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- 便秘也可致幼儿感冒
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- 2006年我国医药行业的成绩与问题
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- Rhesus Macaque Class I Duplicon Structures, Organization, and Evolutio
- Adaptive Evolution Drives the Diversification of Zinc-Finger Binding D
- luxS and arcB Control Aerobic Growth of Actinobacillus actinomycetemco
- The UspA2 Protein of Moraxella catarrhalis Is Directly Involved in the
- Hag Directly Mediates the Adherence of Moraxella catarrhalis to Human
- CD8+-T-Cell-Dependent Control of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in a High
- Serial Propagation of the Microsporidian Enterocytozoon bieneusi of Hu
- IpaD Localizes to the Tip of the Type III Secretion System Needle of S
- Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor Type 1 Delivered by Outer Membrane Vesicl
- Mutational Analysis of RetS, an Unusual Sensor Kinase-Response Regulat
- Swapping of Periplasmic Domains between Brucella suis VirB8 and a pSB1
- Staphyloxanthin Plays a Role in the Fitness of Staphylococcus aureus a
- Filaria-Induced Monocyte Dysfunction and Its Reversal following Treatm
- Lysogeny of Streptococcus pneumoniae with MM1 Phage: Improved Adherenc
- Gamma Interferon Secretion by Human V2V2 T Cells after Stimulation wit
- Signal Transduction, Gene Transcription, and Cytokine Production Trigg
- gC1qR/p33 Blockade Reduces Staphylococcus aureus Colonization of Targe
- Construction and Characterization of an Attenuated Purine Auxotroph in
- Modulation of Host Immune Responses by the Cytolethal Distending Toxin
- Role of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Virulence Factors in Colonization at
- Cj1496c Encodes a Campylobacter jejuni Glycoprotein That Influences In
- Adherent and Invasive Escherichia coli Is Associated with Granulomatou
- Virulence of Francisella spp. in Chicken Embryos
- Antibody-Mediated Disease Remission in the Mouse Model of Lyme Borreli
- The Hypothetical Protein CT813 Is Localized in the Chlamydia trachomat
- Murine Model of Infection by Tropheryma whipplei
- The yjeQ Gene Is Required for Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus
- Reduction of the Ganglioside Binding Activity of the Tetanus Toxin HC
- Unique Features of a Highly Pathogenic Campylobacter jejuni Strain
- Identification of a Candidate Streptococcus pneumoniae Core Genome and
- Plasmid Diversity in Neisseriae
- Hemin-Dependent Modulation of the Lipid A Structure of Porphyromonas g
- A Pleiotropic Regulator, Frp, Affects Exopolysaccharide Synthesis, Bio
- Signature-Tagged Mutagenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae To Identify Gene
- The Presence of Peptidoglycan O-Acetyltransferase in Various Staphyloc
- Maltodextrin Utilization Plays a Key Role in the Ability of Group A St
- SdrI, a Serine-Aspartate Repeat Protein Identified in Staphylococcus s
- Inactivation of a Two-Component Signal Transduction System, SaeRS, Eli
- The Circadian Clock Period 2 Gene Regulates Gamma Interferon Productio
- Regulation of Production of Mucosal Antibody to Pneumococcal Protein A
- Additional Conjugation Methods and Immunogenicity of Bacillus anthraci
- Immunogenicity and Protective Immunity against Bubonic Plague and Pneu
- Role and Regulation of the Shigella flexneri Sit and MntH Systems
- Staphylococcal Enterotoxin-Like Toxins U2 and V, Two New Staphylococca
- Maturation of Intracellular Escherichia coli Communities Requires SurA
- Transcriptional Response Patterns of Chlamydophila psittaci in Differe
- The BarA-UvrY Two-Component System Regulates Virulence in Avian Pathog
- Cardiac Failure in C5-Deficient A/J Mice after Candida albicans Infect
- Diversity of the T-Cell Response to Pulmonary Cryptococcus neoformans
- Effect of Lung Surfactant Collectins on Bronchoalveolar Macrophage Int
- Characterization of the T-Cell Receptor V Repertoire in the Human Immu
- Deletion of the Regulatory Subunit of Protein Kinase A in Aspergillus
- Transcribed var Genes Associated with Placental Malaria in Malawian Wo
- Mapping of B-Cell Epitopes on a Novel 11.5-Kilodalton Fasciola hepatic
- Ligand-Signaled Upregulation of Enterococcus faecalis ace Transcriptio
- Role of Intrachain Disulfides in the Activities of the CdtA and CdtC S
- Bartonella quintana Variably Expressed Outer Membrane Proteins Mediate
- Biochemical Activities of Three Pairs of Ehrlichia chaffeensis Two-Com
- Yersinia pestis YopJ Suppresses Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Induction
- Differential Regulation of Iron- and Manganese-Specific MtsABC and Hem
- Thioredoxin 1 Promotes Intracellular Replication and Virulence of Salm
- Legionella pneumophila Mip, a Surface-Exposed Peptidylproline cis-tran
- Identification of In Vivo-Induced Bacterial Protein Antigens during Hu
- Construction of a Mutant and Characterization of the Role of the Vacci
- Constitutive Expression of Outer Surface Protein C Diminishes the Abil
- Roles of Cellular Activation and Sulfated Glycans in Haemophilus somnu
- The Contribution of PspC to Pneumococcal Virulence Varies between Stra
- Expression and Function of a Family of Transmembrane Kinases from the
- Mechanisms of Resistance of Porphyromonas gingivalis to Killing by Ser
- Role of Capsule and Interleukin-6 in Long-Term Immune Control of Crypt
- Porphyromonas gingivalis Vesicles Enhance Attachment, and the Leucine-
- Anthrax Lethal Toxin Impairs Innate Immune Functions of Alveolar Macro
- Brucella melitensis Triggers Time-Dependent Modulation of Apoptosis an
- Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Induces Extrinsic and Intrinsic Cascade
- Autocrine Role for Interleukin-8 in Bartonella henselae-Induced Angiog
- Identification of Neisseria meningitidis Nonlipopolysaccharide Ligands
- The GTPase Rab4 Interacts with Chlamydia trachomatis Inclusion Membran
- In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of the Murine Pathogen Citrobacter rod
- Pulmonary Lymphatics Are Primary Sites of Mycobacterium tuberculosis I
- Infection of Human Endothelial Cells with Spotted Fever Group Ricketts
- Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Outer Membrane Protein 100 Trigge
- Morphine Withdrawal Lowers Host Defense to Enteric Bacteria: Spontaneo
- Mechanisms of Mortality in Early and Late Sepsis
- Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte-Derived Serine Proteinases in Defe
- Intestinal Intraepithelial Lymphocytes Sustain the Epithelial Barrier
- Role of the -Helical Linker of the C-Terminal Translocator in the Biog
- The Bacteroides fragilis Toxin Binds to a Specific Intestinal Epitheli
- The Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Type IVB Self-Association Pili A
- Innate Immune Responses to Lung-Stage Helminth Infection Induce Altern
- Vaccinations with Recombinant Variants of Aspergillus fumigatus Allerg
- Lack of Eosinophil Peroxidase or Major Basic Protein Impairs Defense a
- Different Consequences of ACE2 and SWI5 Gene Disruptions for Virulence
- Acquisition of Hemozoin by Monocytes Down-Regulates Interleukin-12 p40
- Temperature-Regulated Microcolony Formation by Burkholderia pseudomall
- N-Acetyllactosamine Conjugated to Gold Nanoparticles Inhibits Enteropa
- Chronic Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium-Induced Colitis and Ch
- Interplay of Pneumococcal Hydrogen Peroxide and Host-Derived Nitric Ox
- Characterization of the Receptor-Ligand Pathways Important for Entry a
- Dissecting the Contributions of Clostridium perfringens Type C Toxins
- Campylobacter jejuni Colonization of Mice with Limited Enteric Flora
- Staphylococcus aureus-Induced Corneal Inflammation Is Dependent on Tol
- Critical Role of Type 1 Cytokines in Controlling Initial Infection wit
- Comparison of the Host Responses to Wild-Type and cpsB Mutant Klebsiel
- Opacity-Associated Adhesin Repertoire in Hyperinvasive Neisseria menin
- Extensive Genomic Plasticity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Revealed by Ide
- Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of the Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
- Attenuated Francisella novicida Transposon Mutants Protect Mice agains
- Major Role for FeoB in Campylobacter jejuni Ferrous Iron Acquisition,
- Autoinducer 3 and Epinephrine Signaling in the Kinetics of Locus of En
- Extensive Genotypic Diversity in a Recombining Population of the Apico
- Genome-Wide Expression Analysis of Burkholderia pseudomallei Infection
- The mgtC Gene of Burkholderia cenocepacia Is Required for Growth under
- Identification of OmpU of Vibrio vulnificus as a Fibronectin-Binding P
- The C-Terminal Region of Bacteroides fragilis Toxin Is Essential to It
- Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Induces Cleavage of the Mitotic Cyclin
- High-Affinity Interaction between Fibronectin and the Group B Streptoc
- Effects of ompA Deletion on Expression of Type 1 Fimbriae in Escherich
- Effects of Psa and F1 on the Adhesive and Invasive Interactions of Yer
- Measurement of Effector Protein Injection by Type III and Type IV Secr
- Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae Proactively Modulate 2 Integrin Adhe
- Comparison of Extracellular and Intracellular Potency of Botulinum Neu
- The Transcriptional Regulator RovS Controls the Attachment of Streptoc
- A New Immunoglobulin-Binding Protein, EibG, Is Responsible for the Cha
- Structural Characterization of Peptide-Mediated Inhibition of Porphyro
- Mutations within the Catalytic Motif of DNA Adenine Methyltransferase
- Characterization of igaB, a Second Immunoglobulin A1 Protease Gene in
- OspF and OspC1 Are Shigella flexneri Type III Secretion System Effecto
- Overexpression, Purification, Characterization, and Pathogenicity of V
- Neutrophils Do Not Mediate the Pathophysiological Sequelae of Cryptosp
- Comparison of the Serological Responses to Moraxella catarrhalis Immun
- Use of Protein Microarrays To Define the Humoral Immune Response in Le
- Comparison of the Inflammatory Responses of Human Meningeal Cells foll
- Cryptococcus neoformans Cells in Biofilms Are Less Susceptible than Pl
- Role of Host Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase SHP-1 in Leishmania donovani
- The Innate Immune Responses of Colonic Epithelial Cells to Trichuris m
- Sensitized CD8+ T Cells Fail To Control Organism Burden but Accelerate
- Disparate Immunoregulatory Potentials for Double-Negative(CD4– CD8–)
- Tsetse Fly Saliva Accelerates the Onset of Trypanosoma brucei Infectio
- Schistosoma japonicum Reinfection after Praziquantel Treatment Causes
- Protection Elicited by Two Glutamine Auxotrophs of Mycobacterium tuber
- Neutralization or Absence of the Interleukin-23 Pathway Does Not Compr
- Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and NADPH Oxidase in Early Con
- Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha- and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase-Produ
- Mycobacterium marinum Infection of Adult Zebrafish Causes Caseating Gr
- The K1 Serotype Capsular Polysaccharide of Porphyromonas gingivalis El
- Early Gamma Interferon and Interleukin-2 Responses to Vaccination Pred
- Human Monoclonal Antibodies Directed against Toxins A and B Prevent Cl
- Immunization with Live Neisseria lactamica Protects Mice against Menin
- Cytosolic Entry Controls CD8+-T-Cell Potency during Bacterial Infectio
- Inflammation stimulates remyelination in areas of chronic demyelinatio
- Efficient myelin repair in the macaque spinal cord by autologous graft
- Down-regulation of apoptosis mediators by RNAi inhibits axotomy-induce
- Reversal of dyskinesias in an animal model of Parkinson's disease by c
- Bilateral subthalamotomy in Parkinson's disease: initial and long-term
- The basal ganglia and rule-governed language use: evidence from vascul
- The role of periventricular nodular heterotopia in epileptogenesis
- A new clinical and molecular form of Unverricht–Lundborg disease local
- Widespread nuclear and cytoplasmic accumulation of mutant androgen rec
- Clinical manifestation and natural course of late-onset Pompe's diseas
- O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine PET combined with MRI improves the d
- Severely increased risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Italian
- Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in children: risk factors, presentati
- Effects of non-invasive cortical stimulation on skilled motor function
- 1 Human Cortical Physiology Section, National Institute of Neurologica
- Early and late HHV-6 gene transcripts in multiple sclerosis lesions an
- Pathologically proven frontotemporal dementia presenting with severe a
- Cross-modal plasticity revealed by electrotactile stimulation of the t
- Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representat
- Impaired recognition of scary music following unilateral temporal lobe
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cell–specific receptor ILT7–FcRI inhibits Toll-
- IFN-dependent, spontaneous development of colorectal carcinomas in SOC
- A cyanobacterial LPS antagonist prevents endotoxin shock and blocks su
- Impaired degranulation but enhanced cytokine production after FcRI sti
- Autoimmune arthritis associated with mutated interleukin(IL)-6 recept
- Vascular endothelial growth factor is an important determinant of seps
- SAP regulates T cell–mediated help for humoral immunity by a mechanism
- The E enhancer controls the generation of CD4–CD8– TCR-expressing T ce
- Vaccination preserves CD4 memory T cells during acute simian immunodef
- Venular basement membranes contain specific matrix protein low express
- An Ixodes scapularis protein required for survival of Anaplasma phagoc
- T helper type 1–specific Brg1 recruitment and remodeling of nucleosome
- Nepmucin, a novel HEV sialomucin, mediates L-selectin–dependent lympho
- Yersinia pseudotuberculosis disseminates directly from a replicating b
- Dysregulated T cell expression of TIM3 in multiple sclerosis
- Role of the caspase-1 inflammasome in Salmonella typhimurium pathogene
- Type 2 immunity is controlled by IL-4/IL-13 expression in hematopoieti
- Malaria infection changes the ability of splenic dendritic cell popula
- Collagens are functional, high affinity ligands for the inhibitory imm
- Forced usage of positively charged amino acids in immunoglobulin CDR-H
- Differential synergy of Notch and T cell receptor signaling determines
- Splenectomy inactivates the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway durin
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- 沙尘扬尘天气注意防病
- 健康女人20必杀技(图)
- 孕妇不必盲目追求剖腹产
- 孕妇做家务也要有所选择
- 孕妇儿童春天警惕风疹流行
- 春季养颜秘方首选天然维生素E
- 合理进补解春困
- “春困”可能是心脑血管疾病“预警”