Vertical Transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encepha
病菌学杂志 2005年第13期
Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA-INIA), Ctra. de Valdeolmos a El Casar, Valdeolmos, 28130 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Reproducción Animal y Conservación de Recursos Zoogenéticos (INIA), Avda. Puerta de Hierro s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain
In this work we show evidence of mother-to-offspring transmission in a transgenic mouse line expressing bovine PrP (boTg) experimentally infected by intracerebral administration of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions. PrPres was detected in brains of newborns from infected mothers only when mating was allowed near to the clinical stage of disease, when brain PrPres deposition could be detected by Western blot analysis. Attempts to detect infectivity in milk after intracerebral inoculation in boTg mice were unsuccessful, suggesting the involvement of other tissues as carriers of prion dissemination. The results shown here prove the ability of BSE prions to spread centrifugally from the central nervous system to peripheral tissues and to offspring in a mouse model. Also, these results may complement previous epidemiological data supporting the occurrence of vertical BSE transmission in cattle.
Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) belong to a class of infectious diseases characterized by the presence of an abnormally folded protein (PrPSc) that accumulates in the brains of affected individuals (24). TSEs may be of spontaneous, familial, or infectious origin. While spontaneous and familial etiologies have been described for the disease in humans (22, 23), infectious TSEs have been clustered mainly in domestic animals, from which sheep scrapie was the prototype of disease (17). The epidemic dimension of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the mid-1980s contributed to the spread of the disease to humans in the form of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) (7, 8). It is now generally accepted that the consumption of contaminated meat and/or meat-derived products has been the most probable route of transmission of BSE prions to humans. Natural routes of transmission have been described for scrapie prions (16, 19, 20), although scant information is available regarding BSE natural routes of infection. The ability of scrapie prions to accumulate in placental tissues from genetically susceptible ewes (1, 25, 27) might be a contributing factor in scrapie epidemiology (16). However, this picture still remains diffuse for BSE. No PrPSc accumulation is detected in placentas from BSE-infected cattle (31), and neither blood nor milk from BSE-infected animals have yet been shown to be infectious, consistent with the apparent absence of the prion agent in peripheral tissues (3). Experiments to test maternal transmission in cattle showed that approximately 10% of calves born to cows with confirmed BSE developed disease (2). This transmission rate, however, was obtained in a scenario of disease prevalence, since some of the calves were born after the feed ban was fully effective.
The ability of prions to move from the central nervous system (CNS) through afferent nerve fibers has been described for several TSEs, including genetic and sporadic human prion diseases (14, 15)and scrapie (28), and was suggested for chronic wasting disease (CWD) (26). Recently, it has been shown how vCJD and Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker syndrome (strain Fukuoka-1) prions retaining full infectivity can be detected in the blood of mice after intracerebral inoculation (6). To test the ability of BSE prions to spread from CNS to peripheral tissues, we studied the efficiency of BSE transmission from intracerebrally BSE-inoculated mothers to their offspring in a transgenic mouse line (boTg110) expressing bovine PrP (4). boTg110 mice express boPrP controlled by the mouse PrP promoter at a level eight times that of the level of bovine PrP in cattle brain as previously described (4). Groups of boTg110 females were intracerebrally infected with a BSE inoculum named BSE1 consisting of a pool from 49 BSE-infected cattle brains (TSE/08/59) supplied by the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, United Kingdom). The titer of this inoculum was 108 50% infective dose units per gram of bovine brainstem when measured in the boTg110 mouse line (data not shown). At different times postinoculation, infected female mice were mated with healthy homologous males (Table 1). Group I female mice (mated at 195 and 223 days postinoculation [d.p.i.]) showed a strong PrPres signal as judged by Western blot analysis of brain extracts (data not shown). In contrast, only mouse 09 from group II (mated at 160 d.p.i.) showed detectable brain PrPres accumulation, in good agreement with the kinetics of PrPres deposition in this mouse model (4).
PrPres was clearly detected by Western blotting in 2 out of 10 mice born from group I females (mated at 195 and 223 d.p.i.) but in only 1 out of 40 in group II (mated at 160 d.p.i.). The PrPres banding pattern observed for group I positive brains was similar to that for brains from Tg110 mice intracerebrally challenged with the BSE1 inoculum, and no differences could be observed in their relative molecular weight mobilities (Fig. 1A) Deglycosylation experiments with N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) confirmed this observation (Fig. 1B). However, differences in the amounts of immunoreactive PrPres were found between group I and II: PrPres levels in mouse 09/02 from group II were found to be clearly lower than those in mice from group I. This fact might be explained by the shorter survival time of this mouse (time to death, 536 d.p.i.) relative to those of mice from group I, which died at 622 and 613 days postinfection. Differences in the percentages of PrPres-positive offspring among groups I and II (20% versus 2.5%; Pt test = 0.098) might be related to the time after intracerebral BSE prion inoculation after which mating was allowed. Thus, higher transmission rates, defined by the presence of detectable PrPres, are obtained if the accumulation of pathogenic PrP in brain is allowed to reach certain nonpathological levels without disturbing the reproductive competence of female mice. The high percentage of PrPres-negative littermates could be attributed to the limited sensitivity of the Western blot technique (5). In addition, exploring the presence of PrPres depositions by immunohistochemistry in brains from mice negative for PrPres by Western blotting was consistently unsuccessful (data not shown). The lack of PrPres detection, however, cannot exclude completely the existence of subclinical infections in the PrPres-negative offspring. This assumption can be supported by the statistically significant differences (P = 0.020) observed in the survival times between offspring from infected (585 ± 60, 589 ± 71, 583 ± 36, 566 ± 63 and 608 ± 20 d.p.i.) and control (637 ± 57 d.p.i.) mothers (Fig. 2). Moreover, there was no difference between the survival times of PrPres-positive and PrPres-negative offspring mice. To confirm the fact of subclinical infection, works on second-passage experiments are in progress.
The fact that BSE prions delivered into mice brains can be transmitted to a next generation is indicative of their intrinsic ability to centrifugally spread from the CNS to other peripheral tissues. In fact, the ability of prions to move from CNS through afferent nerve fibers has been also described for other TSEs, including genetic and sporadic human prion diseases (14, 15) and scrapie (28), and was suggested for chronic wasting disease (CWD) (26). Recently it has been shown how vCJD and Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker syndrome (strain Fukuoka-1) prions retaining full infectivity can be detected in the blood of mice after intracerebral inoculation (6). The role of blood in BSE prion dissemination became more evident after the demonstration of BSE transmission to sheep via blood transfusion even during the preclinical phase of an experimental oral BSE inoculation in sheep (18). Our results indicated that BSE prions could be transmitted to the offspring after intracerebral inoculation in a process that seems to be more efficient when detectable amounts of PrPres are present in the brain. The way by which prion infectivity is transmitted through a next generation could be then, based on previous work, be identified as blood dissemination. Other investigated tissues (placenta, lymphoid tissues, and gastrointestinal tract) were negative for PrPres either by Western blotting or by analysis with immunohistochemistry (data not shown). However, these negative results do not allow one to conclude that there is a lack of infectivity in these tissues. In our experimental model, other fluids cannot be disregarded as vehicles for prion spread. To asses whether the route of infection through milk feeding was involved, we carried out experimental inoculations of milk extracted from mothers. For this purpose, 0.5 ml of pooled milk extracted from both infected and uninfected mothers was delipidated and intracerebrally injected into boTg110 mice after a concentration step (centrifugation at 25,000 x g for 30 min). We estimate that the amount of milk used for the inoculations represents 25% of the milk intake during lactancy. Analysis of the survival times of mice inoculated or mock inoculated did not show any significant difference (Fig. 3). Brains from these mice were then analyzed with both histopathology and immunohistochemistry for the presence of PrPres. Similarly, no PrPres was detected (data not shown). This negative result does not exclude the potential of milk to transmit prions but suggests that the relevance of this fluid in infectivity might be very low if it exists at all. Thus, the centrifugal dispersion of prions together with the ability of blood to retain prion infectivity might account for the transmission of BSE prions to the offspring without excluding other possible ways.
With regard to BSE in cattle, previous fieldwork studies suggested that the disease may be passed from cow to calf (29, 30). However, there has been controversy and uncertainties regarding whether or not maternal transmission has implications in the prevalence of this disease similar to those that it has for sheep scrapie (9, 10). Our results reveal an enhanced risk of disease in mice born from BSE-infected mothers at the end stage of the incubation time. The same type of risk may apply to the offspring from BSE-infected cattle, as has been suggested from the epidemiological data (9). However, it is necessary to point out here some differences between our transgenic mouse model and bovine species. Firstly, boTg110 mice express boPrP at a level eight times that of bovine PrP in cattle brain; therefore, there is more PrPC substrate available for conversion to PrPSc. Secondly, there are some evident differences with respect to the architectural anatomies of mouse and cattle placentations. In cattle, the placenta is bridged to the uterus by a cotyledonary form of attachment, and the structure is of the syndesmochorial type, in which the embryo trophoblastic layer and the maternal uterine epithelium are not fused. In contrast, mouse embryonic and uterine epithelia are completely fused (hemochorial). This type of structure allows blood from the uterine endothelium to be in close contact with the fetal placenta, therefore facilitating the chances for prion dissemination and embryonic contamination.
The BSE agent can propagate efficiently in sheep (11), and the possibility of sheep flocks becoming infected with BSE was raised (21). However, in contrast to findings for sheep scrapie, no evidence of PrPSc has been found in the reproductive tissues of sheep infected with BSE (13), nor has BSE been reported in the offspring of experimentally infected ewes (12). Since transmission of BSE prions to the offspring occurs in the mouse model, it is reasonable to assume that host-specific restrictions may compromise the ability of BSE prions to be vertically transmitted.
This work was supported by national Spanish grants (EET2002-05168-C04-02 and INIA-OT02-008).
Andreoletti, O., C. Lacroux, A. Chabert, L. Monnereau, G. Tabouret, F. Lantier, P. Berthon, F. Eychenne, S. Lafond-Benestad, J. M. Elsen, and F. Schelcher. 2002. PrP(Sc) accumulation in placentas of ewes exposed to natural scrapie: influence of foetal PrP genotype and effect on ewe-to-lamb transmission. J. Gen. Virol. 83:2607-2616.
Bradbury, J. 1996. Maternal transmission of BSE demonstrated in cattle. Lancet 348:393.
Bradley, R. 1999. BSE transmission studies with particular reference to blood. Dev. Biol. Stand. 99:35-40.
Castilla, J., A. Gutierrez Adan, A. Brun, B. Pintado, M. A. Ramirez, B. Parra, D. Doyle, M. Rogers, F. J. Salguero, C. Sanchez, J. M. Sanchez-Vizcaino, and J. M. Torres. 2003. Early detection of PrP(res) in BSE-infected bovine PrP transgenic mice. Arch. Virol. 148:677-691.
Castilla, J., A. Gutierrez-Adan, A. Brun, B. Pintado, B. Parra, M. A. Ramirez, F. J. Salguero, F. Diaz San Segundo, A. Rabano, M. J. Cano, and J. M. Torres. 2004. Different behavior toward bovine spongiform encephalopathy infection of bovine prion protein transgenic mice with one extra repeat octapeptide insert mutation. J. Neurosci. 24:2156-2164.
Cervenakova, L., O. Yakovleva, C. McKenzie, S. Kolchinsky, L. McShane, W. N. Drohan, and P. Brown. 2003. Similar levels of infectivity in the blood of mice infected with human-derived vCJD and GSS strains of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Transfusion 43:1687-1694.
Collinge, J. 1997. Human prion diseases and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Hum. Mol. Genet. 6:1699-1705.
Collinge, J. 1999. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Lancet 354:317-323.
Donnelly, C. A., N. M. Ferguson, A. C. Ghani, J. W. Wilesmith, and R. M. Anderson. 1997. Analysis of dam-calf pairs of BSE cases: confirmation of a maternal risk enhancement. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 264:1647-1656.
Ferguson, N. M., C. A. Donnelly, M. E. Woolhouse, and R. M. Anderson. 1997. A genetic interpretation of heightened risk of BSE in offspring of affected dams. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 264:1445-1455.
Foster, J. D., M. Bruce, I. McConnell, A. Chree, and H. Fraser. 1996. Detection of BSE infectivity in brain and spleen of experimentally infected sheep. Vet. Rec. 138:546-548.
Foster, J. D., W. Goldmann, C. McKenzie, A. Smith, D. W. Parnham, and N. Hunter. 2004. Maternal transmission studies of BSE in sheep. J. Gen. Virol. 85:3159-3163.
Foster, J. D., D. W. Parnham, N. Hunter, and M. Bruce. 2001. Distribution of the prion protein in sheep terminally affected with BSE following experimental oral transmission. J. Gen. Virol. 82:2319-2326.
Hainfellner, J. A., and H. Budka. 1999. Disease associated prion protein may deposit in the peripheral nervous system in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Acta Neuropathol. 98:458-460.
Head, M. W., V. Northcott, K. Rennison, D. Ritchie, L. McCardle, T. J. Bunn, N. F. McLennan, J. W. Ironside, A. B. Tullo, and R. E. Bonshek. 2003. Prion protein accumulation in eyes of patients with sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44:342-346.
Hoinville, L. J. 1996. A review of the epidemiology of scrapie in sheep. Rev. Sci. Tech. 15:827-852.
Hunter, N. 1998. Scrapie. Mol. Biotechnol. 9:225-234.
Hunter, N., J. Foster, A. Chong, S. McCutcheon, D. Parnham, S. Eaton, C. MacKenzie, and F. Houston. 2002. Transmission of prion diseases by blood transfusion. J. Gen. Virol. 83:2897-2905.
Hunter, N., J. D. Foster, W. Goldmann, M. J. Stear, J. Hope, and C. Bostock. 1996. Natural scrapie in a closed flock of Cheviot sheep occurs only in specific PrP genotypes. Arch. Virol. 141:809-824.
Hunter, N., W. Goldmann, J. D. Foster, D. Cairns, and G. Smith. 1997. Natural scrapie and PrP genotype: case-control studies in British sheep. Vet. Rec. 141:137-140.
Kao, R. R., M. B. Gravenor, M. Baylis, C. J. Bostock, C. M. Chihota, J. C. Evans, W. Goldmann, A. J. Smith, and A. R. McLean. 2002. The potential size and duration of an epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in British sheep. Science 295:332-335.
Prusiner, S. B. 1996. Human prion diseases and neurodegeneration. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 207:1-17.
Prusiner, S. B. 1994. Inherited prion diseases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:4611-4614.
Prusiner, S. B. 1998. The prion diseases. Brain Pathol. 8:499-513.
Race, R., A. Jenny, and D. Sutton. 1998. Scrapie infectivity and proteinase K-resistant prion protein in sheep placenta, brain, spleen, and lymph node: implications for transmission and antemortem diagnosis. J. Infect. Dis. 178:949-953.
Sigurdson, C. J., T. R. Spraker, M. W. Miller, B. Oesch, and E. A. Hoover. 2001. PrPCWD in the myenteric plexus, vagosympathetic trunk and endocrine glands of deer with chronic wasting disease. J. Gen. Virol. 82:2327-2334.
Tuo, W., K. I. O'Rourke, D. Zhuang, W. P. Cheevers, T. R. Spraker, and D. P. Knowles. 2002. Pregnancy status and fetal prion genetics determine PrPSc accumulation in placentomes of scrapie-infected sheep. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:6310-6315.
van Keulen, L. J., B. E. Schreuder, M. E. Vromans, J. P. Langeveld, and M. A. Smits. 2000. Pathogenesis of natural scrapie in sheep. Arch. Virol. Suppl. 16:57-71.
Wilesmith, J. W., G. A. Wells, L. J. Hoinville, and M. M. Simmons. 1994. Suspected vertical transmission of BSE. Vet. Rec. 134:198-199.
Wilesmith, J. W., G. A. Wells, J. B. Ryan, D. Gavier-Widen, and M. M. Simmons. 1997. A cohort study to examine maternally-associated risk factors for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Vet. Rec. 141:239-243.
Wrathall, A. E. 1997. Risks of transmitting scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy by semen and embryos. Rev. Sci. Tech. 16:240-264.(J. Castilla, A. Brun, F. )
Departamento de Reproducción Animal y Conservación de Recursos Zoogenéticos (INIA), Avda. Puerta de Hierro s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain
In this work we show evidence of mother-to-offspring transmission in a transgenic mouse line expressing bovine PrP (boTg) experimentally infected by intracerebral administration of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions. PrPres was detected in brains of newborns from infected mothers only when mating was allowed near to the clinical stage of disease, when brain PrPres deposition could be detected by Western blot analysis. Attempts to detect infectivity in milk after intracerebral inoculation in boTg mice were unsuccessful, suggesting the involvement of other tissues as carriers of prion dissemination. The results shown here prove the ability of BSE prions to spread centrifugally from the central nervous system to peripheral tissues and to offspring in a mouse model. Also, these results may complement previous epidemiological data supporting the occurrence of vertical BSE transmission in cattle.
Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) belong to a class of infectious diseases characterized by the presence of an abnormally folded protein (PrPSc) that accumulates in the brains of affected individuals (24). TSEs may be of spontaneous, familial, or infectious origin. While spontaneous and familial etiologies have been described for the disease in humans (22, 23), infectious TSEs have been clustered mainly in domestic animals, from which sheep scrapie was the prototype of disease (17). The epidemic dimension of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the mid-1980s contributed to the spread of the disease to humans in the form of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) (7, 8). It is now generally accepted that the consumption of contaminated meat and/or meat-derived products has been the most probable route of transmission of BSE prions to humans. Natural routes of transmission have been described for scrapie prions (16, 19, 20), although scant information is available regarding BSE natural routes of infection. The ability of scrapie prions to accumulate in placental tissues from genetically susceptible ewes (1, 25, 27) might be a contributing factor in scrapie epidemiology (16). However, this picture still remains diffuse for BSE. No PrPSc accumulation is detected in placentas from BSE-infected cattle (31), and neither blood nor milk from BSE-infected animals have yet been shown to be infectious, consistent with the apparent absence of the prion agent in peripheral tissues (3). Experiments to test maternal transmission in cattle showed that approximately 10% of calves born to cows with confirmed BSE developed disease (2). This transmission rate, however, was obtained in a scenario of disease prevalence, since some of the calves were born after the feed ban was fully effective.
The ability of prions to move from the central nervous system (CNS) through afferent nerve fibers has been described for several TSEs, including genetic and sporadic human prion diseases (14, 15)and scrapie (28), and was suggested for chronic wasting disease (CWD) (26). Recently, it has been shown how vCJD and Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker syndrome (strain Fukuoka-1) prions retaining full infectivity can be detected in the blood of mice after intracerebral inoculation (6). To test the ability of BSE prions to spread from CNS to peripheral tissues, we studied the efficiency of BSE transmission from intracerebrally BSE-inoculated mothers to their offspring in a transgenic mouse line (boTg110) expressing bovine PrP (4). boTg110 mice express boPrP controlled by the mouse PrP promoter at a level eight times that of the level of bovine PrP in cattle brain as previously described (4). Groups of boTg110 females were intracerebrally infected with a BSE inoculum named BSE1 consisting of a pool from 49 BSE-infected cattle brains (TSE/08/59) supplied by the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, United Kingdom). The titer of this inoculum was 108 50% infective dose units per gram of bovine brainstem when measured in the boTg110 mouse line (data not shown). At different times postinoculation, infected female mice were mated with healthy homologous males (Table 1). Group I female mice (mated at 195 and 223 days postinoculation [d.p.i.]) showed a strong PrPres signal as judged by Western blot analysis of brain extracts (data not shown). In contrast, only mouse 09 from group II (mated at 160 d.p.i.) showed detectable brain PrPres accumulation, in good agreement with the kinetics of PrPres deposition in this mouse model (4).
PrPres was clearly detected by Western blotting in 2 out of 10 mice born from group I females (mated at 195 and 223 d.p.i.) but in only 1 out of 40 in group II (mated at 160 d.p.i.). The PrPres banding pattern observed for group I positive brains was similar to that for brains from Tg110 mice intracerebrally challenged with the BSE1 inoculum, and no differences could be observed in their relative molecular weight mobilities (Fig. 1A) Deglycosylation experiments with N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) confirmed this observation (Fig. 1B). However, differences in the amounts of immunoreactive PrPres were found between group I and II: PrPres levels in mouse 09/02 from group II were found to be clearly lower than those in mice from group I. This fact might be explained by the shorter survival time of this mouse (time to death, 536 d.p.i.) relative to those of mice from group I, which died at 622 and 613 days postinfection. Differences in the percentages of PrPres-positive offspring among groups I and II (20% versus 2.5%; Pt test = 0.098) might be related to the time after intracerebral BSE prion inoculation after which mating was allowed. Thus, higher transmission rates, defined by the presence of detectable PrPres, are obtained if the accumulation of pathogenic PrP in brain is allowed to reach certain nonpathological levels without disturbing the reproductive competence of female mice. The high percentage of PrPres-negative littermates could be attributed to the limited sensitivity of the Western blot technique (5). In addition, exploring the presence of PrPres depositions by immunohistochemistry in brains from mice negative for PrPres by Western blotting was consistently unsuccessful (data not shown). The lack of PrPres detection, however, cannot exclude completely the existence of subclinical infections in the PrPres-negative offspring. This assumption can be supported by the statistically significant differences (P = 0.020) observed in the survival times between offspring from infected (585 ± 60, 589 ± 71, 583 ± 36, 566 ± 63 and 608 ± 20 d.p.i.) and control (637 ± 57 d.p.i.) mothers (Fig. 2). Moreover, there was no difference between the survival times of PrPres-positive and PrPres-negative offspring mice. To confirm the fact of subclinical infection, works on second-passage experiments are in progress.
The fact that BSE prions delivered into mice brains can be transmitted to a next generation is indicative of their intrinsic ability to centrifugally spread from the CNS to other peripheral tissues. In fact, the ability of prions to move from CNS through afferent nerve fibers has been also described for other TSEs, including genetic and sporadic human prion diseases (14, 15) and scrapie (28), and was suggested for chronic wasting disease (CWD) (26). Recently it has been shown how vCJD and Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker syndrome (strain Fukuoka-1) prions retaining full infectivity can be detected in the blood of mice after intracerebral inoculation (6). The role of blood in BSE prion dissemination became more evident after the demonstration of BSE transmission to sheep via blood transfusion even during the preclinical phase of an experimental oral BSE inoculation in sheep (18). Our results indicated that BSE prions could be transmitted to the offspring after intracerebral inoculation in a process that seems to be more efficient when detectable amounts of PrPres are present in the brain. The way by which prion infectivity is transmitted through a next generation could be then, based on previous work, be identified as blood dissemination. Other investigated tissues (placenta, lymphoid tissues, and gastrointestinal tract) were negative for PrPres either by Western blotting or by analysis with immunohistochemistry (data not shown). However, these negative results do not allow one to conclude that there is a lack of infectivity in these tissues. In our experimental model, other fluids cannot be disregarded as vehicles for prion spread. To asses whether the route of infection through milk feeding was involved, we carried out experimental inoculations of milk extracted from mothers. For this purpose, 0.5 ml of pooled milk extracted from both infected and uninfected mothers was delipidated and intracerebrally injected into boTg110 mice after a concentration step (centrifugation at 25,000 x g for 30 min). We estimate that the amount of milk used for the inoculations represents 25% of the milk intake during lactancy. Analysis of the survival times of mice inoculated or mock inoculated did not show any significant difference (Fig. 3). Brains from these mice were then analyzed with both histopathology and immunohistochemistry for the presence of PrPres. Similarly, no PrPres was detected (data not shown). This negative result does not exclude the potential of milk to transmit prions but suggests that the relevance of this fluid in infectivity might be very low if it exists at all. Thus, the centrifugal dispersion of prions together with the ability of blood to retain prion infectivity might account for the transmission of BSE prions to the offspring without excluding other possible ways.
With regard to BSE in cattle, previous fieldwork studies suggested that the disease may be passed from cow to calf (29, 30). However, there has been controversy and uncertainties regarding whether or not maternal transmission has implications in the prevalence of this disease similar to those that it has for sheep scrapie (9, 10). Our results reveal an enhanced risk of disease in mice born from BSE-infected mothers at the end stage of the incubation time. The same type of risk may apply to the offspring from BSE-infected cattle, as has been suggested from the epidemiological data (9). However, it is necessary to point out here some differences between our transgenic mouse model and bovine species. Firstly, boTg110 mice express boPrP at a level eight times that of bovine PrP in cattle brain; therefore, there is more PrPC substrate available for conversion to PrPSc. Secondly, there are some evident differences with respect to the architectural anatomies of mouse and cattle placentations. In cattle, the placenta is bridged to the uterus by a cotyledonary form of attachment, and the structure is of the syndesmochorial type, in which the embryo trophoblastic layer and the maternal uterine epithelium are not fused. In contrast, mouse embryonic and uterine epithelia are completely fused (hemochorial). This type of structure allows blood from the uterine endothelium to be in close contact with the fetal placenta, therefore facilitating the chances for prion dissemination and embryonic contamination.
The BSE agent can propagate efficiently in sheep (11), and the possibility of sheep flocks becoming infected with BSE was raised (21). However, in contrast to findings for sheep scrapie, no evidence of PrPSc has been found in the reproductive tissues of sheep infected with BSE (13), nor has BSE been reported in the offspring of experimentally infected ewes (12). Since transmission of BSE prions to the offspring occurs in the mouse model, it is reasonable to assume that host-specific restrictions may compromise the ability of BSE prions to be vertically transmitted.
This work was supported by national Spanish grants (EET2002-05168-C04-02 and INIA-OT02-008).
Andreoletti, O., C. Lacroux, A. Chabert, L. Monnereau, G. Tabouret, F. Lantier, P. Berthon, F. Eychenne, S. Lafond-Benestad, J. M. Elsen, and F. Schelcher. 2002. PrP(Sc) accumulation in placentas of ewes exposed to natural scrapie: influence of foetal PrP genotype and effect on ewe-to-lamb transmission. J. Gen. Virol. 83:2607-2616.
Bradbury, J. 1996. Maternal transmission of BSE demonstrated in cattle. Lancet 348:393.
Bradley, R. 1999. BSE transmission studies with particular reference to blood. Dev. Biol. Stand. 99:35-40.
Castilla, J., A. Gutierrez Adan, A. Brun, B. Pintado, M. A. Ramirez, B. Parra, D. Doyle, M. Rogers, F. J. Salguero, C. Sanchez, J. M. Sanchez-Vizcaino, and J. M. Torres. 2003. Early detection of PrP(res) in BSE-infected bovine PrP transgenic mice. Arch. Virol. 148:677-691.
Castilla, J., A. Gutierrez-Adan, A. Brun, B. Pintado, B. Parra, M. A. Ramirez, F. J. Salguero, F. Diaz San Segundo, A. Rabano, M. J. Cano, and J. M. Torres. 2004. Different behavior toward bovine spongiform encephalopathy infection of bovine prion protein transgenic mice with one extra repeat octapeptide insert mutation. J. Neurosci. 24:2156-2164.
Cervenakova, L., O. Yakovleva, C. McKenzie, S. Kolchinsky, L. McShane, W. N. Drohan, and P. Brown. 2003. Similar levels of infectivity in the blood of mice infected with human-derived vCJD and GSS strains of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Transfusion 43:1687-1694.
Collinge, J. 1997. Human prion diseases and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Hum. Mol. Genet. 6:1699-1705.
Collinge, J. 1999. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Lancet 354:317-323.
Donnelly, C. A., N. M. Ferguson, A. C. Ghani, J. W. Wilesmith, and R. M. Anderson. 1997. Analysis of dam-calf pairs of BSE cases: confirmation of a maternal risk enhancement. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 264:1647-1656.
Ferguson, N. M., C. A. Donnelly, M. E. Woolhouse, and R. M. Anderson. 1997. A genetic interpretation of heightened risk of BSE in offspring of affected dams. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 264:1445-1455.
Foster, J. D., M. Bruce, I. McConnell, A. Chree, and H. Fraser. 1996. Detection of BSE infectivity in brain and spleen of experimentally infected sheep. Vet. Rec. 138:546-548.
Foster, J. D., W. Goldmann, C. McKenzie, A. Smith, D. W. Parnham, and N. Hunter. 2004. Maternal transmission studies of BSE in sheep. J. Gen. Virol. 85:3159-3163.
Foster, J. D., D. W. Parnham, N. Hunter, and M. Bruce. 2001. Distribution of the prion protein in sheep terminally affected with BSE following experimental oral transmission. J. Gen. Virol. 82:2319-2326.
Hainfellner, J. A., and H. Budka. 1999. Disease associated prion protein may deposit in the peripheral nervous system in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Acta Neuropathol. 98:458-460.
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