☉ 11273451:Rational Development of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents: A Review
☉ 11273452:小儿断肢移位再植的手术配合
☉ 11273453:Mechanisms for the Inhibition of DNA Methyltransferases by Tea Catechins and Bioflavonoids
☉ 11273454:Nitric Oxide Donors Induce Neurotrophin-Like Survival Signaling and Protect Neurons against Apoptosis
☉ 11273455:Structural Basis for Competition between Drug Binding and Kv1.3 Accessory Subunit-Induced N-Type Inactivation of Kv1.5 Channels
☉ 11273456:Human Hepatobiliary Transport of Organic Anions Analyzed by Quadruple-Transfected Cells
☉ 11273457:复方樟柳碱联合施图伦治疗黄斑变性的临床观察
☉ 11273458:N-Methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine Activates Cell-Cycle Arrest through Distinct Mechanisms Activated in a Dose-Dependent Manner
☉ 11273459:血球分析仪不能完全替代镜检
☉ 11273460:Differential Activation of Adenylate Cyclase and Receptor Internalization by Novel Dopamine D1 Receptor Agonists
☉ 11273461:Interaction of Bivalent Ligand KDN21 with Heterodimeric - Opioid Receptors in Human Embryonic Kidney 293 Cells
☉ 11273462:慢性胃炎及消化性溃疡患者的健康指导
☉ 11273463:Overexpression of Rad23 Confers Resistance to Methylmercury in Saccharomyces cerevisiae via Inhibition of the Degradation of Ubiquitinated P
☉ 11273464:Diosgenin Induces Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Activation and Angiogenesis through Estrogen Receptor-Related Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt
☉ 11273465:肺组织标本的制样技术改进
☉ 11273466:Activation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases by Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Ligands: An Example of Nongenomic Signaling
☉ 11273467:Environmental Chemical-Induced Bone Marrow B Cell Apoptosis: Death Receptor-Independent Activation of a Caspase-3 to Caspase-8 Pathway
☉ 11273468:雕刻牙体蜡块模具的制作方法
☉ 11273469:Sialylation of Human Thyrotropin Receptor Improves and Prolongs Its Cell-Surface Expression
☉ 11273470:Mechanism of the Insulin-Releasing Action of -Ketoisocaproate and Related -Keto Acid Anions
☉ 11273471:芩丹扶正胶囊的制备及质量控制标准
☉ 11273472:Morphine-Induced e?Opioid Receptor Desensitization
☉ 11273473:Characteristics of Ginsenoside Rg3-Mediated Brain Na+ Current Inhibition
☉ 11273474:Icilin Activates the -Subunit of the Human Epithelial Na+ Channel
☉ 11273475:Interaction between the 90-kDa Heat Shock Protein and Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase: Physiological Significance and Mapping of the Domains Mediat
☉ 11273476:Geranylgeranylacetone Protects Membranes against Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
☉ 11273477:Principles of N-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Allosteric Modulation
☉ 11273478:双介入治疗肝硬化、门脉高压症上消化道出血
☉ 11273479:手部动脉及腱鞘的透明标本制作法
☉ 11273480:壮医药线酒质量标准的初步研究
☉ 11273481:Heterogeneity and Selective Targeting of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) Subtypes Expressed on Retinal Afferents of the Su
☉ 11273482:显示12对脑神经标本的制作新方法
☉ 11273483:Insect GABA Receptors: Splicing, Editing, and Targeting by Antiparasitics and Insecticides
☉ 11273484:Charged Residues of the Conserved DRY Triplet of the Vasopressin V1a Receptor Provide Molecular Determinants for Cell Surface Delivery and I
☉ 11273485:Nitric Oxide Inhibits Endothelin-1-Induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy through cGMP-mediated Suppression of Extracellular-Signal Regulated Kin
☉ 11273486:实验诊断教学中医学生临床应用能力的培养
☉ 11273487:以评估为动力 抓好学院全面建设
☉ 11273488:试探在基础护理教学中加强学生的素质教育
☉ 11273489:注重调动学习积极性 提高生药学教学效果
☉ 11273490:Nerve Growth Factor-Independent Neuronal Survival: A Role for NO Donors
☉ 11273491:心理和谐与大学和谐校园的思考
☉ 11273492:足球运动创伤急救措施
☉ 11273493:Estrogen: A Mitochrondrial Energizer That Keeps on Going
☉ 11273494:116例老年肺癌病人的外科治疗
☉ 11273495:Estrogen Increases Mitochondrial Efficiency and Reduces Oxidative Stress in Cerebral Blood Vessels
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☉ 11273497:羊水过少对围生儿的影响
☉ 11273498:Characterization of Novel Aryl-Ether, Biaryl, and Fluorene Aspartic Acid and Diaminopropionic Acid Analogs as Potent Inhibitors of the High-
☉ 11273499:农村环境与健康
☉ 11273500:Investigation of the Phenylalkylamine Binding Site in hKv1.3 (H399T), a Mutant with a Reduced C-Type Inactivated State

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