☉ 10571751:夏食茄子可治病
☉ 10571752:从铁皮房走出来的学科带头人 记全国先进工作者、深圳市中医院肝病专科主任周大桥
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☉ 10571755:让农村卫生人才留得住 用得上 黑龙江破解农村卫生人才匮乏难题
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☉ 10571759:皮肤黏膜淋巴结综合征的中医辨治
☉ 10571760:安抚“夜啼郎” 外治有妙法
☉ 10571761:敷脐疗法治疗儿科疾病
☉ 10571762:文摘卡片(2005.05.30)
☉ 10571763:灸法简介(5)
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☉ 10571765:感冒可诱发小儿多发性抽动症
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☉ 10571769:小儿多动症4验方
☉ 10571770:amontillado the Drosophila Homolog of the Prohormone Processing Protease PC2 Is Required During Embryogenesis and Early Larval Development
☉ 10571771:Analysis of Ras-Induced Overproliferation in Drosophila Hemocytes
☉ 10571772:Bounds on the Minimum Number of Recombination Events in a Sample History
☉ 10571773:Cloning of the Pleiotropic T Locus in Soybean and Two Recessive Alleles That Differentially Affect Structure and Expression of the Encoded Flavonoid 3
☉ 10571774:Common Spontaneous Sex-Reversed XX males of the Medaka Oryzias latipes
☉ 10571775:Control of Vulval Competence and Centering in the Nematode Oscheius sp. 1 CEW1
☉ 10571776:Effects of Genetic Background on Response to Selection in Experimental Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana
☉ 10571777:Estimating Ancestral Population Sizes and Divergence Times
☉ 10571778:Estimating Effective Population Size and Migration Rates From Genetic Samples Over Space and Time
☉ 10571779:Identification of a Functional Domain Within the Essential Core of Histone H3 That Is Required for Telomeric and HM Silencing in Saccharomyces cerevis
☉ 10571780:In Vivo Introduction of Unpreferred Synonymous Codons Into the Drosophila Adh Gene Results in Reduced Levels of ADH Protein
☉ 10571781:Interallelic Complementation at the Mouse Mitf Locus
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☉ 10571783:脑静脉窦血栓形成2例临床和影像表现
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☉ 10571787:急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者血清促炎细胞因子水平研究
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☉ 10571789:胃镜引导下光动力学微波化疗治疗上消化道恶性肿瘤的临床研究
☉ 10571790:耐多药肺结核的局部药物介入治疗
☉ 10571791:无症状性脑梗塞的影像学及临床表现
☉ 10571792:石龙机关工作人员血脂水平分类及分型的统计分析
☉ 10571793:急性心肌梗死急诊PCI术中再灌注心律失常防治体会
☉ 10571794:冠心病诊治中几个问题的探讨(附127例临床分析)
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☉ 10571796:变异性心绞痛冠脉病变程度与动态心电图一过性ST段抬高的相关性探讨
☉ 10571797:慢性丙型肝炎患者自身抗体检测及意义(附82例慢性丙型肝炎病例分析)
☉ 10571798:综合治疗冠心病合并焦虑症的临床研究
☉ 10571799:小剂量脾区放疗治疗免疫性血小板减少性紫癜
☉ 10571800:胃癌误诊12例分析

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