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Tacrolimus versus ciclosporin as primary immunosuppression for kidney
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     1 Cochrane Renal Group, Centre for Kidney Research, Children's Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia, 2 Centre for Transplant and Renal Research, Department of Renal Medicine, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, 3 School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, 4 Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT

    Correspondence to: A C Webster angelaw2@chw.edu.au or angela.webster@gmail.com

    Objective To compare the positive and negative effects of tacrolimus and ciclosporin as initial treatment for renal transplant recipients.

    Design Systematic review.

    Data sources and study selection Reports of comparative randomised trials of tacrolimus and ciclosporin identified by searches of Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Renal Group Specialist Register, and conference proceedings.

    Data extraction and synthesis Two reviewers assessed trials for eligibility and quality and extracted data independently. Data were synthesised (random effects model) and results expressed as relative risk (RR), with values < 1 favouring tacrolimus. Subgroup analysis and meta-regression were used to examine potential effect modification by differences in trial design and immunosuppressive co-interventions.

    Results 123 reports from 30 trials (4102 patients) were included. At six months, graft loss was significantly reduced in tacrolimus treated recipients (RR = 0.56, 95% confidence interval 0.36 to 0.86), and this effect persisted up to three years. The relative reduction in graft loss with tacrolimus diminished with higher concentrations of tacrolimus (P = 0.04) but did not vary with ciclosporin formulation (P = 0.97) or ciclosporin concentration (P = 0.38). At one year, tacrolimus treated patients had less acute rejection (RR = 0.69, 0.60 to 0.79) and less steroid resistant rejection (RR = 0.49, 0.37 to 0.64) but more diabetes mellitus requiring insulin (RR = 1.86, 1.11 to 3.09), tremor, headache, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, and vomiting. The relative excess of diabetes increased with higher concentrations of tacrolimus (P = 0.003). Ciclosporin treated recipients had significantly more constipation and cosmetic side effects. No differences were seen in infection or malignancy.

    Conclusions Treating 100 recipients with tacrolimus instead of ciclosporin for the first year after transplantation avoids 12 patients having acute rejection and two losing their graft but causes an extra five patients to develop insulin dependent diabetes. Optimal drug choice may vary between patients.

    Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for most patients with end stage renal disease. The introduction of ciclosporin in the early 1980s improved one year graft survival from 60% to more than 80%.1 2 Tacrolimus emerged as an alternative calcineurin inhibitor during the early 1990s.3 Pronounced global differences in use of tacrolimus exist; 63% of new renal transplant recipients in the United States receive tacrolimus for primary immunosuppression compared with only 22% in Australia.1 2

    Despite the impact of calcineurin inhibitors on initial outcome, longer term graft survival is little changed.1 4 Major causes of loss are chronic allograft nephropathy and death (most commonly cardiovascular) with a functioning graft.5 Proved atherogenic risk factors in the general population (diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension) are more common in the renal transplant population.6 To what degree recipient mortality and graft loss can be attributed to these risk factors, to the direct toxicity of immunosuppression, or to cumulative effects of infection and rejection is debated.7 What is known is that tacrolimus and ciclosporin affect these risk factors differentially. Tacrolimus is associated more with diabetes and neurotoxicity but less with hypertension and dyslipidaemia than is ciclosporin, with uncertainty about equivalence of nephrotoxicity or how these relate to patient and graft survival or affect patients' compliance and quality of life.6-8

    The objective of this study was to systematically review randomised controlled trials in which tacrolimus had been compared with ciclosporin as initial immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of kidney transplant recipients.


    Inclusion criteria

    We included all randomised trials comparing tacrolimus with ciclosporin solution (Sandimmun) or ciclosporin microemulsion (Neoral) as initial immunosuppressive therapy, with any combination of additional immunosuppressive treatments in the intervention and control arms. We excluded trials in which participants received another solid organ in addition to a kidney transplant (such as kidney with pancreas).

    Literature search

    We comprehensively searched Medline (1966-October 2003), Embase (1980-October 2003), Cochrane Collaboration resources, and conference proceedings. Two reviewers (AW and RW or RT) independently screened combined search results.

    Where we suspected duplicate reporting of the same patient group, we contacted authors for clarification. If duplication was confirmed, the first complete publication was the primary data source, and only this is referenced here. Full details of this process and a list of all reports identified, grouped by trial, are available in the extended Cochrane version of this review.

    Outcome measures

    Primary outcomes analysed were graft loss (censored for death), acute rejection, and steroid resistant rejection. Additional outcomes sought were death, graft loss including death with functioning allograft, graft function, malignancy, infectious complications, chronic allograft nephropathy, incidence of diabetes mellitus, and side effects of treatment. Two reviewers (AW and RW or RT) independently extracted data, using a standardised form.

    Methodological quality of trials

    Two reviewers (AW and RW or RT) assessed trials independently. Quality items examined were concealment of allocation, blinding, intention to treat analysis, and completeness of follow-up.

    Quantitative data synthesis and data analysis

    We extracted data and then used Review Manager 4.2.3 (Cochrane Collaboration) to pool them for summary estimates. We expressed results for dichotomous outcomes as relative risk, with values of < 1 favouring tacrolimus, and continuous outcomes as weighted mean difference, both with 95% confidence intervals.

    We analysed heterogeneity among trials by using a Cochran Q test and calculating I2 to measure the proportion of total variation due to heterogeneity beyond chance.9 We did the analyses with both random and fixed effects models and found no important differences. Results reported here used the random effects model, as this is more conservative in the presence of heterogeneity.10

    We did subgroup analyses and meta-regression for the primary outcomes and for the most commonly reported complication, diabetes mellitus, to explore important clinical differences among trials that might be expected to alter the magnitude of treatment effect. Subgroups defined a priori were publication type, methodological quality of trial, and baseline immunological risk of the trial population. Additionally, we assessed publication bias by using funnel plots of the log odds ratio.11

    Meta-regression variables included ciclosporin formulation (solution or microemulsion), level of exposure to both tacrolimus and ciclosporin (calculated by using the midpoint of each trial's declared intention to treat target ranges at the 12 hour post-dose nadir, averaged over the first year post-transplantation), the specific combination of additional baseline immunosuppressive agents, and the dose of steroids used. We used Stata software to do meta-regression on the log relative risk scale, with each trial weighting equal to the inverse of the variance of the estimate for that study and between study variance estimated with the restricted maximum likelihood method.


    Literature search

    We included 123 reports of 30 trials (fig 1)—a total of 4102 randomised participants.12-41 Five of these trials were available in form only (239 participants), and the remaining 25 (3863 participants) were reported in 18 different journals. Most of the reports were in English; two reports were in French, and one was in German.

    Fig 1 Flowchart showing process of identification of randomised controlled trials for inclusion in systematic review. RCT=randomised controlled trial. *Not all trials reported outcomes with sufficient detail to allow data to contribute to meta-analysis

    Included trials

    Six trials (1127 participants) compared tacrolimus with the oil based solution formulation of ciclosporin (Sandimmun), and 19 trials (2744 participants) compared tacrolimus with the microemulsion formulation (Neoral). We were unable to clarify which formulation was used for the remaining five trials (231 participants) (table 1).

    Table 1 Characteristics of trials included in review

    Most trials were restricted to participants with low baseline risk for transplantation. Only two trials included participants with panel reactive antibodies > 50%,21 25 and nine trials included a proportion (range 10-25%) of participants who had a previously failed renal transplant.15 24 25 27 29 30 34 36 39 A further trial was conducted exclusively in children,34 and another included only African-Americans31; both of these populations are widely perceived to be at greater risk of rejection and complications.42 43

    Additional baseline immunosuppression varied. Three trials varied the antiproliferative agent across three trial arms, investigating combinations of tacrolimus and ciclosporin with mycophenolate or azathioprine.14 21 38 Azathioprine was used in both tacrolimus and ciclosporin arms in 16 trials and mycophenolate in eight trials. One trial used sirolimus,26 one used mirzoribine,20 and one used no antiproliferative agent39; one trial did not state which was used.32 Seventeen trials reported their corticosteroid regimen in detail; the remaining 13 trials noted only that "local protocol" or "a standard reducing schedule" was followed.12 13 15 17-20 22 23 32 33 35 38

    Transplant focused outcomes were reported far more frequently (for example, acute rejection in 24 trials) than were complications of immunosuppression (for example, cytomegalovirus infection in nine trials) (fig 1). For many adverse events the measures reported varied widely. Eleven (36%) trials reported hypercholesterolaemia: three reported the number of participants with high cholesterol, and the remaining eight reported the summary average of total cholesterol. Of these eight, two did not report the standard deviation of these estimates, so data could not be combined. The remaining six trials reported at five different time intervals after transplantation, ranging from one month to three years, making meaningful meta-analysis difficult. Similar inconsistencies applied to reporting of graft function and hypertension.

    Quality of included trials

    Reporting of methods was incomplete for most trials. Four trials reported adequate allocation concealment,22 24 34 39 two used inadequate methods,31 36 and the remaining 24 trials were randomised but gave no indication of the method used. No trials were blinded. Intention to treat analysis was confirmed for 12 trials,16 19 21 25-27 29-31 37 40 41 not done for eight trials,15 18 22 24 28 32 34 36 and unclear for 10 trials. Completeness of follow-up was neither reported nor deducible for 10 trials12-14 17 23 28 31 32 36 38; it ranged between 77% and 100% for the remainder.


    Transplant focused outcomes

    All primary outcomes favoured the use of tacrolimus over ciclosporin. Graft loss censored for death was reduced in tacrolimus treated recipients at all time points and reached statistical significance at six months (graft loss reduced by 44%; relative risk = 0.56, 95% confidence interval 0.36 to 0.86) and at three years (29%; 0.71, 0.52 to 0.96) after transplantation (fig 2). Significantly fewer tacrolimus treated patients had acute rejection, whether diagnosed clinically or confirmed by biopsy, beyond thee months after transplantation (table 2). The effect of tacrolimus in steroid resistant rejection was even more marked, with 55% reduction at six months (relative risk = 0.45, 0.33 to 0.60) (fig 3).

    Fig 2 Graft loss, censored for death

    Table 2 Additional results of meta-analysis: transplant centred outcomes

    Fig 3 Steroid resistant acute rejection

    The only consistently reported measure of graft function across trials was mean serum creatinine. At six months, tacrolimus treated patients had a significantly lower mean creatinine: 0.14 mg/dl (12.25 μmol/l) less than in ciclosporin treated patients (eight trials, 95% confidence interval -0.27 to -0.01 mg/dl), although significant heterogeneity of trial results existed (P = 0.04, I2 = 52%) (table 2). Subgrouping trials by clarity of reporting showed that the heterogeneity was limited to the three trials in which the number of participants who contributed creatinine measurements was clearly stated (heterogeneity: P = 0.17, I2 = 42%), but the source of the variability was unexplained. These trials also showed a larger mean reduction in creatinine with tacrolimus (-0.47 mg/dl (-41.63 μmol/l), -0.81 to -0.13 mg/dl). In the remaining five trials, the exact number of participants measured was not directly reported but had to be calculated or inferred from other data; the summary result showed less difference in mean creatinine measurements between treatment groups and across trials (creatinine -0.05 mg/dl (-4.40 μmol/l), -0.13 to 0.03 mg/dl; heterogeneity: P = 0.89, I2 =0%).

    Complications and side effects of immunosuppression

    A limited number of trials reported the incidence of infection or malignancy. We found no differences in effect for these outcomes (table 3).

    Table 3 Additional results of meta-analysis: complications and adverse reactions

    The most consistent definition used to report disturbance of glucose metabolism was "new diabetes mellitus," defined as a requirement for insulin treatment for 30 days in previously non-diabetic patients. The risk of new diabetes at six months, one year, and three years was significantly increased in tacrolimus treated recipients (relative risks 2.56, 1.37 to 4.78; 1.86, 1.11 to 3.09; 3.86, 2.01 to 7.41). The results at one year showed significant heterogeneity (P = 0.01, I2 = 54.3%), largely owing to one trial that reported very different rates of new diabetes—9.0% in the tacrolimus arms compared with 12.9% in the other trials and 20% in the ciclosporin arm compared with 5.5% in the other trials.26 Although this difference is not explicable by differences in methods or trial population, this was the only trial to use sirolimus as a co-intervention (fig 4). Sensitivity analysis showed a relative risk of 2.19 (1.42 to 3.38) and much reduced heterogeneity (P = 0.18, I2 = 27.5%) when this trial was removed from the analysis.

    Fig 4 New requirement for insulin for 30 days in previously non-diabetic participants. *Trial Miller 2002 is largely responsible for the heterogeneity among trials at one year. Sensitivity analysis showed a relative risk of 2.19 (1.42 to 3.38), and much reduced heterogeneity (P=0.18, I2=27.5%) when this trial was removed from the analysis

    Tacrolimus treated patients were significantly more likely than ciclosporin treated patients to have tremor, headache, dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhoea, and hypomagnesaemia. Ciclosporin patients were significantly more likely to have constipation, hirsutism, and gingival hyperplasia (table 3).

    Subgroup analysis and meta-regression

    Subgroup analysis on the basis of publication type, methodological quality of the trial, and baseline immunological risk of the trial population showed no evidence of any difference in the summary estimates for graft loss. However, we found a significant difference (P = 0.01) for acute rejection dependent on publication status. Trials published only in non-peer reviewed journals or form showed no difference between tacrolimus and ciclosporin (three trials; relative risk 1.02, 0.57 to 1.82), whereas those published in peer reviewed journals showed a significant reduction in acute rejection (11 trials; 0.64, 0.57 to 0.72) (table 4). We were unable to determine whether this difference reflected publication bias, other reporting bias, or true heterogeneity, as the funnel plot (not shown) was uninformative and details of methods were absent for some trials.

    Table 4 Subgroup analysis of trial methodology and design features for outcomes of graft loss censored for death, acute rejection, and new diabetes mellitus, within one year after transplantation

    When we compared trials conducted exclusively in adult recipients of primary cadaveric transplants (low immunological risk) with those containing a proportion of recipients of subsequent transplants, children, or African-Americans (mixed and high immunological risk), we found no evidence of any difference between risk groups (table 4).

    Notably, meta-regression showed that higher tacrolimus concentrations were associated with an increased risk of graft loss compared with lower concentrations. This difference remained significant (P = 0.04) after allowance for differences in ciclosporin formulation (P = 0.97) and concentration (P = 0.38) (table 5). Figure 5 shows this relation, which suggests that the benefit in graft survival is maximal when the tacrolimus concentration is 10 ng/ml.

    Table 5 Meta-regression*, to explore possible confounding effects on summary risk of graft loss censored for death, acute rejection, and new insulin treated diabetes mellitus, within one year after transplantation

    Fig 5 Relative risk of graft loss (censored for death) versus weighted average of tacrolimus concentrations (calculated by using the midpoint of each trial's declared intention to treat target range at the 12 hour post-dose nadir) over the first year after transplantation. Each circle represents a trial, with area proportional to inverse of variance of estimated treatment effect (larger circles show trials given more weight in meta-analysis). Colour of circles represents formulation of ciclosporin used in each trial: red circles are ciclosporin solution; white circles are ciclosporin microemulsion

    The benefit of tacrolimus in reducing acute rejection did not vary after allowance for tacrolimus concentration (P = 0.77), ciclosporin formulation (P = 0.99), ciclosporin concentration (P = 0.14), or different antiproliferative agents (P = 0.98) (table 5).

    For patients with new diabetes mellitus, risk did not differ by antiproliferative agent (P = 0.29) or steroid dose ( 10 mg/day v < 10 mg/day at three months; adjusted relative risk 1.36, 0.32 to 5.71; P = 0.27). The increased risk of new diabetes with tacrolimus compared with ciclosporin was not uniform across all trials (fig 4) but increased with increasing tacrolimus concentrations (table 5) and seemed to be higher when tacrolimus was compared with ciclosporin solution rather than microemulsion. This is a biologically implausible finding and suggests confounding by trial design. Early comparative trials used both ciclosporin solution and higher tacrolimus concentrations; figure 6 illustrates this relation. When we repeated the analysis to reflect contemporary practice, restricting it to trials using microemulsion ciclosporin, the effect of increasing tacrolimus concentration remained significant (P = 0.003) after allowance for differences in antiproliferative agent (P = 0.73), further suggesting that risk of diabetes rises with tacrolimus exposure rather than ciclosporin formulation. Figure 6 suggests that at a cut-off point for tacrolimus concentrations of 10 ng/ml, which maximises the relative benefit on graft survival, the excess risk of diabetes can be minimised. Unfortunately, inconsistent reporting of clinical details across all trials (only 10 trials that reported diabetes also reported steroid dosage) prevented the intended more complex analyses.

    Fig 6 Relative risk of diabetes mellitus requiring insulin treatment for >30 days in previously non-diabetic patients versus weighted average of tacrolimus concentrations (calculated by using the midpoint of each trial's declared intention to treat target range at the 12 hour post-dose nadir) over the first year after transplantation. Each circle represents a trial, with area proportional to inverse of variance of estimated treatment effect (larger circles show trials given more weight in meta-analysis). Colour of circles represents formulation of ciclosporin used in each trial: red circles are ciclosporin solution; white circles are ciclosporin microemulsion


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