☉ 11340751:Elastin (ELN) gene point mutation in patients with inguinal hernia
☉ 11340752:Prevalence of hereditary risk factors for thrombophilia in Belem, Brazilian Amazon
☉ 11340753:Frequency of 677C T and 1298A C polymorphisms in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene in Turner syndrome individuals
☉ 11340754:DNA sequencing analysis of several G6PD variants previously defined by PCR-restriction enzyme analysis
☉ 11340755:Chimerism 47,XY,+21/46,XX in a female infant with anencephaly and other congenital defects
☉ 11340756:Microsatellite studies on an isolated population of African descent in the Brazilian state of Bahia
☉ 11340757:Analysis of the interaction between human kidney anion exchanger 1 and kanadaptin using yeast two-hybrid systems
☉ 11340758:Butyrylcholinesterase genetic variability in Guarani Amerindians from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul
☉ 11340759:Gene amplification in carcinogenesis
☉ 11340760:In vivo evaluation of the mutagenic potential and phytochemical characterization of oleoresin from Copaifera duckei Dwyer
☉ 11340761:The quantitative genetic basis of female and male body size and their implications on the evolution of body size dimorphism in the house cri
☉ 11340762:Characterization and copy number of the S27 ribosomal protein gene from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense
☉ 11340763:Analysis of genetic susceptibility to mercury contamination evaluated through molecular biomarkers in at-risk Amazon Amerindian populations
☉ 11340764:Cloning of the Bacillus thuringiensis serovar sotto chitinase (Schi) gene and characterization of its protein
☉ 11340765:Identification in silico of putative damage responsive elements (DRE) in promoter regions of the yeast genome
☉ 11340766:The biology and potential for genetic research of transposable elements in filamentous fungi
☉ 11340767:Genotoxic evaluation of sodium nitroprusside in Aspergillus nidulans
☉ 11340768:Microsatellite-assisted backcross selection in maize
☉ 11340769:Responses to reciprocal recurrent selection and changes in genetic variability in IG-1 and IG-2 maize populations
☉ 11340770:Chromosome numbers and meiotic behavior of some Paspalum accessions
☉ 11340771:Genetic variation in growth traits and yield of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) growing in the Brazilian state of So Paulo
☉ 11340772:Quantitative trait locus affecting birth weight on bovine chromosome 5 in a F2 Gyr x Holstein population
☉ 11340773:Age-age correlation for early selection of rubber tree genotypes in So Paulo State, Brazil
☉ 11340774:Nuclear DNA content and karyotype of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)
☉ 11340775:Meadow faces GMC over evidence given in child death cases
☉ 11340776:German patients rush to doctors before new 10 charge starts
☉ 11340777:Widespread flu in United States exposes shortage of vaccine
☉ 11340778:In brief
☉ 11340779:Survey highlights health risks of overseas travel
☉ 11340780:Leading scientist threatens to resign over honours debacle
☉ 11340781:Apoptosis and Cancer Therapy: From Cutting-Edge Science to Novel Therapeutic Concepts
☉ 11340782:Carcinoma of an Unknown Primary Site
☉ 11340783:MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology
☉ 11340784:Epstein–Barr Virus
☉ 11340785:Use of Statins and Outcome of BCG Treatment for Bladder Cancer
☉ 11340786:Cerebral Aneurysms
☉ 11340787:Cancer Stem Cells
☉ 11340788:Social Anxiety Disorder
☉ 11340789:Body-Mass Index and Mortality in Korean Men and Women
☉ 11340790:Overweight, Obesity, and Mortality
☉ 11340791:The Persistence of Memory
☉ 11340792:Technical-Skills Training in the 21st Century
☉ 11340793:Carbapenems for Surgical Prophylaxis?
☉ 11340794:Diagnosis of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
☉ 11340795:Case 39-2006 — A 24-Year-Old Woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Seizures, and Right Arm Weakness
☉ 11340796:Multiple Pulmonary Bacterial Abscesses
☉ 11340797:Disseminated Paracoccidioidomycosis and Coinfection with HIV
☉ 11340798:Autoimmune Pancreatitis
☉ 11340799:Teaching Surgical Skills — Changes in the Wind
☉ 11340800:PET of Brain Amyloid and Tau in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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