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Subtelomeric rearrangements in idiopathic mental retardation
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     1 Departments of Pediatrics & Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

    2 Departments of Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

    3 Pediatrics, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, USA


    Objective: To estimate the frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements in patients with sporadic and non-syndromic idiopathic mental retardation (IMR). Methods: A total of 18 IMR patients were taken for the study. Selection criteria included no known syndromes or chromosomes abnormalities and known causes of IMR. All patients signed an informed consent to participate. Chromosome analysis was carried out on all patients to rule out gross chromosome abnormalities. Lymphocyte cultures were initiated and harvested using standard protocols. For fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), Chromoprobe Multiprobe-T system was used. This system consists of 24 embossed areas with each area having one reversibly bound subtelomere probe for a specific chromosome. The subtelomere probes were differentially labeled with green fluorescence for short arm and orange for the long arm. Hybridization, washing and staining are done using standard protocols. A minimum of 5 metaphases were analyzed per chromosome per patient. Results: A total of 2 subtelomeric rearrangements were detected (11.1%). Case 1 involved a 17-year-old with severe MR, profound deafness and dysmorphic features with reciprocal translocation t(3;7)(q26.2; p15.1). The second case involved a 4.6-year-old with mild developmental delay and a terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2, del(2) (q37.3). The frequency of abnormalities detected in our study is in agreement with published reports. Conclusion: Subtelomeric screening with FISH is a useful tool for investigation of IMR, however, it is not cost effective in all cases. Conventional chromosome analysis coupled with targeted FISH testing might be the optimal strategy for investigation of IMR.

    Keywords: Idiopathic mental retardation; Subtelomeric rearrangements; FISH

    Chromosome abnormalities are the single most common cause of mental retardation (MR) in humans. Approximately 40% of cases with severe idiopathic MR (IMR) have chromosome abnormalities, while the frequency is about 10% for mild IMR.[1] Because of the unique structural and functional characteristics of telomeres such as their enrichment for pseudogenes and genes leading to mispairing during meiosis[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8] increased recombination rates at telomeres.[9], [10] It has been suggested that imbalances involving these regions might be a significant contributor to IMR.[1]

    Recent evidence suggests that approximately 4-35% of cases with IMR have subtelomeric rearrangements. [11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26] Most of the subtelomere studies are partially retrospective, thus can be biased in favor of familial cases. There was only one prospective study of consecutive group of children with MR of unknown etiology[27] (van Karnebeek et al., 2002). Contrary to the published reports, this study showed that the frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements detected using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is very low (0.5%). Because of the conflicting reports and wide variations in the frequency of such rearrangements, a study has been initiated to screen IMR patients with or without dysmorphic features and no family history of MR using subtelomeric FISH panels.

    Materials and Methods

    Selection of patients

    For the study patients were recruited from the child development and genetics clinics. The cohort consisted of 20 patients with MR of unknown etiology, all of whom were younger than 18 years of age. All the patients are clinically evaluated by either developmental pediatricians and/or clinical geneticist. As such those patients that fit any of the distinct clinical syndromes such as Down, Prader-Willi, DiGeorge, fragile (X), etc., are excluded from this study. Selection criteria included no known syndromes or chromosome abnormalities and known causes of their MR. Standard assessment of all patients included routine diagnostic tests including chromosome analysis to rule out major abnormalities; prenatal, perinatal and postnatal history, family history to rule out mental retardation; psychiatric disorders; neurological examination and behavioral assessment. All patients signed an informed consent to participate.

    Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic methods

    To rule out gross abnormalities, chromosome analysis was carried out on all patients either in authors' laboratory or in an outside laboratory. Lymphocyte cultures were initiated and harvested using standard protocols. Cell suspension with chromosomes was dropped onto template slides with 24 chambers. For FISH studies, Chromoprobe Multiprobe-T system (Cytocell Inc., Banbury, UK) was used. This system consists of 24 embossed areas with each area having one reversibly bound subtelomeric probe for a specific chromosome. The subtelomeric probes are differentially labeled with green fluorescence for short arm and orange for long arm. Hybridization, washing and staining are done using standard protocols. A minimum of 5 metaphases were analyzed per chromosome per patient. Only those metaphases where both p arm and q arm signals can be seen were considered for analysis. Results were considered conclusive if the first 5 metaphases showed 100% concordant results. If a probe on the multiprobe device could not be scored, FISH was performed separately using the specific subtelomeric probe from the same manufacturer. Similarly all the abnormal results were reconfirmed using chromosome specific telomere probes and paint probes. Parental chromosome and FISH analyses were carried out when ever possible in those cases where an abnormality was detected. Photographic documentation is maintained for all abnormal results.


    A summary of the cytogenetic, subtelomere FISH results, demographic data and brief description of major clinical features of all the patients is presented in table1. In the majority of the cases (16/18) a normal karyotype and normal subtelomere FISH results were observed. The remaining 2 cases (2/18 = 11.1%) showed abnormal subtelomere FISH results. Of the 2 cases with chromosome rearrangements, case GC was previously described. [27] In brief, this patient is 17 year old with severe developmental delay, seizures, mental retardation and several dysmorphic features. He also had bilateral hearing loss and severe visual impairment. Subtelomere FISH and subsequent chromosome analysis showed that he has a balanced translocation between the long arm of chromosome 3 and the short arm of chromosome 7 Figure1. The karyotype was interpreted as 46,XY, t(3;7) (q27; p21.2). Subsequent FISH studies with whole chromosome paint probes confirmed the rearrangement. The second case (case TM) involved a 5-year-old with isolated developmental delay. Subtelomere FISH analysis showed a terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2 Figure2. Subsequent repeat analysis with Vysis probe for 2q telomere confirmed the deletion.

    Of the 18 cases studied with subtelomere probe panels, 8 (44.4%) patients were reported to have severe developmental delay, while 9 (50%) have moderate to mild developmental delay. Five (27.8%) patients had dysmorphic features including epicanthal folds, broad nasal bridge, anteverted nares, high arched palate, cleft palate and posteriorly rotated ears. Most of the patients had no family history of mental retardation, though some have family members affected with Down syndrome. One mother and son in the present cohort were developmentally delayed with speech difficulties. In this family, the mother is described as slow and the son has moderate developmental delay. Both of them showed normal results with subtelomere probes. Some of the patients had several investigations including targeted FISH studies to rule out microdeletions.


    The frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements varies considerably from 4 to 35% in reported studies, but the general consensus is that segmental aneusomy of the subtelomeric regions accounts for 6% of patients with mental retardation/developmental delay and/or non-specific dysmorphic features.[15],[23],[25],[28] The studies' wide ranging results have been attributed to differences in one or more of the following: inclusion criteria, recruitment methodology, clinical evaluation of study subjects, quality of chromosome preparations and different laboratory methods used to identify the subtelomeric rearrangements.[26] Most of the studies with high frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements were retrospective, and as such there is likelihood for selection bias towards patients who are likely to have chromosome abnormalities and inclusion of patients with classical microdeletion syndromes and or known chromosomal abnormalities. For these reasons, the data regarding the frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements in IMR are not considered a true reflection of the population frequency. Thus, investigators have not come to agreement about the true prevalence of subtelomeric rearrangements.

    The two abnormal cases observed in the present cohort were referred to us from an outside laboratory with normal chromosome analysis reports. Only after detection of abnormalities with subtelomeric probes, was chromosomal analysis performed again, and then high resolution GTG banding analysis showed the abnormality even at the chromosome level. Thus if we exclude the two cases the actual frequency of subtelomere rearrangements detected in the present would be 0%. These results are in agreement with published reports[1] indicating that subtelomeric imbalance is not a significant cause of IMR. Joyce et al[1] further suggested that such subtelomeric rearrangements might be a common finding in the general population. These authors have suggested that the presence of subtelomeric rearrangements in normal individuals might be confined to those regions of the genome with few functional genes. There has been increasing evidence of non-pathogenic euchromatic rearrangements that are visible at cytogenetic levels[29],[30],[31] and such rearrangements represent perhaps normal population variants without clinical significance. Several studies have shown that such polymorphic variants are present within the subtelomeric regions. [32],[33],[34]

    One of the best-known polymorphic variants is the 2q subtelomeric deletion.[33],[34] The subtelomeric region on distal 2q has been known to exhibit a chromosome length polymorphism.[35] Detection of a deletion depends on the subtelomeric probe used. Some probes may detect a deletion while other probes may not.[36] One of the abnormalities seen in the present cohort was the same distal 2q deletion. Using Vysis 2q subtelomeric probe, the authors confirmed the presence of deletion, but were unable to perform parental studies due to lost contact with this family. Recent subtelomeric studies in children with autism have suggested that there might be gene(s) present on the distal region of chromosome 2q that predispose to autism.[36] Buxbaum et al also suggested such a possible linkage to distal 2q in autism.[37] In the present cohort of 18 patients, one patient was detected with deletion of distal 2q, and this patient is also thought to have autistic behavior. However, if we consider the clinical phenotype of the 18 patients in the present study, 8 patients had autistic behavior (44.4%) but only one showed 2q deletion. Thus the frequency of 2q deletion in autistic children in the present cohort was 12.5%(1/8) and this is similar to the results reported by Wolff et al.[36] The second subtelomeric rearrangement seen in the present cohort involved a balanced reciprocal translocation. Since most reported subtelomeric studies have shown segmental anueploidy to be the cause of IMR, this may indicate that the present case is unique.

    The frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements seen in our cohort is very low compared to other published reports. Ours is only the second report of such low frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements. The difference can be explained by differences of methodology: (1) None of the patients in our cohort have a family history of MR. Studies have shown that significant differences exists in the frequency of abnormalities detected when patients with and without family history are compared and (2) In the present cohort, only 5 of the 18 patients (28%) of the study had dysmorphic features.

    When patients with dysmorphic features are included in studies, the yield of subtelomeric rearrangements is expected to be higher.[23],[38] Indeed, the fact that in the present study one of the two subtelomeric rearrangements is seen in a patient with several dysmorphic features further strengthens this hypothesis. (3) The authors have not included known chromosomal abnormalities or syndromes in the present cohort, and thus in the present study frequency is lower than other studies with less strict inclusion criteria.

    In summary, in the present limited study of 18 patients with non-syndromic developmental delay/mental retardation/and/or non-specific dysmorphic features, the authors observed a very low frequency of subtelomeric rearrangements. This is in accordance with other published reports with strict inclusion criteria.[1], [26] Based on the authors experience and the literature, it is felt that the best approach to diagnosis of segmental aneusomy in IMR/developmental delay/non-specific dysmorphic features is high resolution chromosome analysis followed by targeted FISH studies. Subtelomeric FISH studies might still be warranted and are useful in those cases where there is family history or considerable dysmorphic features associated with severe MR or developmental delay.


    The authors express their gratitude to the families of children included in this study. The authors are also grateful to Shuliu Zhang, Jill Northup, and Judy Hawkins for the excellent technical assistance and discussions. Some part of this study is supported by funds from Texas Department of Health to Drs. LLH and GVNV.


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