☉ 11257501:Antiatherogenic Properties of Fibrates
☉ 11257502:严重复合伤输尿管损伤延迟诊断教训分析
☉ 11257503:Myeloperoxidase and Cardiovascular Disease
☉ 11257504:富马酸并哌丙吡胺镇痛及抗炎作用实验研究
☉ 11257505:Quest for Genes Regulating Plasma Fibrinogen Concentration
☉ 11257506:ApoA-V
☉ 11257507:Extracellular Proteases in Atherosclerosis and Restenosis
☉ 11257508:ACAT2 Is a Target for Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Associated With Hypercholesterolemia
☉ 11257509:泌尿生殖道支原体感染状况及药敏结果分析
☉ 11257510:Vascular Implications of the Krüppel-Like Family of Transcription Factors
☉ 11257511:Tissue-Engineered Blood Vessels
☉ 11257512:原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进的临床特征及诊治
☉ 11257513:A New Cellular Signaling Mechanism for Angiotensin II Activation of NF-B
☉ 11257514:Mechanisms of Reactive Oxygen Species–Dependent Downregulation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 by Angiotensin II
☉ 11257515:武汉市社区卫生服务中心护理管理现状与对策
☉ 11257516:腹膜后恶性纤维组织细胞瘤的CT诊断价值
☉ 11257517:Regulation of Endothelial Cell and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Survival and Vasculogenesis by Integrin-Linked Kinase
☉ 11257518:升结肠癌误诊为阑尾炎1例分析
☉ 11257519:护理人才高素质的培养
☉ 11257520:未破裂输卵管妊娠超声声像图特征
☉ 11257521:Autocrine and Paracrine Transcriptional Regulation of Type IIA Secretory Phospholipase A2 Gene in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
☉ 11257522:预防性病 远离“禁区”
☉ 11257523:Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor–Expressing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction
☉ 11257524:浅谈我院知名专家门诊的管理
☉ 11257525:Activation of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1 Transcription by Chromatin Remodeling Complex
☉ 11257526:黄芪注射液治疗肝硬化的疗效观察
☉ 11257527:Systemic Endothelial Dysfunction as an Early Predictor of Adverse Outcome in Heart Failure
☉ 11257528:Increased Cholesterol Deposition, Expression of Scavenger Receptors, and Response to Chemotactic Factors in Abca1-Deficient Macrophages
☉ 11257529:Fenofibric Acid, an Active Form of Fenofibrate, Increases Apolipoprotein A-I–Mediated High-Density Lipoprotein Biogenesis by Enhancing Trans
☉ 11257530:Transcriptional Regulation of Apolipoprotein A5 Gene Expression by the Nuclear Receptor ROR
☉ 11257531:中西医结合治疗肛周脓肿18例临床体会
☉ 11257532:High-Density Lipoproteins Prevent the Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein–Induced Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Activation and Subsequent
☉ 11257533:中西医结合治疗寻常痤疮58例
☉ 11257534:Adipocyte Fatty Acid–Binding Protein Expression and Lipid Accumulation Are Increased During Activation of Murine Macrophages by Toll-Like Re
☉ 11257535:中西医结合治疗冠心病心衰31例
☉ 11257536:Toll-Like Receptor 4–Dependent and –Independent Cytokine Secretion Induced by Minimally Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein in Macrophages
☉ 11257537:Statins Reduce Interleukin-6–Induced C-Reactive Protein in Human Hepatocytes
☉ 11257538:中西医结合治疗牙周炎疗效观察
☉ 11257539:C-Reactive Protein–Induced In Vitro Endothelial Cell Activation Is an Artefact Caused by Azide and Lipopolysaccharide
☉ 11257540:Atherogenesis in Mice Does Not Require CD40 Ligand From Bone Marrow–Derived Cells
☉ 11257541:Elevated Serum C-Reactive Protein Levels and Advanced Atherosclerosis in Youth
☉ 11257542:针刺为主治疗面瘫概述
☉ 11257543:Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes May Impair Endothelial Function
☉ 11257544:Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells by Macrophages Is Impaired in Atherosclerosis
☉ 11257545:Humoral Immune Response Against Defined Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Antigens Reflects Structure and Disease Activity of Carotid Plaques
☉ 11257546:A Genome Search for Genetic Determinants That Influence Plasma Fibrinogen Levels
☉ 11257547:Analysis of Gas6 in Human Platelets and Plasma
☉ 11257548:Flow-Mediated Dilatation Is Impaired by a High–Saturated Fat Diet but Not by a High-Carbohydrate Diet
☉ 11257549:Elevated Interleukin-18 Levels Are Associated With the Metabolic Syndrome Independent of Obesity and Insulin Resistance
☉ 11257550:Association of Cholesterol Subfractions and Carotid Lipid Core Measured by MRI

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