☉ 11369101:Generation of 5-(2'-deoxycytidyl)methyl radical and the formation of i
☉ 11369102:Differential role of RB in response to UV and IR damage
☉ 11369103:Replication complexes in neuronal morphology
☉ 11369104:Nonadhesion-based sorting
☉ 11369105:Two modes of microsatellite instability in human cancer: differential
☉ 11369106:The sticky business of discovering cadherins
☉ 11369107:Building glial microtubules
☉ 11369108:A hairy kinase
☉ 11369109:Contacting the matrix
☉ 11369110:Cohesins and breaks in yeast
☉ 11369111:ctRNAs
☉ 11369112:Making ROS for apoptosis
☉ 11369113:Myosin powers cytokinesis
☉ 11369114:FAPP2 is involved in the transport of apical cargo in polarized MDCK c
☉ 11369115:Dendrite development : a surprising origin
☉ 11369116:The origin recognition core complex regulates dendrite and spine devel
☉ 11369117:A glue for heterochromatin maintenance : stable SUV39H1 binding to het
☉ 11369118:Exocyst finds way without Rho
☉ 11369119:Linking centrosomes and actin
☉ 11369120:Sgk3 links growth factor signaling to maintenance of progenitor cells
☉ 11369121:Cyclic AMP and calcium interplay as second messengers in melatonin-dep
☉ 11369122:An ECT2–centralspindlin complex regulates the localization and functio
☉ 11369123:An enzymatic cascade of Rab5 effectors regulates phosphoinositide turn
☉ 11369124:Dynein holds still
☉ 11369125:An ECT2–centralspindlin complex regulates the localization and functio
☉ 11369126:An AP-1/clathrin coat plays a novel and essential role in forming the
☉ 11369127:Intraflagellar transport (IFT) during assembly and disassembly of Chla
☉ 11369128:Reaching out for signals : filopodia sense EGF and respond by directed
☉ 11369129:?-Catenin controls cell sorting at the notochord–somite boundary indep
☉ 11369130:Interactions of WASp, myosin-I, and verprolin with Arp2/3 complex duri
☉ 11369131:Rho GTPase regulation of exocytosis in yeast is independent of GTP hyd
☉ 11369132:Conversion of DNA methyltransferases into azidonucleosidyl transferase
☉ 11369133:The effect of the 2-amino group of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine
☉ 11369134:Transcytosis of NgCAM in epithelial cells reflects differential signal
☉ 11369135:Process outgrowth in oligodendrocytes is mediated by CNP, a novel micr
☉ 11369136:A systematic analysis of the silencing effects of an active siRNA at a
☉ 11369137:Single-stranded DNA-binding protein of Deinococcus radiodurans: a biop
☉ 11369138:Modification at position 9 with 1-methyladenosine is crucial for struc
☉ 11369139:Formation of linear inverted repeat amplicons following targeting of a
☉ 11369140:The genome sequence of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis, a hig
☉ 11369141:Both RNase E and RNase III control the stability of sodB mRNA upon tra
☉ 11369142:Simple and straightforward construction of a mouse gene targeting vect
☉ 11369143:Transcriptional regulation of two stage-specifically expressed genes i
☉ 11369144:Sequence variation in G-protein-coupled receptors: analysis of single
☉ 11369145:Human pol II promoter prediction: time series descriptors and machine
☉ 11369146:Methylation profiles of genes utilizing newly developed CpG island met
☉ 11369147:Cadmium inhibits mismatch repair by blocking the ATPase activity of th
☉ 11369148:siRNAdb: a database of siRNA sequences
☉ 11369149:A dual-fluorescence reporter system for high-throughput clone characte
☉ 11369150:Competitive enzymatic reaction to control allele-specific extensions

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