Editors’ Note for 2004
We are pleased to report that 2003 was a record year for STEM CELLS submissions—we received over 170 new manuscripts (a 49 percent increase over 2002). The adoption of the Manuscript Central online submission and review program surely contributed to this accomplishment, as did the fact that STEM CELLS earned an enviable ISI Citation Index of 4.034 in 2003.
Thanks in great measure to our Editorial Board, STEM CELLS currently has more than 100,000 online readers per month, and the journal ranks in the top 10 percent of high-impact cancer journals. This large global audience and professional recognition is a testimony to the excellence of the Journal’s articles.
We gratefully acknowledge our Editorial Board members for their expert work in reviewing these manuscripts. And we welcome the newest members joining the board this year:
Stephen Emerson (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Medicine, Hematology-Oncology Division)
Alan Flake (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
Timothy Kamp (University of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine)
Stefan Karlsson (Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Lund University, Sweden)
Mark Mercola (The Burnham Institute, Stem Cells and Regeneration Program)
Kateri Moore (Princeton University, Department of Molecular Biology)
Sean Morrison (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan Medical Center)
Gary Owens (University of Virginia, Department of Molecular Physiology)
Warren Pear (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
Peter Quesenberry (Roger Williams Medical Center)
Shahin Rafii (Cornell University Medical College)
Michael Sefton (University of Toronto, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)
Gerald Spangrude (University of Utah, Division of Hematology)
Lishan Su (University of North Carolina, Department of Microbiology and Immunology)
Edward Srour (Indiana University)
Heidi Stuhlmann (Scripps Research Institute)
It gives us great pleasure to honor Dieter F. Hoelzer, Donald Metcalf, and Fumimaro Takaku by welcoming them to the Comité des Sages Advisory Board for STEM CELLS after many years of dedicated service to the Journal.
We look forward to another successful year of growth and achievements.
Curt I. Civin, Editor-in-Chief
Alan M. Gewirtz, Senior Associate Editor
Robert G. Hawley, Associate Editor(Curt I. Civin, Editor-In-)
Thanks in great measure to our Editorial Board, STEM CELLS currently has more than 100,000 online readers per month, and the journal ranks in the top 10 percent of high-impact cancer journals. This large global audience and professional recognition is a testimony to the excellence of the Journal’s articles.
We gratefully acknowledge our Editorial Board members for their expert work in reviewing these manuscripts. And we welcome the newest members joining the board this year:
Stephen Emerson (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Medicine, Hematology-Oncology Division)
Alan Flake (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
Timothy Kamp (University of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine)
Stefan Karlsson (Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Lund University, Sweden)
Mark Mercola (The Burnham Institute, Stem Cells and Regeneration Program)
Kateri Moore (Princeton University, Department of Molecular Biology)
Sean Morrison (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan Medical Center)
Gary Owens (University of Virginia, Department of Molecular Physiology)
Warren Pear (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
Peter Quesenberry (Roger Williams Medical Center)
Shahin Rafii (Cornell University Medical College)
Michael Sefton (University of Toronto, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)
Gerald Spangrude (University of Utah, Division of Hematology)
Lishan Su (University of North Carolina, Department of Microbiology and Immunology)
Edward Srour (Indiana University)
Heidi Stuhlmann (Scripps Research Institute)
It gives us great pleasure to honor Dieter F. Hoelzer, Donald Metcalf, and Fumimaro Takaku by welcoming them to the Comité des Sages Advisory Board for STEM CELLS after many years of dedicated service to the Journal.
We look forward to another successful year of growth and achievements.
Curt I. Civin, Editor-in-Chief
Alan M. Gewirtz, Senior Associate Editor
Robert G. Hawley, Associate Editor(Curt I. Civin, Editor-In-)