☉ 11417216:Xanthine oxidase does not contribute to impaired peripheral conduit artery endothelium-dependent dilatation with ageing
☉ 11417217:Differential effects of prenatal exposure to dexamethasone or cortisol on circulatory control mechanisms mediated by angiotensin I
☉ 11417218:Static and dynamic -motor output to ankle flexor muscles during locomotion in the decerebrate cat
☉ 11417219:Motor commands contribute to human position sense
☉ 11417220:Teaching aldosterone regulation and basic scientific principles using a classic paper by Dr. James O. Davis and colleagues
☉ 11417221:Teaching and learning in the interactive classroom
☉ 11417222:Where's the evidence that active learning works
☉ 11417223:A role for transcription factor NF-B in autoimmunity: possible interactions of genes, sex, and the immune response
☉ 11417224:PGC-1: a key regulator of energy metabolism
☉ 11417225:It's difficult to change the way we teach: lessons from the Integrative Themes in Physiology curriculum module project
☉ 11417226:Elementary education majors experience hands-on learning in introductory biology
☉ 11417227:Promoting self-directed learning using a menu of assessment options: the investment model
☉ 11417228:Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes
☉ 11417229:Peer instruction enhanced student performance on qualitative problem-solving questions
☉ 11417230:Anthropometric evaluations of body composition of undergraduate students at the University of La Réunion
☉ 11417231:Study of physiological responses to acute carbon monoxide exposure with a human patient simulator
☉ 11417232:Isolation and culture of bovine oviductal epithelial cells for use in the anatomy and physiology laboratory and undergraduate rese
☉ 11417233:Use of modified SOAP notes and peer-led small-group discussion in a Medical Physiology course: addressing the hidden curriculum
☉ 11417234:Case-based learning of blood oxygen transport
☉ 11417235:Case study analysis and the remediation of misconceptions about respiratory physiology
☉ 11417236:Teaching insect retinal physiology with newly designed, inexpensive micromanipulators
☉ 11417237:Sex steroid effects at target tissues: mechanisms of action
☉ 11417238:Sex-based differences in physiology: what should we teach in the medical curriculum
☉ 11417239:Sex and the cardiovascular system: the intriguing tale of how women and men regulate cardiovascular function differently
☉ 11417240:The membrane and lipids as integral participants in signal transduction: lipid signal transduction for the non-lipid biochemist
☉ 11417241:Desert Survivors: the design and implementation of a television program to enhance local scientific literacy
☉ 11417242:TK3 eBook software to author, distribute, and use electronic course content for medical education
☉ 11417243:What is the ultimate goal in acid-base regulation
☉ 11417244:A novel approach to physiology education for biomedical engineering students
☉ 11417245:The efficacy of interactive lecturing for students with diverse science backgrounds
☉ 11417246:What makes physiology hard for students to learn Results of a faculty survey
☉ 11417247:Construction of a lower body negative pressure chamber
☉ 11417248:Teaching simple experimental design to undergraduates: do your students understand the basics
☉ 11417249:Design guidelines for the development of digital nutrigenomics learning material for heterogeneous target groups
☉ 11417250:The Virtual Scientist: connecting university scientists to the K–12 classroom through videoconferencing

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