☉ 11368601:RusA Holliday junction resolvase: DNA complex structure—insights into
☉ 11368602:Structural analysis of aligned RNAs
☉ 11368603:A novel endonuclease IV post-PCR genotyping system
☉ 11368604:In vitro evolution of single-chain antibodies using mRNA display
☉ 11368605:Robust analysis of 5'-transcript ends (5'-RATE): a novel technique for
☉ 11368606:Assessing incomplete deprotection of microarray oligonucleotides in si
☉ 11368607:Analysis of protein sequence and interaction data for candidate diseas
☉ 11368608:Using DNA pools for genotyping trios
☉ 11368609:A high throughput method for genome-wide analysis of retroviral integr
☉ 11368610:Troubleshooting coupled in vitro transcription–translation system deri
☉ 11368611:DeepSAGE—digital transcriptomics with high sensitivity, simple experim
☉ 11368612:Antibody binding loop insertions as diversity elements
☉ 11368613:TM-align: a protein structure alignment algorithm based on the TM-scor
☉ 11368614:Computational technique for improvement of the position-weight matrice
☉ 11368615:Influence of RNA structural stability on the RNA chaperone activity of
☉ 11368616:Inhibition of archaeal growth and DNA topoisomerase VI activities by t
☉ 11368617:Editorial
☉ 11368618:Editorial
☉ 11368619:DDBJ in collaboration with mass-sequencing teams on annotation
☉ 11368620:COUP-TF interacting protein 2 represses the initial phase of HIV-1 gen
☉ 11368621:The Molecular Biology Database Collection: 2005 update
☉ 11368622:The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database
☉ 11368623:High frequency trans-splicing in a cell line producing spliced and pol
☉ 11368624:Analysis of host response to bacterial infection using error model bas
☉ 11368625:The genome sequence of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis, a hig
☉ 11368626:Bacillus subtilis RecN binds and protects 3'-single-stranded DNA exten
☉ 11368627:Single copy shRNA configuration for ubiquitous gene knockdown in mice
☉ 11368628:Single copy shRNA configuration for ubiquitous gene knockdown in mice
☉ 11368629:A dual-light reporter system to determine the efficiency of protein–pr
☉ 11368630:GenBank
☉ 11368631:Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy studies of pr
☉ 11368632:Analysis of scanning force microscopy images of protein-induced DNA be
☉ 11368633:Entrez Gene: gene-centered information at NCBI
☉ 11368634:The European Bioinformatics Institute's data resources: towards system
☉ 11368635:Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Informatio
☉ 11368636:ECgene: genome annotation for alternative splicing
☉ 11368637:The TIGR Gene Indices: clustering and assembling EST and known genes a
☉ 11368638:NPRD: Nucleosome Positioning Region Database
☉ 11368639:HOPPSIGEN: a database of human and mouse processed pseudogenes
☉ 11368640:The MAPPER database: a multi-genome catalog of putative transcription
☉ 11368641:DoOP: Databases of Orthologous Promoters, collections of clusters of o
☉ 11368642:SpliceInfo: an information repository for mRNA alternative splicing in
☉ 11368643:HuSiDa—the human siRNA database: an open-access database for published
☉ 11368644:TRED: a Transcriptional Regulatory Element Database and a platform for
☉ 11368645:TRACTOR_DB: a database of regulatory networks in gamma-proteobacterial
☉ 11368646:siRNAdb: a database of siRNA sequences
☉ 11368647:RNAdb—a comprehensive mammalian noncoding RNA database
☉ 11368648:Rfam: annotating non-coding RNAs in complete genomes
☉ 11368649:NONCODE: an integrated knowledge database of non-coding RNAs
☉ 11368650:UTRdb and UTRsite: a collection of sequences and regulatory motifs of

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