吴仁铎,杜 华,赵 斌,吴忠英,刘 蕴
[摘要] 目的 评价中西医结合治疗慢性前列腺炎与布氏镜监测的临床疗效。方法 把患者分为两组进行对比治疗,治疗组710例(A组),除用西药治疗外,再利用自拟中药“三焦饮”内服、坐浴加局部按摩治疗;对照组711例(B组),单纯采用西药治疗,两组患者同期治疗满疗程后进行布氏镜前列腺按摩液监测,可显示出明显不同的治疗效果。结果 中西医结合治疗组(A组)的总有效率明显高于单纯药物组(B组)。结论 采用自拟中药“三焦饮”内服、坐浴加局部按摩治疗慢性前列腺炎,能增强血液循环,促进局部药物吸收,标本兼治,再结合美国布氏镜作前列腺按摩液监测指导临床治疗,是治疗慢性前列腺炎的有效方法。
[关键词] 慢性前列腺炎;三焦饮;布氏镜
Clinical study on the treatment of chronic prostatitis by combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine and surveillance by Bushi’s mirror
WU Ren-duo,DU Hua,ZHAO Bin,et al.Shanting People’s Hospital of Zaozhuang,Shandong 277100 ......
[关键词] 慢性前列腺炎;三焦饮;布氏镜
Clinical study on the treatment of chronic prostatitis by combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine and surveillance by Bushi’s mirror
WU Ren-duo,DU Hua,ZHAO Bin,et al.Shanting People’s Hospital of Zaozhuang,Shandong 277100 ......