☉ 11333001:Proteinuria precedes podocyte abnormalities inLamb2–/– mice, implicating the glomerular basement membrane as an albumin barrier
☉ 11333002:MyD88-dependent IL-1 receptor signaling is essential for gouty inflammation stimulated by monosodium urate crystals
☉ 11333003:Inhibition of T cell activation and autoimmune diabetes using a B cell surface–linked CTLA-4 agonist
☉ 11333004:Anaphylactic shock depends on PI3K and eNOS-derived NO
☉ 11333005:A crucial role for plasmacytoid dendritic cells in antiviral protection by CpG ODN–based vaginal microbicide
☉ 11333006:HLA-DQ2 and -DQ8 signatures of gluten T cell epitopes in celiac disease
☉ 11333007:Altered blood pressure responses and normal cardiac phenotype in ACE2-null mice
☉ 11333008:Nicotine induces cell proliferation by -arrestin–mediated activation of Src and Rb–Raf-1 pathways
☉ 11333009:Mosaicism of activatingFGFR3 mutations in human skin causes epidermal nevi
☉ 11333010:Connexin 43 mediates spread of Ca2+ -dependent proinflammatory responses in lung capillaries
☉ 11333011:The adipocyte fatty acid–binding protein aP2 is required in allergic airway inflammation
☉ 11333012:Role of A2B adenosine receptor signaling in adenosine-dependent pulmonary inflammation and injury
☉ 11333013:Glucocorticoids suppress bone formation via the osteoclast
☉ 11333014:Neonatal Fc receptor for IgG regulates mucosal immune responses to luminal bacteria
☉ 11333015:Targeting tumor-associated macrophages as a novel strategy against breast cancer
☉ 11333016:Fatty acid amide hydrolase deficiency limits early pregnancy events
☉ 11333017:A farnesyltransferase inhibitor improves disease phenotypes in mice with a Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome mutation
☉ 11333018:Activated macrophages are essential in a murine model for T cell–mediated chronic psoriasiform skin inflammation
☉ 11333019:Pathogenic role for skin macrophages in a mouse model of keratinocyte-induced psoriasis-like skin inflammation
☉ 11333020:The glomerular basement membrane: not gone, just forgotten
☉ 11333021:Costimulation couture: a designer approach to regulating autoimmunity
☉ 11333022:Tuning the oviduct to the anandamide tone
☉ 11333023:Misbehaving macrophages in the pathogenesis of psoriasis
☉ 11333024:HIV and CXCR4 in a kiss of autophagic death
☉ 11333025:What’s in a name eNOS and anaphylactic shock
☉ 11333026:Gout: new insights into an old disease
☉ 11333027:Resurrection of vitamin D deficiency and rickets
☉ 11333028:The Clinical Research Forum and Association of American Physicians disagree with criticism of the NIH Roadmap
☉ 11333029:应用插入序列PCR进行大肠杆菌O 157 :H 7 基因分型的研究
☉ 11333030:银翘散抗甲1型流感病毒作用的实验研究
☉ 11333031:中国人群鼻咽癌发病危险因素的Meta分析
☉ 11333032:西林县鼠疫流行期间主要宿主动物和媒介蚤的调查
☉ 11333033:四川省基本消灭丝虫病后巩固与净化措施远期效果
☉ 11333034:脱落细胞端粒酶活性检测在肿瘤鉴别的价值
☉ 11333035:河南省消除丝虫病残存传染源的防治措施研究
☉ 11333036:检测腺苷脱氨酶和血清结核抗体鉴别胸腔积液的价值探讨
☉ 11333037:山东省消除淋巴丝虫病的研究
☉ 11333038:海南省贫困地区新生儿乙肝疫苗应用效果评价
☉ 11333039:海南省中部地区人体重要寄生虫病的现状调查
☉ 11333040:含hTERT基因片段重组逆转录病毒的构建
☉ 11333041:常用杀虫剂配用氧化胡椒基丁醚杀灭淡色库蚊的研究
☉ 11333042:地杨桃中游离氨基酸的分析
☉ 11333043:鄂西北斯氏狸殖吸虫中间宿主生态学的研究
☉ 11333044:Sj31与鼠IFN-γ基因融合DNA疫苗免疫保护效果的研究
☉ 11333045:1型糖尿病患者血清sCD40L测定的临床意义
☉ 11333046:Ⅰ型精神分裂症患者治疗的远期效果观察
☉ 11333047:SARS病毒N蛋白真核表达质粒构建及诱导的体液免疫
☉ 11333048:早期乳腺癌保留乳房治疗效果观察
☉ 11333049:窄谱UVB结合中药制剂治疗白癜风的疗效观察
☉ 11333050:婴幼儿心脏直视手术并发症的分析

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