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Neuropsychological assessment, fourth edition
http://www.100md.com 《神经病学神经外科学杂志》
     Edited by Muriel D Lezak, Diane B Howieson, David W Loring. Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, pp 784. £59.50 (hardback), ISBN 0-19-511121-4.

    So along comes a student—a medical colleague or speech and language therapist—and asks you for information about a certain type of neuropsychological assessment, form of cognitive impairment, or type of brain damage. If this falls under the auspices of one of your many areas of expertise then these queries are easy to field. However, they often stray into topics where our knowledge is much more limited. You also have a nagging doubt that much has been discovered about the subject since you studied it yourself as a student, not so many years ago ...

    What we need in this situation is a handy textbook, or maybe series of books, in which a group of people have been kind enough to summarise the current state of knowledge with regard to types of brain damage, approaches to neuropsychological assessment and testing, types of perceptual, cognitive and affective impairments, and some information about useful neuropsychological assessments. On each of these specific topics, it is possible to find short and sometimes good guides (eg Hodges, 19941). However, for a very authoritative and near-complete guide on all these different elements then the revised version of Neuropsychological Assessment (Lezak et al, 2004) is very useful.

    In this fourth edition, Lezak and colleagues have thoroughly updated the previous version despite the fact that the literature in each of these areas seems to grow exponentially. One consequence is that the book is much larger than previous versions but by producing a new edition, Lezak et al have been able to cover and summarise many different types of brain diseases (including, for example, good summaries of non-Alzheimer neurodegenerative diseases), different domains of cognitive processes, and a large range of neuropsychological tests. I have been test-driving this book in my own lab for the last 4 weeks and have found that when I deal with queries from my colleagues and students, I have a new and helpful source of information.


    Hodges JR .Cognitive assessment for clinicians.OxfordOxford University Press. 1994.(M A L Ralph)