☉ 11024651:乳腺癌保乳手术范围的临床和病理研究
☉ 11024652:急性化脓性阑尾炎术前误诊为嵌顿疝临床分析(附2例报告)
☉ 11024653:低钙透析液对血透患者QTc离散度的影响
☉ 11024654:抢救失血性休克并发MODS累及6个脏器功能1例报告及文献复习
☉ 11024655:我院病种及平均住院费用变动分析
☉ 11024656:以德为先 优化管理
☉ 11024657:自拟咳喘灵汤加减治疗轻、中度哮喘急性发作期60例临床观察
☉ 11024658:反复少量脑室出血误诊为脑梗死1例
☉ 11024659:1994~2005年秭归县性病疫情分析
☉ 11024660:小儿颅内出血的CT诊断价值
☉ 11024661:彩色多普勒超声对下肢深静脉血栓的诊断应用
☉ 11024662:头孢三嗪致腹型过敏性紫癜误诊1例
☉ 11024663:厚朴三物汤加味治疗肠粘连30例
☉ 11024664:颈动脉注射黄芪血塞通结合针刺星状神经节对缺血性脑卒中患者脑血流量的影响
☉ 11024665:室内装修后空气中甲醛污染防治的调查与研究
☉ 11024666:上海奉贤农村中老年人腰椎骨关节炎X线状况分析
☉ 11024667:13007例围产儿出生缺陷监测对比分析
☉ 11024668:滋阴化湿益气活血法治疗糖尿病肾病41例
☉ 11024669:中西医结合治疗盆腔炎220例疗效观察
☉ 11024670:物理治疗与中医传统治疗婴幼儿肺炎的研究
☉ 11024671:自拟芩蒌参麦汤治疗肺心病急性发作87例
☉ 11024672:六法通治四十二类病
☉ 11024673:再谈对胃痛的辨证施治
☉ 11024674:结肠癌的流行病学及其危险因素的研究
☉ 11024675:小儿肺结核与小儿肺炎的鉴别及小儿肺结核的治疗
☉ 11024676:Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Recent Advances in D
☉ 11024677:Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors in t
☉ 11024678:Epigenetic Information and Estrogen Receptor Alpha
☉ 11024679:土埋2天后并发吸入性肺炎存活3天死亡1例报告
☉ 11024680:A Practical Update on the Use of Bortezomib in the
☉ 11024681:Lung Cancer Highlights from ASCO 2005
☉ 11024682:The Big Chill — Inserting the DEA into End-of-Life
☉ 11024683:How Do U.S. Medical Oncologists Learn and Apply Ne
☉ 11024684:The Molecular Perspective: Tumor Necrosis Factor
☉ 11024685:Patients Previously Transfused or Treated with Epo
☉ 11024686:How to Treat the Ewing’s Family of Sarcomas in Adu
☉ 11024687:Quarks, Leptons, Fermions, and Bosons—The Subatomi
☉ 11024688:Detection and management of psychiatric disorders
☉ 11024689:Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in Oncology
☉ 11024690:Response to “Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome After Thal
☉ 11024691:Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome After Thalidomide Thera
☉ 11024692:Bevacizumab-Induced Nasal Septum Perforation
☉ 11024693:Beta Radiation
☉ 11024694:Cancer-Related Fatigue: Predictors and Effects of
☉ 11024695:Early Intervention with Epoetin Alfa During Platin
☉ 11024696:Early Intervention with Epoetin Alfa During Platin
☉ 11024697:Postoperative Chemotherapy for Gastric Cancer
☉ 11024698:Alternating Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Local
☉ 11024699:Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Glioblast
☉ 11024700:Changing Paradigms—An Update on the Multidisciplin

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