☉ 11119701:Levels of Serum C-Reactive Protein during Oral and
☉ 11119702:Interaction between Calcium Intake and Menarcheal
☉ 11119703:Separate Measurement of Plasma Levels of Acylated
☉ 11119704:Recombinant Human Thyrotropin Markedly Changes the
☉ 11119705:Protection of Bone Mass by Estrogens and Raloxifen
☉ 11119706:Platelet Hyperactivation in Maintained Growth Horm
☉ 11119707:Plasma Testosterone and Sexual Function in Men Rec
☉ 11119708:The Use of Aldosterone-Renin Ratio as a Diagnostic
☉ 11119709:The Increase of Leukocytes as a New Putative Marke
☉ 11119710:The Impact of Dietary Protein on Calcium Absorptio
☉ 11119711:The Change in Blood Pressure during Pubertal Growt
☉ 11119712:Beryllium Sensitization Progresses to Chronic Bery
☉ 11119713:Allergen Exposure of Mouse Airways Evokes Remodeli
☉ 11119714:Airway Responses to Aerosolized Brevetoxins in an
☉ 11119715:Adult Identified with Congenital Central Hypoventi
☉ 11119716:Human Error and Patient Safety
☉ 11119717:Neuropathology in Rhinosinusitis
☉ 11119718:Low Exhaled Nitric Oxide in School-Age Children wi
☉ 11119719:Interleukin-17F Induces Pulmonary Neutrophilia and
☉ 11119720:Endotoxin-induced Chorioamnionitis Modulates Innat
☉ 11119721:Bone Mineral Density in Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
☉ 11119722:Procalcitonin and Ventilator-associated Pneumonia
☉ 11119723:Procalcitonin Kinetics as a Prognostic Marker of V
☉ 11119724:Parental Smoking and Airway Reactivity in Healthy
☉ 11119725:Omalizumab and Changes in Airway Hyperresponsivene
☉ 11119726:Treatment of Cockroach Allergen Asthma Model with
☉ 11119727:The AJRCCM in 2005
☉ 11119728:Small Airway Morphometry and Improvement in Pulmon
☉ 11119729:Screening for Chronic Beryllium Disease
☉ 11119730:Pulmonary Blood Flow Heterogeneity during Hypoxia
☉ 11119731:甲状腺功能五项指标检测分析
☉ 11119732:几种与急性胰腺炎相关的酶及其检测意义
☉ 11119733:Rh阴性无偿献血者Du、Del型的鉴定及意义
☉ 11119734:20例男性生殖道真菌感染的病原菌分析
☉ 11119735:气管插管致杓状软骨脱位1例
☉ 11119736:63例小儿闭合性颅脑损伤的EEG与临床分析
☉ 11119737:15例异位妊娠误诊原因分析
☉ 11119738:15例四季豆中毒救治体会
☉ 11119739:悬浮红细胞容量的质控探讨
☉ 11119740:肝细胞病变酶学检验的意义探讨
☉ 11119741:干扰素治疗流行性腮腺炎合并睾丸炎临床观察
☉ 11119742:腹水超滤浓缩腹腔回输治疗肝硬化顽固性腹水40例临床分析
☉ 11119743:动力髋螺钉治疗股骨转子间骨折16例
☉ 11119744:丙泊酚和芬太尼复合麻醉在人工流产术中的应用
☉ 11119745:巩膜裂伤一期缝合的技巧探讨
☉ 11119746:肱骨髁间骨折的手术治疗
☉ 11119747:高原地区五起成批车祸伤救治体会
☉ 11119748:高血压病诊治应注意的几个问题
☉ 11119749:硫酸舒喘灵和硫酸镁对前置胎盘预防早产的临床观察
☉ 11119750:绝经后阴道出血65例临床分析

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