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BMJ sponsors photography award for medical image
http://www.100md.com ¡¶Ó¢¹úÒ½ÉúÔÓÖ¾¡·
     The BMJ is sponsoring a photography award, Medicine and Life, part of this year’s Novartis and Daily Telegraph Visions of Science Photographic Awards. The winner will receive ¡ê500 ($900; €730) and wide exposure of their image.

    The judges will be seeking an image that creatively illustrates disease, diagnostic techniques, and current treatments to a wider audience. It may show something never seen before, explain a phenomenon from the medical world, show how medicine or an illness can affect lives, illustrate scientific data, or simply show the beauty of science in medicine. The picture above—an x ray film of an implanted pacemaker—is an example of the type of image judges are seeking.

    Other categories in the Science Photographic Awards are action, close up, people, concept and art. Photos must have been taken on or after 1 January 2000 and the closing date is 7 May 2004.

    For further information visit www.visions-of-science.co.uk or call 020 7613 5577.(London Lynn Eaton)