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Overexpression of Telomerase Confers Growth Advantage, Stress Resistance, and Enhanced Differentiation of ESCs Toward the Hematopoietic Line
http://www.100md.com 《干细胞学杂志》
     a Department of Biological Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom;

    b Institute for Ageing and Health, University of Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 4BE, United Kingdom;

    c Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ, United Kingdom

    Key Words. ESCs ? Telomerase ? Hematopoietic stem cells ? Oxidative stress ? Cell proliferation ? Cell cycle ? Apoptosis

    Correspondence: Majlinda Lako, Ph.D., Institute of Human Genetics, International Centre for Life, Central Parkway, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ, U.K. Telephone: 00-44-191-241-8688; Fax: 00-44-191-241-8666; e-mail: Majlinda.Lako@ncl.ac.uk


    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and under appropriate culture conditions they can be maintained indefinitely in culture while preserving their pluripotency and genomic stability. There are only very small numbers of ESCs that give rise to all tissues of the embryo proper. This small size of the population means that ESCs need to be equipped with efficient mechanisms of preventing and repairing DNA damage. In fact, murine ESCs differ from their more differentiated counterparts by high levels of antioxidant defense and good DNA strand break repair capacity . Furthermore, telomerase activity decreases during differentiation of mouse and human ESCs, mostly because of transcriptional downregulation of the telomerase reverse transcriptase, Tert . Currently, it is not known whether the downregulation of telomerase during differentiation of ESCs influences the ability of the derived progeny to cope with DNA damage, oxidative stress, and the differentiation process itself. This is an important issue in regenerative medicine, given the current efforts to selectively differentiate human ESCs into various precursors for use in cell-replacement therapies. In the study reported here, we wanted to investigate whether the continuous expression of telomerase during differentiation can help to transfer some of the excellent properties of ESCs to ESC-derived progeny.

    The telomerase holoenzyme core encompasses a reverse transcriptase (TERT) that catalyzes the addition of new repeats and a structural RNA component (TR) containing the template region that binds the telomere repeats . Telomeric DNA consists of regions composed of conserved tandem hexanucleotide repeats with a protruding G-rich overhang and is replicated by the ribonucleoprotein telomerase. Most human somatic cells show very little or no telomerase activity, and their chromosome ends shorten at each cell division, thereby limiting the replicative lifespan and leading eventually to senescence . Immortalized human cells and cancer cells, however, exhibit stable telomere length upon prolonged propagation in culture and typically have detectable telomerase activity . In addition to maintaining telomere length, telomerase may also prevent the loss of G-rich single-stranded overhangs that participate, together with specific telomere-binding proteins, in forming the T-loop structure . Erosion of the telomeric overhang can be a cause or a consequence of the collapse of the T-loop structure and the uncapping of the telomere end that eventually signals DNA damage and activates the senescence pathway .

    In addition to detection in cancer cells and in artificially immortalized cells, telomerase activity has been found in various tissues with self-renewal capacity, including the basal layer of the epidermis , intestinal crypt cells , germ line cells , and the hematopoietic system , and at lower levels in cycling primary presenescent fibroblasts . This suggests that proper maintenance of telomere length and structure is required for the self-renewal function. Supportive evidence comes from mice lacking telomerase activity which exhibit functional impairment in organs composed of highly proliferative cells in late generations .

    Telomerase knock-down experiments in human tumor cells and overexpression studies in somatic cells have identified telomerase as a "survival enzyme" that not only allows long-term unlimited growth but also improves cellular resistance against a wide variety of stressors and cytotoxic agents. In many cases, this survival function appears unrelated to maintenance of telomere length . Possible mechanisms include length-independent stabilization of the telomere cap or induction of stress defense genes via unknown pathways .

    Telomerase activity has also been implicated in the maintenance of stem cell function and self-renewal, especially in the hematopoietic system. Primitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are typically quiescent and display low levels of telomerase activity, which is upregulated upon mitogenic stimulation . Telomerase-deficient HSCs show a reduced long-term repopulating capacity and increased genomic instability compared with wild-type cells . In patients with dyskeratosis congenita, mutations in different genes compromise the function of telomerase. This leads to enhanced telomere shortening and functional deficiencies in tissues such as gut, skin, and bone marrow, all of which depend on renewal from stem cells .

    Current knowledge of TERT regulation and telomerase activity in normal development is limited. ESCs afford a good model system because they can be propagated indefinitely in culture and differentiated into various cell types, recapitulating many aspects of early embryonic development . In the mouse, telomerase activity is important for ESC growth. Deletions leading to loss of either the telomerase RNA or its reverse transcriptase result in progressive loss of telomeres, genomic instability, aneuploidy, telomeric fusions, and eventual reduced growth rate . Recent work has indicated that human ESCs express the TERT gene and show high levels of telomerase activity; however, upon differentiation, the levels of TERT and telomerase activity decrease with the emergence of a maturing population of cells . It is not clear from these studies whether or not the down-regulation of telomerase activity is necessary for the differentiation to proceed normally. Here, we stably overexpressed Tert in murine ESCs and investigated the effects of continuous telomerase expression on cell proliferation and apoptosis, differentiation toward hematopoietic lineage, and resistance to oxidative stress.


    Overexpression of Tert in Murine ESCs

    We have shown before that telomerase is downregulated by more than one order of magnitude upon differentiation of murine ESCs to EBs . To investigate the effects of continued telomerase expression during the differentiation of ESCs, we stably transfected a construct containing the full-length cDNA of Tert under the control of MPSV LTR, resulting in significant overexpression of Tert as measured by real-time RT-PCR using primers directed against the mouse Tert-coding sequence, which amplify both endogenous and exogenous Tert mRNA. One single clone (tert-1) and one pooled clone (tert-2) were selected for further analysis. To measure telomerase activity, we performed TRAP assays under linear conditions of product amplification, which allowed for semi-quantitative analysis of TRAP activity levels. A significant increase in telomerase activity was observed in Tert-transfected cells (Fig. 1A). Although tert-1 ESC and tert-2 ESC clones over-expressed Tert mRNA at different levels, the telomerase activity levels were similar to each other. Most probably, an 11-fold over-expression of Tert as found in tert-2 ESCs is already sufficient to saturate the formation of active telomerase complexes. During differentiation, telomerase activity decreased in control ESCs but was maintained in the Tert-transfected cells (Fig. 1B).

    Figure 1. Overexpression of Tert results in maintenance of telomerase activity during the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. (A): Telomerase activity was measured in a dilution series by semiquantitative TRAP ELISA in control (wild-type) ES cells and Tert-overexpressing ESCs. The results represent the mean ± SEM from three independent experiments. Asterisks denote a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .05; **p < .01. (B): Telomerase activity from 10 ng of cell extract was measured using the TRAP-ELISA assay. Telomerase-specific products were determined by the presence of a 6-bp incremental DNA ladder on a 12% polyacrylamide gel stained with ethidium bromide, which indicates the addition of the 6-bp repeats (TTAGGG) to the synthetic primer by telomerase. Abbreviation: EB, embryoid body.

    To investigate whether continuous overexpression of Tert in ESCs contributes to gross genomic instability, we carried out G banding on Tert-transfected and wild-type ESCs at three different population doublings (Table 2). Observation of 30 metaphases for tert-1 ESCs and tert-2 ESCs showed no deviations from the normal karyotype at PD130. Increasing aneuploidy was observed in metaphases obtained at PD190 and PD300 for both wild-type and Tert-transfected ESCs. It is well known that murine ESCs in prolonged culture become severely aneuploid . Chi-square analysis (p < .01) revealed that Tert overexpression did not increase the severity or frequency of these aberrations.

    Table 2. Frequency of aneuploidy in control and Tert-overexpressing embryonic stem cells

    Using pulsed field gel electrophoresis we could not detect any changes in average telomere length or telomere length distribution (data not shown). Flow-FISH is more sensitive for the detection of small length differences in the highly heterogeneous telomeres from mice . We found that telomere fluorescence intensity measured by Flow-FISH did not change significantly during the differentiation of either wild-type or Tert-overexpressing ESCs into day 6 EBs (data not shown). There was some variation in G-rich overhang length between Tert-overexpressing ESCs, possibly due to clonal selection. Importantly, the length of G-rich single-stranded overhangs decreased during the differentiation of wild-type ESCs to EBs, while no significant change was observed during the differentiation of the Tert-overexpressing ESCs (Fig. 2; supplementary online Fig. 2).

    Figure 2. Expression of Tert maintains G-rich single-stranded overhangs during differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Overhang length was measured as hybridization intensity ratio native versus denatured gel . Overhang length of wild-type (control) ESCs was set at 1. The data are mean ± SEM from four independent experiments. Embryoid bodies (EBs) are from day 6 of the differentiation protocol (*p < .05 ). Abbreviation: ns, not significant.

    Tert-transfected ESCs grew faster than the control (Fig 3A). This appeared to be due to faster transit of Tert-transfected cells through the G2 and M phases of the cell cycle and, accordingly, higher fractions of cells in S phase (Fig. 3B). The doubling time for tert-1 ESCs is 16.6 hours and for tert-2 is 16.3 hours, compared with the control clone which is 23.2 hours. In view of this result, it is possible that the G2/M checkpoint might have been activated. It is equally possible that the cells simply transit G2/M phase more rapidly because of their intact telomeres.

    Figure 3. Continued expression of Tert during differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells results in accelerated cell proliferation and faster transit through G2/M. (A): Cell growth is shown as cumulative population doublings (PDs) versus time. PDs were set to 0 at the beginning of the experiment. (B): Frequencies of wild-type (control) and Tert-overexpressing ES cells in different cell cycle phases, as measured by propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry. The data are mean ± SEM from three independent experiments. Asterisks denote a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .001.

    We next investigated the effect of Tert overexpression on a poptosis. Cell death was induced by adding a protein kinase C inhibitor, bisindolylmaleimide II . We found that overexpression of Tert in ESCs conferred a higher resistance to inhibitor-induced apoptosis (Fig. 4A). Frequencies of both spontaneous cell death and inhibitor-induced apoptosis were higher in day 6 wild-type EBs than in wild-type ESCs. Overexpression of Tert protected day-6 EBs from spontaneous apoptosis. However, bisindolylma-leimide II induced close to 100% apoptosis in day-6 EBs, and this could not be rescued by Tert overexpression (Fig. 4B).

    Figure 4. Improved apoptosis resistance in Tert-overexpressing cells. (A): Wild-type (control) and Tert-overexpressing embryonic stem (ES) cells were treated with the protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolyl-maleimide I in the indicated concentrations. The frequency (in %) of apoptotic cells was measured by annexin V staining. Data are mean ± SEM from three independent experiments. (B): Apoptosis was induced as indicated above in day-6 embryoid bodies (EBs) derived from control and Tert-transfected cells. Asterisks denote a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .01; **p < .001; ***p < .0001.

    Murine ESCs have highly efficient antioxidant defense mechanisms, but this protective capacity is progressively lost during differentiation into EBs . To investigate whether continued expression of Tert would interfere with this loss of antioxidant defense during differentiation, we first measured intracellular levels of peroxides by DCF-DA staining . Differentiation of wild-type ESCs into EBs resulted in an approximately fivefold increase in cellular DCF fluorescence at day 6, in accordance with our earlier results . In contrast, peroxide levels increased significantly less during differentiation of both Tert-overexpressing ESCs (Fig. 5A).

    Figure 5. Tert-overexpressing cells maintain better stress defense capabilities than wild-type (control) during differentiation. (A): Intracellular peroxide content was measured by 2',7-dichlorofluorescin staining of embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryoid bodies (EBs) at day 0 (d0), day 2 (d2), day 4 (d4), and day 6 (d6) of the differentiation protocol. Data are mean ± SD from two independent experiments with triplicate measurements each. Fluorescence values measured in wild-type day-6 EBs were set at 100% in both experiments. The slopes of the regression lines for both Tert cells are significantly smaller than wild-type (p < .05) but not significantly different from each other (ANOVA). (B): Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis of expression of 15 candidate stress response genes in wild-type (control) and tert-2 ES cells and day-4 EBs. Aliquots of each reaction were equalized for the internal control Gapdh and were run on 2% agarose gels containing ethidium bromide. Genotypes and differentiation states are indicated. Abbreviations: AO, genes with functions in antioxidant defense; DDR, DNA damage–repair gene; HSP, chaperone (heat-shock protein); HY, gene regulated in response to hypoxia; IC, internal control; NC, negative control; TF, transcription factor.

    Next, we compared the expression of a number of candidate genes involved in oxidative stress resistance. Before we had identified 15 stress-response candidate genes whose expression changed during the differentiation of wild-type ESCs, including 9 genes with possible roles in antioxidant defense, 3 chaperone genes, 1 DNA damage–repair gene, 1 regulated in response to hypoxia, and 1 transcriptional repressor for checkpoint control genes . Investigating the same set of candidate genes, we found that the expression changes of 5 out of 15 genes (Pdha2, Gpx4, Gpx3, Hif3, and Prdx2) were similar during the differentiation of Tert-overexpressing and control ESCs (Fig. 5B). In contrast, the expression of 10 out of these 15 candidate genes (Mortalin, Hspa1b, Bmi1, Gpx2, Sod2, Txnip, Ercc4, Hspa1a, Tgr, and Gsta3) was maintained by forced telomerase expression in day 4 EB cells while downregulated in control day 4 EBs (Fig. 5B). Together with the functional data shown above, this suggests that telomerase overexpression can maintain stress defense capacities during differentiation at levels more similar to undifferentiated ESCs.

    To investigate whether continued Tert expression influences the efficiency of differentiation toward hematopoietic lineages, we measured the hematopoietic commitment of wild-type and Tert-overexpressing EBs. First, we estimated the total frequencies of colony-forming cells (CFCs) within preparations of EBs at day-0 to day-6 stages of the EB differentiation protocol by progenitor colony assays (CFU-GEMM). Formation of myeloid cell colonies was significantly more frequent from Tert-overexpressing EBs from day 2 onward (Fig. 6A). We then compared the abilities of day-3.5 wild-type and tert-2 EBs to differentiate along different hematopoietic lineages. Day-3.5 EBs were disrupted to single cells, and the ability to form colonies was measured under combinations of growth factors and cytokines that stimulate the differentiation toward myeloid and erythroid lineages. This showed that Tert-2 EBs gave rise to significantly higher numbers of mixed colonies (CFU-GEMM) and colonies derived from more committed progenitors (CFU-GM and BFU-E) than wild-type EBs (Fig. 6B; supplementary online Fig. 1).

    Figure 6. Continued Tert expression results in enhanced differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells toward the hematopoietic lineage. (A): Embryoid bodies (EBs) were allowed to differentiate in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), and hematopoietic commitment was assessed by counting the proportion of EBs producing colonies of myeloid lineage in the CFU-GEMM assay. The data are M ± SEM from three experiments with triplicate measurements each. Asterisk denotes a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .05. (B): Day-3.5 EBs from control and tert-2 transfected cells were disrupted to single cells, and their hematopoietic commitment was assessed by counting the number of colonies per 100,000 cells in a CFU-GEMM assay. The data are M ± SEM from three experiments with triplicate measurements each. Asterisks denote a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .01; **p < .001; ***p < .0001. (C): Flow cytometry analysis of day-3.5 EBs derived from control and tert-2 transfected ESCs for the expression of Flk-1. The data shown are representative of three independent experiments. (D): Some 10,000 Flk-1+ cells were sorted from day-3.5 EBs derived from tert-2 and control ES cells and tested for hematopoietic activity in a CFU-GEMM assay. The data are M ± SEM from two experiments with triplicate measurements each. Asterisk denotes a statistically significant difference (Student t-test) versus wild-type: *p < .01.

    These results suggested that the number of progenitor cells in the EBs derived from Tert-transfected ESCs is higher because of either faster proliferation or better survival in culture. To investigate this, we stained day-3.5 EBs with Flk-1 antibody. Flk-1 expression defines a population of cells within EBs that retain the capacity for becoming either hematopoietic or endothelial cells, depending on Scl expression, and is suggestive of hemangioblast precursors during the differentiation of ESCs . A higher percentage of Flk-1+ cells was found in Tert-overexpressing cells (Fig. 6C). We then sorted 10,000 Flk-1+ cells from day-3.5 EBs derived from wild-type and Tert-transfected cells and subjected them to CFU-GEMM assays. We obtained higher numbers of colonies from Tert-transfected cells (Fig. 6D), suggesting that overexpression of Tert results in an increase in the number of hematopoietic progenitor cells obtained during differentiation of ESCs. This is also supported by staining of day 6 EBs with myeloid (Gr-1, Mac-1), erythroid (Ter-119), and lymphoid lineage markers (B220). All of these markers were expressed in a higher fraction of tert-2 EBs than in wild-type EBs (Table 3).

    Table 3. Day-6 embryoid bodies derived from tert-2 and control embryonic stem cells were disrupted to single cells and stained with antibodies against Gr-1, Mac-1, Ter-119, and B220

    To understand the molecular basis of the effects of Tert over-expression, we performed a comparative gene expression analysis of Tert-transfected and control ESCs using the Affymetrix Mouse 430A target array, which includes approximately 14,000 known mouse genes. Of these, 275 genes were identified, using a 2.8-fold change in expression between the samples as the cut-off criterion. We used the Affymetrix Gene Ontology mining tool to select 10 candidate genes known to be involved in cell-cycle regulation, response to oxidative stress and DNA damage, and hematopoietic differentiation (Table 4). Differential expression was confirmed for all of these genes by RT-PCR. Moreover, RT-PCR also confirmed that the differential expression pattern that existed between wild-type and Tert-overexpressing ESCs was maintained during differentiation into EBs at least until day 4 (Fig. 7).

    Table 4. Overexpression of Tert in murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs) results in changes in expression of genes known to be involved in oxidative stress, cell cycle regulation, and hematopoietic differentiation

    Figure 7. Overexpression of Tert results in changes in expression of genes involved in cellular proliferation, DNA damage repair, oxidative stress, and hematopoietic differentiation. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis of expression of 10 candidate genes in embryonic stem (ES) cells and day-4 embryoid bodies (EBs). Aliquots of each reaction were equalized for the internal control Gapdh and were run on 2% agarose gels containing ethidium bromide. Abbreviations: AO, antioxidant and stress defense genes; CC, genes with functions in cell-cycle regulation; DDR, DNA damage–repair gene; HD, factors relevant in differentiation and hematopiesis; IC, internal control; NC, negative control.

    Most prominently, genes positively involved in cell cycle progression such as Ccnd1 (cyclin D1), Cdc6, and AurkB were upregulated, while the cell-cycle inhibitor p21 was downregulated in tert-2 ESCs in accordance with the faster proliferation of ESCs as a result of increased telomerase activity (Fig. 3A). Two genes with roles in detoxification of peroxidation products (Aldh3AI, Mgst1) were found to be upregulated as a result of Tert overexpression. This corresponds well with the lower peroxide levels in Tert-over-expressing cells (Fig. 5A). Together with the upregulation of an additional DNA damage repair gene (Rad51), this finding is well in accordance with the downregulation of the two important cell-cycle checkpoint arrest genes p21 and Gadd45a. p21 is known to be upregulated in telomere-dependent cellular senescence , and Gadd45 was also shown to be upregulated in response to telomere dysfunction before . Finally, we observed upregulation of Nov, a gene involved in regulation of differentiation, and of c-myb, a key hematopoietic transcription factor that is involved in regulation of proliferation and commitment within the hematopoietic hierarchy . c-myb expression is even more increased in day 4 EBs derived from the differentiation of Tert-transfected ESCs (Fig. 7). This could be indicative of an increased proliferation of hematopoietic progenitor cells within the EBs compared with those derived from control ESCs.


    We thank scientists at Geron Corporation for providing us with the full-length cDNA of the murine Tert gene, Dr. Mauro Santibanez-Koref for help with the statistical analysis, Jaclyn C. Barel and Karen A. Thompson for help with cytogenetics analysis. This work was supported by Life Knowledge Park (M.L. and G.S.), The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (L.L. and N.H.), Leukemia Research Foundation (NH), Newcastle Health Charity (G.S.), and Research into Ageing (T.v.Z.). L.A. and G.S. contributed equally to this work.


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