☉ 11342101:The Assembly of Diverse Immune Receptors Is Focused on a Polar Membrane-Embedded Interaction Site
☉ 11342102:A Src-Like Inactive Conformation in the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain
☉ 11342103:母亲与新生儿同患麻疹1例
☉ 11342104:Invasive Plant Suppresses the Growth of Native Tree Seedlings by Disrupting Belowground Mutualisms
☉ 11342105:Whole-Genome Analysis of the SHORT-ROOT Developmental Pathway in Arabidopsis
☉ 11342106:A Nonparametric Test Reveals Selection for Rapid Flowering in the Arabidopsis Genome
☉ 11342107:Molecular-Level Variation Affects Population Growth in a Butterfly Metapopulation
☉ 11342108:Parallel Evolution of the Genetic Code in Arthropod Mitochondrial Genomes
☉ 11342109:Relaxed Phylogenetics and Dating with Confidence
☉ 11342110:Citation Advantage of Open Access Articles
☉ 11342111:Chromosomal Organization: Mingling with the Neighbors
☉ 11342112:Model Selection and the Molecular Clock
☉ 11342113:Scientific Illiteracy and the Partisan Takeover of Biology
☉ 11342114:Parallel Thalamic Pathways for Whisking and Touch Signals in the Rat
☉ 11342115:Microstimulation of Frontal Cortex Can Reorder a Remembered Spatial Sequence
☉ 11342116:A Model of the Ventral Visual System Based on Temporal Stability and Local Memory
☉ 11342117:Functional Imaging of Numerical Processing in Adults and 4-y-Old Children
☉ 11342118:Cyclin D1与乳腺癌的关系
☉ 11342119:Neocortical Connectivity during Episodic Memory Formation
☉ 11342120:颅脑外伤致精神障碍机制研究
☉ 11342121:Echolocating Bats Use a Nearly Time-Optimal Strategy to Intercept Prey
☉ 11342122:重度有机磷农药中毒31例的急救与护理
☉ 11342123:对116例手术患者术前访视及术后回访的体会
☉ 11342124:多发性创伤120例在急诊科的急救和护理
☉ 11342125:椎弓根螺钉系统治疗无瘫痪胸腰椎爆裂性骨折
☉ 11342126:输尿管梗阻致急性肾衰竭45例的治疗
☉ 11342127:腰椎滑脱RF复位椎体间嵌压植骨融合的疗效评定
☉ 11342128:霉酚酸对树突状细胞延长移植肾存活效应的影响
☉ 11342129:神经外科危重患者80例的呼吸支持治疗
☉ 11342130:腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗胆囊颈管结石并胆囊炎的体会
☉ 11342131:带状肌分离径路甲状腺腺叶切除术
☉ 11342132:尺桡骨髓内钉治疗复杂前臂骨干骨折的临床研究
☉ 11342133:腰椎间盘突出合并骨性退变20例报告
☉ 11342134:重睑加额肌瓣悬吊对中、重度上睑下垂的矫正
☉ 11342135:医源性十二指肠损伤的诊治探讨
☉ 11342136:氩气刀在85例LC术中的应用体会
☉ 11342137:胸腔镜辅助小切口行肺叶切除术11例临床体会
☉ 11342138:胸部手术中复张性肺水肿的诊治和预防
☉ 11342139:手部油漆枪击伤的特点与治疗经验体会
☉ 11342140:疝环充填式无张力疝修补术治疗腹股沟滑动性疝
☉ 11342141:结直肠癌性梗阻64例外科治疗体会
☉ 11342142:颈动脉内膜剥脱术防治脑中风8例诊治体会
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☉ 11342144:甲状腺素在预防结节性甲状腺肿术后复发的研究
☉ 11342145:胆石性肠梗阻诊治分析
☉ 11342146:股骨干骨折内固定治疗157例
☉ 11342147:不同术式治疗高血压性脑出血的临床观察
☉ 11342148:Richards钉内固定治疗股骨粗隆间骨折
☉ 11342149:膝关节联合组织损伤的治疗
☉ 11342150:外伤性肝破裂2例临床分析

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