- A fermented milk high in bioactive peptides has a blood pressure–lowering effect in hypertensive subjects
- A novel dual radio- and stable-isotope method for measuring calcium absorption in humans: comparison with the whole-body radioisotope retention method
- Calcium vitamin D milk consumption, and hip fractures: a prospective study among postmenopausal women
- Comparing the pharmacokinetics of daidzein and genistein with the use of 13C-labeled tracers in premenopausal women
- Comparisons of waist circumferences measured at 4 sites
- Differences in resting metabolic rate between paraplegic and able-bodied subjects are explained by differences in body composition
- Diurnal variations in human urinary excretion of nicotinamide catabolites: effects of stress on the metabolism of nicotinamide
- Dual fortification of salt with iodine and microencapsulated iron: a randomized double-blind controlled trial in Moroccan schoolchildren
- Effect of short-chain fructooligosaccharides on intestinal calcium absorption and calcium status in postmenopausal women: a stable-isotope study
- Evaluation of a new pediatric air-displacement plethysmograph for body-composition assessment by means of chemical analysis of bovine tissue phantoms
- High prevalence of cobalamin deficiency in Guatemalan schoolchildren: associations with low plasma holotranscobalamin II and elevated serum methylmalo
- High-fiber rye bread and insulin secretion and sensitivity in healthy postmenopausal women
- Ingested probiotics reduce nasal colonization with pathogenic bacteria(Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae and ß-hemolytic streptoco
- Insulinogenic index at 15 min as a marker of nutritional rehabilitation in anorexia nervosa
- Intakes of essential n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids among pregnant Canadian women
- Iron supplementation improves progressive fatigue resistance during dynamic knee extensor exercise in iron-depleted, nonanemic women
- Issues of standardization and assay-specific clinical decision limits for the measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Leptin and energy metabolism in pulmonary tuberculosis
- n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce risk of coronary heart disease death: extending the evidence to the elderly
- A short-term high-fat diet up-regulates lipid metabolism and gene expression in human skeletal muscle
- Calcium intake and adiposity