☉ 11343751:Could joining EU club spell disaster for the new members?
☉ 11343752:Doing as well as thinking
☉ 11343753:Ethnic minority groups criticise US report on healthcare disparities
☉ 11343754:WHO investigates possible human to human transmission of avian flu
☉ 11343755:Spanish drug editor wins case brought by Merck, Sharp & Dohme
☉ 11343756:Another HRT trial is stopped early
☉ 11343757:Women are being let down in efforts to stem HIV/AIDS
☉ 11343758:Quebec will make doctors disclose their HIV status
☉ 11343759:Patients can be made to have HIV test to protect doctor
☉ 11343760:In brief
☉ 11343761:FDA advisory panel calls for suicide warnings over new antidepressants
☉ 11343762:British cancer death rates fell by 12% between 1972 and 2002
☉ 11343763:Polypill debate continues
☉ 11343764:Polypill debate continues
☉ 11343765:Polypill debate continues
☉ 11343766:Colchicine in acute gout
☉ 11343767:Colchicine in acute gout
☉ 11343768:Colchicine in acute gout
☉ 11343769:Special issue on South Asia
☉ 11343770:Special issue on South Asia
☉ 11343771:WHO's world health report 2003
☉ 11343772:WHO's world health report 2003
☉ 11343773:Stress and exacerbations in multiple sclerosis
☉ 11343774:Stress and exacerbations in multiple sclerosis
☉ 11343775:Quality of randomised controlled trials
☉ 11343776:Quality of randomised controlled trials
☉ 11343777:Quality of randomised controlled trials
☉ 11343778:Save European research campaign
☉ 11343779:Evaluating the health effects of social interventions
☉ 11343780:Antiretroviral therapy in Africa
☉ 11343781:Why people smoke
☉ 11343782:Treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: presentation
☉ 11343783:How to investigate and manage the child who is slow to speak
☉ 11343784:Clinical risk management in obstetrics: eclampsia drills
☉ 11343785:Perinatal outcome of singletons and twins after assisted conception: a systematic review of controlled studies
☉ 11343786:Comparability of self rated health: cross sectional multi-country survey using anchoring vignettes
☉ 11343787:Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a chest pain observation unit compared with routine care
☉ 11343788:Indirect comparisons: a novel approach to assessing the effect of anti-HIV drugs
☉ 11343789:Clinical efficacy of antiretroviral combination therapy based on protease inhibitors or non-nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibi
☉ 11343790:London doctors' do not put patients among the top five factors for job satisfaction
☉ 11343791:UK global antipoverty strategy criticised by Royal Society
☉ 11343792:Parents discover their stillborn babies are alive four months after birth
☉ 11343793:Report calls for strategies to reduce medication errors
☉ 11343794:Hospital's charitable donations diverted to pay running costs
☉ 11343795:Controversy surrounds proposed Italian alternative to female genital mutilation
☉ 11343796:GPs reluctant to cover out of hours work, survey shows
☉ 11343797:Payments announced for patients infected with hepatitis C
☉ 11343798:Kidney trade arrest exposes loopholes in India's transplant laws
☉ 11343799:BMJ ethics committee elects new chairperson
☉ 11343800:Doctors suspended for removing wrong kidney

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