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Editors and their priorities about libel and fraud
http://www.100md.com 《英国医生杂志》
     EDITOR—Ferriman discusses whether editors have their priorities right, raising important issues, particularly for associate editors of specialist journals.1 For example, I cannot review papers for the issues raised by Ferriman because there is simply no time. Much of my time in the editorial process is spent on other duties.

    Readers are important in the scientific process. They also have duties. The best science happens when all of us participate.

    To obtain reviewers has become very difficult. Recently, I submitted a paper to a journal and after a considerable time I received the reviewers' comments from the editor. I was informed that the delay was due to having to send the paper to six different reviewers to obtain two reviews. Unfortunately, I experience the same problem.

    Those in science need to be involved in science. When you are sent a paper for review, please review it; if you cannot notify the editor immediately. This will relieve some of the burden off the editor and associate editors and allow better consideration and evaluation of the issues raised by Ferriman.

    John H Lange, consultant

    Envirosafe Training and Consultants, PO Box 114022, Pittsburgh, PA 15239, USA johnhlange@worldnet.att.net

    Competing interests: JHL is associate editor of a journal that generally is not in competition with the BMJ.


    Ferriman A. Have editors got their priorities right? BMJ 2003;327: 1113. (8 November.)