☉ 11119901:MMP-2、TIMP-2表达失衡与宫颈癌浸润、转移的相关性
☉ 11119902:文拉法辛缓释剂与氟西汀治疗抑郁症首次发病患者的对照研究
☉ 11119903:慢性精神病患者猝死的相关因素分析
☉ 11119904:类风湿性关节炎患者病情与生活质量的相关研究
☉ 11119905:后房型人工晶体双襻缝线固定术
☉ 11119906:肝复康汤治疗抗结核药致药物性肝炎临床观察
☉ 11119907:孕妇合并糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR)对母儿影响及妊娠对DR影响的临床研究
☉ 11119908:抑郁症经氟西汀治疗无显效改用文拉法辛治疗的疗效观察
☉ 11119909:乙型肝炎病毒携带者HBV血清标志物转归分析
☉ 11119910:选择性栓塞子宫动脉治疗子宫肌瘤的临床研究
☉ 11119911:医院危机公关对策和防范
☉ 11119912:农村60岁以上COPD焦虑和抑郁症状调查
☉ 11119913:大学生心理障碍三级预防模式探讨
☉ 11119914:200例药物流产妇女心理状况调查
☉ 11119915:中山市公安人员神经症流行病学调查研究
☉ 11119916:老年抑郁症的研究进展
☉ 11119917:中药抗敏汤治疗诱因不明的慢性荨麻疹近期疗效观察
☉ 11119918:四物汤加味治疗IUD所致经期延长的疗效观察
☉ 11119919:和胃散治疗幽门螺杆菌相关性胃炎45例疗效观察
☉ 11119920:家属资源中心对慢性精神分裂症患者日常生活能力影响观察
☉ 11119921:对聋生如何正确掌握语音知识训练
☉ 11119922:2000年-2005年《中国民康医学》杂志文献统计分析
☉ 11119923:晚期糖基化终末产物与糖尿病慢性并发症的关系
☉ 11119924:Conversion of CD4+ CD25– cells into CD4+ CD25+ reg
☉ 11119925:Contrasting frequencies of antitumor and anti-vacc
☉ 11119926:An antagonist peptide mediates positive selection
☉ 11119927:A new look for 2005
☉ 11119928:综合康复对乳腺癌根治术患者上肢功能恢复的影响
☉ 11119929:Dynamic regulation of PU.1 expression in multipote
☉ 11119930:Do developing B cells need antigen?
☉ 11119931:Discovering lymphocyte subsets
☉ 11119932:Cotranslational endoplasmic reticulum assembly of
☉ 11119933:Identification and characterization of an endogeno
☉ 11119934:Hypoxia-induced neutrophil survival is mediated by
☉ 11119935:High frequency of antitumor T cells in the blood o
☉ 11119936:Heart-stopping antibodies
☉ 11119937:Essential role of p53 phosphorylation by p38 MAPK
☉ 11119938:Mannan binding lectin as an adjunct to risk assess
☉ 11119939:Keeping a lid on eosinophil activation
☉ 11119940:IL-23 drives a pathogenic T cell population that i
☉ 11119941:Identification of poxvirus CD8+ T cell determinant
☉ 11119942:NKT cells promote antibody-induced joint inflammat
☉ 11119943:NK cell activation through the NKG2D ligand MULT-1
☉ 11119944:MBL is good for the heart
☉ 11119945:Mary Jo Turk, José A. Guevara-Pati?o
☉ 11119946:Evaluation of clinically relevant changes in patie
☉ 11119947:Defining hip pain for population studies
☉ 11119948:Contribution of polymorphisms in the apolipoprotei
☉ 11119949:Chondroprotective activity of N-acetylglucosamine
☉ 11119950:Case number 32: Thiemann’s disease

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